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Draft Findings Qualifier Relationships (Copy) (109 items)

[[Usage Restrictions, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [, --TEST, Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --TESTCD], [, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --TEST, Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP domain only, --SBMRKS, Sublineage Marker String, Specifies the markers used to identify the sub-lineage tested in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP domain only, --CELSTA, Cell State, Specifies the cell state of the population tested in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP domain only, --CSMRKS, Cell State Marker String, Specifies the markers used to identify the cell state named in, SPECIFIES, --CELSTA, Cell State], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --TSTCND, Test Condition, Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --BDAGNT, Binding Agent, Is the substance bound to the analyte in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --TSTOPO, Test Operational Objective, Is the operational objective of the test in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [IS domain only, --MSCBCE, Molecule Secreted by Cells, Specifies the molecule secreted by the cell type in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [MS domain only, --CONC, Agent Concentration, Is the concentration of the drug in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --AGENT, Agent Name], [, NHOID, Non-Host Organism Identifier, is the organism tested in, IS_ORGANISM_TESTED_IN, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [MS domain only, --AGENT, Agent Name, is the drug for which susceptibility of an organism is tested in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [MS domain only, --CONCU, Agent Concentration Units, Is the unit for the concentration in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --CONC, Agent Concentration], [, --MODIFY, Modified Result Term, Is the altered version of the collected value in, MODIFIES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --TSTDTL, Measurement, Test, or Examination Detail, Further describes the test in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --CAT, Category, Groups values in, GROUPS, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --CAT, Category, Groups values in, GROUPS, --SCAT, Subcategory], [, --SCAT, Subcategory, values are grouped by, IS_GROUPED_BY, --CAT, Category], [, --SCAT, Subcategory, Groups values in, GROUPS, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --POS, Position of Subject During Observation, is the subject position during performance of the test in , IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units, Is the result of the test in, IS_RESULT_OF, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units], [, --ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units], [, --ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORREF, Reference Result in Original Units], [, --COLSRT, Collected Summary Result Type, Is the pre-collection summary performed on the measurement in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --ORNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --ORNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --ORREF, Reference Result in Original Units, Is a reference value for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --LLOD, Lower Limit of Detection, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format, Is the result of the test in , IS_RESULT_OF, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format, Is derived from, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units, Is the result of the test in , IS_RESULT_OF, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units, Is derived from, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [, --STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units, Is copied from \n Has predecessor, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STREFC, Reference Result in Standard Format], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STREFN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --LLOQ, Lower Limit of Quantitation], [, --STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ULOQ, Upper Limit of Quantitation], [, --STNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --STNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --STNRC, Normal Range for Character Results, Is a set of reference values for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --STREFC, Reference Result in Standard Format, Is a reference value for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --STREFN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units, Is a reference value for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --NRIND, Normal/Reference Range Indicator, Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in, CLASSIFIES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --NRIND, Normal/Reference Range Indicator, Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [, --NRIND, Normal/Reference Range Indicator, Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [, --RESCAT, Result Category, Is a grouping of values in, CLASSIFIES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --RESCAT, Result Category, Is a grouping of values in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [, --RESCAT, Result Category, Is a grouping of values in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --INHERT, Inheritability, Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --INHERT, Inheritability, Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC;, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --INHERT, Inheritability, Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --GENREF, Genome Reference, Identifies the reference used in the genomic test in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [GF domain only, --CHROM, Chromosome Identifier, Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --CHROM, Chromosome Identifier, Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --CHROM, Chromosome Identifier, Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --SYM, Genomic Symbol, Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --SYM, Genomic Symbol, Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --SYM, Genomic Symbol, Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity represented by the symbol in, IS_SPECIFIED_BY, --SYM, Genomic Symbol], [GF domain only, --GENLOC, Genetic Location, Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --GENLOC, Genetic Location, Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --GENLOC, Genetic Location, Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is the genetic sub-location of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is the genetic sub-location of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is the genetic sub-location of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is a name for a gentic region within the genetic entity represented by, SPECIFIES, --SYM, Genomic Symbol], [GF domain only, --SEQID, Sequence Identifier, Is an identifier for the genetic sequence of the genetic entity represented by, IDENTIFIES, --SYM, Genomic Symbol], [GF domain only, --PVRID, Published Variant Identifier, Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --PVRID, Published Variant Identifier, Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --PVRID, Published Variant Identifier, Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --COPYID, Copy Identifier, Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --COPYID, Copy Identifier, Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --COPYID, Copy Identifier, Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [, --CHRON, Chronicity of Finding, Is the chronicity of the finding in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [, --CHRON, Chronicity of Finding, Is the description of chronicity included in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --DISTR, Distribution Pattern of Finding, Is the distribution of the finding in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [, --DISTR, Distribution Pattern of Finding, Is the description of distribution included in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --LOINC, LOINC Code, identifies an observation described by, IDENTIFIES_OBSERVATION, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [Specimen-based domains only, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type, Is the specimen tested in, IS_SPECIMEN_TESTED_IN, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [Specimen-based domains only, --ANTREG, Anatomical Region, Specifies an anatomical region within, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [, --LOC, Location Used for the Measurement, Specifies the anatomical location of the performance of the test in \n For tests performed on the subject, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [Specimen-based domains only, --LOC, Location Used for the Measurement, Specifies the anatomical location of the collection of the specimen in \n For tests performed on a specimen, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [, --LAT, Laterality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC;, Location Used for the Measurement], [Specimen-based domains only, --LAT, Laterality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [, --DIR, Directionality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location Used for the Measurement], [Specimen-based domains only, --DIR, Directionality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [, --PORTOT, Portion or Totality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location Used for the Measurement], [Specimen-based domains only, --PORTOT, Portion or Totality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [, --METHOD, Method of Test or Examination, Is the method for the test in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --EVALID, Evaluator Identifier, Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role in, IDENTIFIES, --EVAL, Evaluator], [, --EVAL, Evaluator, Is the role of the assessor who performed the test in, PERFORMS, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --EVAL, Evaluator, Is the role of the assessor who provided the result in, PROVIDES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --FAST, Fasting Status, is the subject's fasting status during the performance of the test in, IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --TOX, Toxicity, Is dictionary-derived from the analyte in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --TOXGR, Toxicity Grade, Is the dictionary-derived severity of the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [, --LLOQ, Lower Limit of Quantitation, Is part of the range of values that can be quantified for the analyte in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --ULOQ, Upper Limit of Quantitation, Is is the largest value that can be quantified for the analyte in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --OBJ, Object of the Observation, is the object of the observation in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --CLSIG, Clinically Significant, Collected, Is the clinical significance interpretation for, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units]]

