Provide a title for this Work Instruction.
State the purpose of this Work Instruction.
Provide the scope for this Work Instruction.
Indicates if any pre-requisite(s) prior to carrying out this Work Instruction. Put "Not applicable." if this section is not applicable.
List terms (abbreviations, acronyms, technical jargon) referenced in this Work Instruction useful at adding clarity. Put "Not applicable." if this section is not applicable.
Term | Definition |
OAS3 | Open API Specification Version 3. https://www.openapis.org/ |
Roles & Responsibilities
Lists all roles and their responsibilities relevant to this Work Instruction.
Role | Responsibilities |
CDISC Library API Architect | Design and maintain API specification. |
CDISC Library Software Developer | Create programming code to Implement software. |
Describe each step to be taken to complete the scope of this Work Instruction in the prescribed sequence. Use active verb in the Instructions column.
Step # | Role | Instructions |
1.0 | CDISC Library API Architect | Design API specification in OAS3 format in team workspace hosted by Swaggerhub. |
1.1 | CDISC Library API Architect | Inform CDISC Library Software Developer when API specification is ready for implementation. |
2.0 | CDISC Library Software Developer | Implement API endpoints based on the API specification. |
2.1 | CDISC Library Software Developer | Make update suggestions where applicable. |
3.0 | CDISC Library Software Developer | Deploy software code to the development environment. |
General Workflow
Include a general workflow diagram that summarizes this Work Instruction.
List references pertinent to this Work Instruction, e.g., COP-001.