
Projected Completion

Used for planning and designing a research protocol with focus on study characteristics such as study design, eligibility criteria and requirements from the, World Health Organization (WHO) registries), and EudraCT registries. 
Protocol Concepts
  • Protocol entities batch 1 publication and additional batch development (completed). Will do another batch this year with Package 31.
  • Potential collaboration with TransCelerate Common Protocol Template (concept mapping to Template). No update.
  • First pass on 320 concepts has been done, are under review for publication by the Protocol Entities Team. Completed now under review by the team.
Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH)
Used for data acquisition and allows for efficient recording, exchange, analysis, submission, and archiving of clinical research and metadata.
CDASH Model and IG v2

CDASH Model v1 corresponds with SDTM v 1.4

IG V 2.0 to add new domains to correspond to newer SDTMIG v3.2 domains. Preparing for publication 2017-09-20 



Update CDASHIG to include new domains in SDTMIG 3.3.


E2CComplete mappings from Continuity of Care Document (CCD) to CDASH2017
E2CInitiate mappings from Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) to CDASH2017
E2CWhite paper/demonstration project2018
Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM)

Both FDA and PMDA require that data be submitted in SDTM-based formats for studies initiated after certain dates. Detailed requirements are available on their websites. SDTM also supports data aggregation, warehousing and other important data review activities.

Implementation guides for the SDTM model support human clinical trials (SDTMIG) including data about associated persons (SDTMIG-AP), non-clinical studies (SENDIG), medical devices (SDTMIG-MD), and pharmacogenomics/genetics data (SDTMIG-PGx).

SDTMIG v3.3ongoing


SDTMIG v3.2 Conformance Rules

Rules to assess conformance with SDTMIG v3.2. Completed and published

Medical Devices

Defines SDTM domains related to medical device data; provides guidance on implementing SDTM, SDTMIG and the medical device domains for studies where data about medical devices is captured. 

MD-IG v2Adds new variables (related mostly to safety); provides CDASH data to complement existing MD-IG SDTM examples; includes a complete cardiovascular implant case with consistent data across multiple device and non-device domains; includes solution for relating one AE to multiple devices. Ongoing2017
Analysis Data Model (ADaM)
Defines dataset and metadata standards that support efficient generation, replication, and review of clinical trial statistical analyses, and traceability between analysis results, analysis data, and data represented in the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM). 
ADaMIG v1.2Adds new variables to ADaMIG v1.12017
ADaMIG v?Aligns ADaM Model v2.1 with ADaMIG v1.2 and Define v2.0 and incorporate ADaM appendices into a portfolio. Maybe a v3.0.2018
ADaM IDS v1IDS v1 ADaM Data Structure for Integration: IADSL


ADaM IDS v2IDS v2 ADaM Data Structure for Integration: OCCDS/BDS2018
ADaM ADDL structure for DevicesADDL structure for medical devices2018

XML Technology
Define-XML transmits metadata for SDTM, SEND and ADaM datasets; it is the metadata file sent with every study in each submission, which tells the FDA what datasets, variables, controlled terms, and other specified metadata were used. 
Define-XML v2.1Update of Define-XML schema and specification. Public Review completed, now reviewing Public Review commentsQ4 2017
Mobile Extension


Presentation ODM extension that provides support for multiple devices, including smart phones. Extension library.

Q1 2017

Major update of ODM to include an API, integrated SDM-XML + additional protocol elements, more formal semantic annotations, improved CRF representation, tabular operational datasets, multiple exchange formats, HL7 FHIR alignment, and other anticipated enhancements.

Interim draft releases for testing will be made available prior to the final release in 2019.

Controlled Terminology 
Set of CDISC-developed or CDISC-adopted standard expressions (values) used with data items within CDISC-defined datasets. The CDISC Terminology Team, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute's Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS), supports the controlled terminology needs of all CDISC Foundational Standards (SDTM (Drugs and Devices), CDASH, ADaM, SEND) and all CFAST disease/therapeutic area standards.  
Package 29-32CV, Devices, ECG, General, Lab, Oncology, PGx, PK, Protocol Entities, SEND, Spectype/Speccond, Unit, Virology, QRS, flow cytometry2017
Terminology Modernization
  • Use of SHARE ecosystem tools for development
  • Updates to Change Request form
  • Improve transparency in request status

Create subsets that are clear and well defined in SHARE. Priorities to be determined.

  • Create a process to determine the need for a subset
  • Create a decision tree for approvals
Questionnaires, Ratings and Scales (QRS)
Define and support the Questionnaires, Ratings and Scales (QRS) needs of CDISC standards based on the SDTMIG.
QRS Supplements

New Supplements development based on user request and needs.

QRS Process UpdateUpdating the QRS development process to align with the Foundational Standards development process to include both internal and public reviews of each supplement.2017


Supports Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART)  Embryo and Fetal Development (EFD) study types

 SENDIG v3.0 Conformance RulesDraft of first batch of data conformance rules for SENDIG v3.02017
 SEND Safety PharmacologyDraft safety pharmacology (CNS) for public review2018
 SEND Genetic ToxicologyDraft Genetic toxicology for public review2018
 SEND Dermal / Ocular ToxicologyDraft dermal/ocular for public review2018
Therapeutic Area User Guides (Extensions to the Standards project above)
Describe the most common biomedical concepts relevant to the indication, and the necessary metadata to represent such data consistent with CDISC standards. 
Prostate Cancer v1Q1 2017
Colorectal Cancer v1Q2 2017
Vaccines v1Q2 2017
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy v1Q3 2017
Nutritional Standards v1Q3 2017
Coronary Artery Disease v1 - TCMQ3 2017
PTSD v1Q4 2017
Huntington's Disease v1Q4 2017
HIV v12018
Lung Cancer v12018
CDAD v12018
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