All Findings Domain Qualifier Relationships (66 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--TEST, Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --TESTCD], [--TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --TEST, Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--TSTOPO, Test Operational Objective, Is the operational objective of the test in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [NHOID, Non-Host Organism Identifier, is the organism tested in, IS_ORGANISM_TESTED_IN, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--MODIFY, Modified Result Term, Is the altered version of the collected value in, MODIFIES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--TSTDTL, Measurement, Test, or Examination Detail, Further describes the test in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--CAT, Category, Groups values in, GROUPS, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--CAT, Category, Groups values in, GROUPS, --SCAT, Subcategory], [--SCAT, Subcategory, values are grouped by, IS_GROUPED_BY, --CAT, Category], [--SCAT, Subcategory, Groups values in, GROUPS, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--POS, Position of Subject During Observation, is the subject position during performance of the test in , IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units, Is the result of the test in, IS_RESULT_OF, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units], [--ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units], [--ORRESU, Original Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ORREF, Reference Result in Original Units], [--COLSRT, Collected Summary Result Type, Is the pre-collection summary performed on the measurement in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--ORNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--ORNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--ORREF, Reference Result in Original Units, Is a reference value for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--LLOD, Lower Limit of Detection, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format, Is the result of the test in , IS_RESULT_OF, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format, Is derived from, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units, Is the result of the test in , IS_RESULT_OF, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units, Is derived from, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [--STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units, Is copied from \n Has predecessor, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STREFC, Reference Result in Standard Format], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --STREFN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --LLOQ, Lower Limit of Quantitation], [--STRESU, Standard Units, Is the unit for the value in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --ULOQ, Upper Limit of Quantitation], [--STNRLO, Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--STNRHI, Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units, Is part of the reference range for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--STNRC, Normal Range for Character Results, Is a set of reference values for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--STREFC, Reference Result in Standard Format, Is a reference value for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--STREFN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units, Is a reference value for a population tested in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--NRIND, Normal/Reference Range Indicator, Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in, CLASSIFIES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--NRIND, Normal/Reference Range Indicator, Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [--NRIND, Normal/Reference Range Indicator, Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [--RESCAT, Result Category, Is a grouping of values in, CLASSIFIES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--RESCAT, Result Category, Is a grouping of values in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [--RESCAT, Result Category, Is a grouping of values in, CLASSIFIES, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [--CHRON, Chronicity of Finding, Is the chronicity of the finding in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [--CHRON, Chronicity of Finding, Is the description of chronicity included in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--DISTR, Distribution Pattern of Finding, Is the distribution of the finding in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [--DISTR, Distribution Pattern of Finding, Is the description of distribution included in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--LOINC, LOINC Code, identifies an observation described by, IDENTIFIES_OBSERVATION, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--LOC, Location Used for the Measurement, Specifies the anatomical location of the performance of the test in \n For tests performed on the subject, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--LAT, Laterality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC;, Location Used for the Measurement], [--DIR, Directionality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location Used for the Measurement], [--PORTOT, Portion or Totality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location Used for the Measurement], [--METHOD, Method of Test or Examination, Is the method for the test in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--EVALID, Evaluator Identifier, Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role in, IDENTIFIES, --EVAL, Evaluator], [--EVAL, Evaluator, Is the role of the assessor who performed the test in, PERFORMS, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--EVAL, Evaluator, Is the role of the assessor who provided the result in, PROVIDES, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--FAST, Fasting Status, is the subject's fasting status during the performance of the test in, IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--TOX, Toxicity, Is dictionary-derived from the analyte in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--TOXGR, Toxicity Grade, Is the dictionary-derived severity of the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [--LLOQ, Lower Limit of Quantitation, Is part of the range of values that can be quantified for the analyte in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--ULOQ, Upper Limit of Quantitation, Is is the largest value that can be quantified for the analyte in, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--OBJ, Object of the Observation, is the object of the observation in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [--CLSIG, Clinically Significant, Collected, Is the clinical significance interpretation for, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units]]

