“Is SHARE available now?”
“How do I access eSHARE?”
“What kind of metadata is available in SHARE now?”
“What can I do with SHARE metadata?”
“What is new in SHARE for 2016?”

This is a sample of frequently asked questions at the SHARE booth during the Interchange; the SHARE and eSource demonstration booths were conveniently situated outside the conference break room, where attendees enjoyed their meals and refreshments. With guaranteed foot traffic, the location maximized our opportunity to socialize SHARE’s values and benefits.

We set up a TV monitor at the SHARE booth, looping a presentation slide deck that details what the team accomplished in 2015 and planned for 2016. To the right was the SHARE poster set on an easel. The CDISC model on the poster facilitated many conversations. It diagrams the lay of the land of all CDISC products in a simple way. It depicts product relationships and identifies SHARE deliverables in a single bird’s-eye view.

We also conducted a number of unscripted demonstrations. They ranged from signing onto eSHARE, reviewing different types of metadata offered, looking under the hood and the inside of SHARE, and introducing the SHARE WIKI. The curious audience often charmed by Semantics Manager, the front-end interface of SHARE, especially how it intuitively displays the inter-connection of CDASH, SDTM, ADaM, Controlled Terminology, BRIDG, and ISO 21090.

Many people were very interested in our biomedical concept development. They believed metadata such as protocol elements (e.g., objectives, endpoints) and value-level metadata (e.g., variables, codelist subsets, and value lists) would help streamline processes and enable software automation. From conversations, late stage data conversion and retrospective Define.xml creation are still running rampant in the industry. SHARE can certainly do more to influence a paradigm shift so people will no longer need to tackle information chaos with “black box” operations using archaic technology.

In closing, please watch our eSHARE Gold Member Rollout webinar recorded on 2015-09-10 from the CDISC webinar archive. It gives a thorough overview of eSHARE. Furthermore, this short iSHARE video is first of the mini-series designed to show how the metadata repository manages our standards.

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