CP Domain Qualifier Relationships (6 items)

[[Usage Restrictions, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [CP domain only, --SBMRKS, Sublineage Marker String, Specifies the markers used to identify the sub-lineage tested in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP domain only, --CELSTA, Cell State, Specifies the cell state of the population tested in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP domain only, --CSMRKS, Cell State Marker String, Specifies the markers used to identify the cell state named in, SPECIFIES, --CELSTA, Cell State], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --TSTCND, Test Condition, Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --BDAGNT, Binding Agent, Is the substance bound to the analyte in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam]]

GF domain Qualifier Relationships (29 items)

[[Usage Restrictions, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [GF domain only, --INHERT, Inheritability, Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --INHERT, Inheritability, Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC;, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --INHERT, Inheritability, Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --GENREF, Genome Reference, Identifies the reference used in the genomic test in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [GF domain only, --CHROM, Chromosome Identifier, Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --CHROM, Chromosome Identifier, Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --CHROM, Chromosome Identifier, Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --SYM, Genomic Symbol, Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --SYM, Genomic Symbol, Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --SYM, Genomic Symbol, Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --SYMTYP, Genomic Symbol Type, Is the type of genomic entity represented by the symbol in, IS_SPECIFIED_BY, --SYM, Genomic Symbol], [GF domain only, --GENLOC, Genetic Location, Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --GENLOC, Genetic Location, Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --GENLOC, Genetic Location, Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is the genetic sub-location of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is the genetic sub-location of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is the genetic sub-location of the result in, IS_POSITION_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --GENSR, Genetic Sub-Region, Is a name for a gentic region within the genetic entity represented by, SPECIFIES, --SYM, Genomic Symbol], [GF domain only, --SEQID, Sequence Identifier, Is an identifier for the genetic sequence of the genetic entity represented by, IDENTIFIES, --SYM, Genomic Symbol], [GF domain only, --PVRID, Published Variant Identifier, Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --PVRID, Published Variant Identifier, Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --PVRID, Published Variant Identifier, Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units], [GF domain only, --COPYID, Copy Identifier, Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --ORRES, Result or Finding in Original Units], [GF domain only, --COPYID, Copy Identifier, Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESC, Result or Finding in Standard Format], [GF domain only, --COPYID, Copy Identifier, Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --STRESN, Numeric Reference Result in Std Units]]

IS Domain Qualifier Relationships (4 items)

[[Usage Restrictions, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --TSTCND, Test Condition, Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --BDAGNT, Binding Agent, Is the substance bound to the analyte in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [IS domain only, --MSCBCE, Molecule Secreted by Cells, Specifies the molecule secreted by the cell type in, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam]]

LB Domain Qualifier Relationships (3 items)

[[Usage Restrictions, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --TSTCND, Test Condition, Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform, SPECIFIES, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [CP, IS, and LB domains only, --BDAGNT, Binding Agent, Is the substance bound to the analyte in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam]]

MS Domain Qualifier Relationships (4 items)

[[Usage Restrictions, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [MS domain only, --CONC, Agent Concentration, Is the concentration of the drug in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --AGENT, Agent Name], [MS domain only, --AGENT, Agent Name, is the drug for which susceptibility of an organism is tested in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [MS domain only, --CONCU, Agent Concentration Units, Is the unit for the concentration in, IS_UNIT_FOR, --CONC, Agent Concentration]]

Specimen-Based Findings Qualifier Relationships (7 items)

[[Usage Restrictions, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [Specimen-based domains only, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type, Is the specimen tested in, IS_SPECIMEN_TESTED_IN, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [Specimen-based domains only, --ANTREG, Anatomical Region, Specifies an anatomical region within, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [Specimen-based domains only, --LOC, Location Used for the Measurement, Specifies the anatomical location of the collection of the specimen in \n For tests performed on a specimen, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [Specimen-based domains only, --LAT, Laterality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [Specimen-based domains only, --DIR, Directionality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [Specimen-based domains only, --PORTOT, Portion or Totality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type]]

Events variable relationships (33 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--MODIFY , Modified Reported Term, is the modified value for the value in, MODIFIES, --TERM, Reported Term], [--LLT, Lowest Level Term, Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--LLT, Lowest Level Term, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --LLTCD, Lowest Level Term Code], [--LLTCD, Lowest Level Term Code, Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--LLTCD, Lowest Level Term Code, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --LLT, Lowest Level Term], [--DECOD, Dictionary-Derived Term, Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in;, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--PTCD, Preferred Term Code, Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--PTCD, Preferred Term Code, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --DECOD, Dictionary-Derived Term], [--HLT, High Level Term, Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--HLT, High Level Term, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --HLTCD, High Level Term Code], [--HLTCD, High Level Term Code, Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--HLTCD, High Level Term Code, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --HLT, High Level Term], [--HLGT, High Level Group Term, Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--HLGT, High Level Group Term, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --HLGTCD, High Level Group Term Code], [--HLGTCD, High Level Group Term Code, Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--HLGTCD, High Level Group Term Code, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --HLGT, High Level Group Term], [--BODSYS, Body System or Organ Class, Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--BODSYS, Body System or Organ Class, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --BDSYCD, Body System or Organ Class Code], [--BDSYCD, Body System or Organ Class Code, Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--BDSYCD, Body System or Organ Class Code, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --BODSYS, Body System or Organ Class], [--SOC, Primary System Organ Class, Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--SOC, Primary System Organ Class, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --SOCCD, Primary System Organ Class Code], [--SOCCD, Primary System Organ Class Code, Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--SOCCD, Primary System Organ Class Code, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --SOC, Primary System Organ Class], [--PRESP, Pre-Specified, Indicates pre-specification of the value in, IS_INDICATOR_FOR, --TERM, Reported Term], [--LOC, Location of Event, Specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --TERM, Reported Term], [--LAT, Laterality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location of Event], [--DIR, Directionality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location of Event], [--PORTOT, Portion or Totality, Further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location of Event], [--PRTYID, Identification of Accountable Party, Identifies the entity playing the role in, IDENTIFIES, --PARTY, Accountable Party], [--TOX, Toxicity, Is dictionary-derived from, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TERM, Reported Term], [--TOXGR, Toxicity Grade, is the severity of the toxicity in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TERM, Reported Term]]

Interventions variable relationships (25 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--MODIFY, Modified Treatment Name, is the modified value for the value in, MODIFIES, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--DECOD, Standardized Treatment Name, is the dictionary-derived term for the value in, DECODES, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--CLAS, Class, is the dictionary-derived class name for the value in, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--CLAS, Class, decodes, DECODES, --CLASCD, Class Code], [--CLASCD, Class Code, is the dictionary-derived class code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--CLASCD, Class Code, codes, IS_DERIVED_FROM, --CLAS, Class], [--PRESP, Pre-Specified, Indicates pre-specification of the value in, IS_INDICATOR_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--DOSE, Dose, is the administered amount of the treatment in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--DOSU, Dose Units, is the unit for, IS_UNIT_FOR, --DOSE, Dose], [--DOSU, Dose Units, is the unit for, IS_UNIT_FOR, --DOSTXT, Dose Description], [--DOSU, Dose Units, is the unit for, IS_UNIT_FOR, --DOSTOT, Total Daily Dose], [--FTDOSD, Factor for Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr, is dose administered (--DOSE), as a multiple of the Toxic/Physiologic Dose described in, MULTIPLIES, --TDOSD, Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr], [--FTDOSD, Factor for Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr, is the multiplier of --TDOSD that gives the dose in, MULTIPLIES, --DOSE, Dose], [--TDOSD, Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr, is the name of a toxic/Physiologic Dose for the treatment in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--DOSFRM, Dose Form, is the physical form of the product in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--LOC, Location of Administration, is the administration anatomical location for the treatment in, SPECIFIES, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--LAT, Laterality, further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location of Administration], [--DIR, Directionality, further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location of Administration], [--PORTOT, Portion or Totality, further specifies the anatomical location in, SPECIFIES, --LOC, Location of Administration], [--PSTRG, Pharmaceutical Strength, is the pharmaceutical strength of the product in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--PSTRGU, Pharmaceutical Strength Units, is the unit for, IS_UNIT_FOR, --PSTRG, Pharmaceutical Strength], [--TRTV, Treatment Vehicle, is the vehicle used in the administration of the substance in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--VAMT, Treatment Vehicle Amount, is the amount of the prepared product used in the administration of the substance in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [--VAMTU, Treatment Vehicle Amount Units, is the unit for, IS_UNIT_FOR, --VAMT, Treatment Vehicle Amount]]

Timing Variable Relationships (28 items)

[[Context, Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [, VISITNUM, Visit Number, Is the numeric value for, IS_NAMED_BY, VISIT, Visit Name], [, VISIT, Visit Name, Is a name for the value in, NAMES, VISITNUM, Visit Number], [, VISITDY, Planned Study Day of Visit, is the planned study day for, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, VISITNUM, Visit Number], [, --NOMLBL, Label for Nominal Study Day, is a label for the value in, SPECIFIES, --NOMDY, Nominal Study Day for Tabulations], [, --TPT, Planned Time Point Name, Is the name for the value in, NAMES, --TPTNUM, Planned Time Point Number], [, --TPTNUM, Planned Time Point Number, Is a numeric value for, IS_NAMED_BY, --TPT, Planned Time Point Name], [, --DTC, Date/Time of Collection, Is the datetime of the timepoint in, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TPTNUM, Planned Time Point Number], [, --ELTM, Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref, is the planned elapsed time of the timepoint relative to, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TPTREF, Time Point Reference], [, --TPTREF, Time Point Reference, is the reference for, IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR, --TPTNUM, Planned Time Point Number], [, --RFTDTC, Date/Time of Reference Time Point, is the date of, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TPTREF, Time Point Reference], [, --EVLINT, Evaluation Interval, , IS_TIMING_FOR, --DTC, Date/Time of Collection], [Interventions, --DTC, Date/Time of Collection, is the date of collection for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [Interventions, --STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation, is the start date for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [Interventions, --ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation, is the end date for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TRT, Name of Treatment], [Events, --DTC, , is the date of collection for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TERM, Reported Term], [Events, --STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation, is the start date for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TERM, Reported Term], [Events, --ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation, is the end date for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TERM, Reported Term], [Findings, --DTC, Date/Time of Collection, is the date of occurrence, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [Findings, --DTC, Date/Time of Collection, is the date of occurrence, IS_TIMING_FOR, --METHOD, Method of Test or Examination], [Findings, --DTC, Date/Time of Collection, is the date of collection for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --SPEC, Specimen Material Type], [Findings, --ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation, is the end date for, IS_TIMING_FOR, --TESTCD, Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam], [, --DY, Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam, is the study day corresponding to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --DTC, Date/Time of Collection], [, --DY, Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam, is the study day relative to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, RFSTDTC, Subject Reference Start Date/Time], [, --STDY, Study Day of Start of Observation, is the study day corresponding to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation], [, --STDY, Study Day of Start of Observation, is the study day relative to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, RFSTDTC, Subject Reference Start Date/Time], [, --ENDY, Study Day of End of Observation, is the study day corresponding to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation], [, --ENDY, Study Day of End of Observation, is the study day relative to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, RFSTDTC, Subject Reference Start Date/Time]]

CO Variable Relationships (2 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--EVALID, Evaluator Identifier, Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role in, IDENTIFIES, --EVAL, Evaluator]]

DM VariableRelationships (11 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [INVNAM, Investigator Name, is the name of the investigator whose identifier is in, NAMES, INVID, Investigator Identifier], [INVID, Investigator Identifier, is the identifier for the investigator whose name is in, IS_NAMED_BY, INVNAM, Investigator Name], [SITEID, Study Site Identifier, is the facility of the investigator in, , INVID, Investigator Identifier], [COUNTRY, Country, Is the country of the site in, IS_IDENTIFIED_BY, SITEID, Study Site Identifier], [AGEU, Age Units, is the unit for, IS_UNIT_FOR, AGE, Age], [AGEU, Age Units, is the unit for, IS_UNIT_FOR, AGETXT, Age Text], [ARM, Description of Planned Arm, decodes, DECODES, ARMCD, Planned Arm Code], [ARMCD, Planned Arm Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, ARM, Description of Planned Arm], [ACTARM, Description of Actual Arm, decodes, DECODES, ACTARMCD, Actual Arm Code], [ACTARMCD, Planned Arm Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, ACTARM, Description of Actual Arm]]

Draft Relationships Table for SJ (Copy) (8 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, RSTAGE, Description of Repro Stage], [RSTAGE, Description of Repro Stage, decodes the value in, DECODES, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code], [--UPDES, Description of Unplanned Element, describes the unplanned repro stage in, , RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code], [--STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation, Is the start date/time of the element in, IS_TIMING_FOR, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code], [--ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation, Is the end date/time of the element in, IS_TIMING_FOR, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code], [--STDY, Study Day of Start of Observation, is the study day corresponding to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation], [--ENDY, Study Day of End of Observation, is the study day relative to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --ENDTC, Subject Reference Start Date/Time]]

SE Variable Relationships (8 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [ETCD, Element Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, ELEMENT, Description of Element], [ELEMENT, Description of Element, decodes the value in, DECODES, ETCD, Element Code], [--UPDES, Description of Unplanned Element, describes the unplanned element in, IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR, ETCD, Element Code], [--STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation, Is the start date/time of the element in, IS_TIMING_FOR, ETCD, Element Code], [--ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation, Is the end date/time of the element in, IS_TIMING_FOR, ETCD, Element Code], [--STDY, Study Day of Start of Observation, is the study day corresponding to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation], [--ENDY, Study Day of End of Observation, is the study day relative to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --ENDTC, Subject Reference Start Date/Time]]

SM Variable Relationships (6 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [VISITNUM, MIDSTYPE, is the type of disease milestone in, CLASSIFIES, MIDS, Disease Milestone Instance Name], [--STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation, Is the start date/time of the disease milestone in, IS_TIMING_FOR, MIDS, Disease Milestone Instance Name], [--ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation, Is the end date/time of the disease milestone in, IS_TIMING_FOR, MIDS, Disease Milestone Instance Name], [--STDY, Study Day of Start of Observation, is the study day corresponding to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation], [--ENDY, Study Day of End of Observation, is the study day relative to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --ENDTC, Subject Reference Start Date/Time]]

SV Variable Relationships (9 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [VISITNUM, Visit Number, Is the numeric value for, IS_NAMED_BY, VISIT, Visit Name], [VISIT, Visit Name, Is a name for the value in, NAMES, VISITNUM, Visit Number], [VISITDY, Planned Study Day of Visit, is the planned study day for, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, VISITNUM, Visit Number], [--PRESP, Pre-Specified, indicates the pre-specification in the protocol of the visit in, IS_INDICATOR_FOR, VISITNUM, Visit Number], [--STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation, Is the start date/time of the visit in, IS_TIMING_FOR, VISIT, Visit Name], [--ENDTC, End Date/Time of Observation, Is the end date/time of the visit in, IS_TIMING_FOR, VISIT, Visit Name], [--STDY, Study Day of Start of Observation, is the study day corresponding to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --STDTC, Start Date/Time of Observation], [--ENDY, Study Day of End of Observation, is the study day relative to, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, --ENDTC, Subject Reference Start Date/Time]]

AC Variable Relationships (3 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--PARMCD, Challenge Agent Parameter Short Name, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, --PARM, Challenge Agent Parameter], [--PARM, Challenge Agent Parameter, decodes the value in, ETCD, --PARMCD, Challenge Agent Parameter Short Name]]

TA Variable Relationships (5 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [ARM, Description of Planned Arm, decodes, DECODES, ARMCD, Planned Arm Code], [ARMCD, Planned Arm Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, ARM, Description of Planned Arm], [ETCD, Element Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, ELEMENT, Description of Element], [ELEMENT, Description of Element, decodes, DECODES, ETCD, Element Code]]

TE Variable Relationships (6 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [ETCD, Element Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, ELEMENT, Description of Element], [ELEMENT, Description of Element, decodes the value in, DECODES, ETCD, Element Code], [TESTRL, Rule for Start of Element, is the rule for starting the element in, IS_TIMING_FOR, ETCD, Element Code], [TEENRL, Rule for End of Element, is the rule for ending the element in, IS_TIMING_FOR, ETCD, Element Code], [TEDUR, Planned Duration of Element, is the planned duration for the element in, IS_TIMING_FOR, ETCD, Element Code]]

TI Variable Relationships (9 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--TEST, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion, Decodes the value in, DECODES, --TESTCD, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name], [--TESTCD, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name, Is the code for the value in, IS_DECODED_BY, --TEST, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion], [--CAT, Category, Groups values in, GROUPS, --TESTCD, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name], [--CAT, Category, Groups values in, GROUPS, --SCAT, Subcategory], [--SCAT, Subcategory, values are grouped by, IS_GROUPED_BY, --CAT, Category], [--SCAT, Subcategory, Groups values in, GROUPS, --TESTCD, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name], [TIRL, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Rule, Is the computer-executable version of the inclusion/criterion in, , --TESTCD, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name], [TIVERS, Protocol Criteria Versions, is the version that includes the inclusion/criterion in, , --TESTCD, Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name]]

TP Variable Relationships (5 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [RPATH, Description of Planned Repro Path, decodes, DECODES, RPATHCD, Planned Repro Path Code], [RPATHCD, Planned Repro Path Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, RPATH, Description of Planned Repro Path], [RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, RSTAGE, Description of Repro Stage], [RSTAGE, Description of Repro Stage, decodes the value in, DECODES, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code]]

TS Variable Relationships (10 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--PARMCD, Trial Ssummary Parameter Short Name, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, --PARM, Trial Summary Parameter], [--PARM, Trial Summary Parameter, decodes the value in, DECODES, --PARMCD, Trial Summary Parameter Short Name], [--VAL, Parameter Value, is the value of the property identified by, , --PARMCD, Trial Summary Parameter Short Name], [--VAL, Parameter Value, is the value of the property identified by, , --PARMCD, Trial Summary Parameter Short Name], [--VAL, Parameter Value, decodes, DECODES, --VALCD, Parameter value code], [--VALNF, Parameter Value, is the null flavor of the property identified by, , --PARMCD, Trial Summary Parameter Short Name], [--VALCD, Parameter Value, is the code fo, IS_DECODED_BY, --VAL, Parameter value], [--VALCDREF, Parameter Value, is the name of the reference terminology for, , --VALCD, Parameter value code], [--VALCDVER, Parameter Value, is the version of the reference terminology in, , --VALCDREF, Trial Summary Parameter Short Name]]

TT Variable Relationships (6 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, RSTAGE, Description of Repro Stage], [RSTAGE, Description of Repro Stage, decodes the value in, DECODES, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code], [--STRL, Rule for Start of Element, is the rule for starting the repro stage in, IS_TIMING_FOR, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code], [--ENRL, Rule for End of Element, is the rule for ending the repro stage in, IS_TIMING_FOR, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code], [--DUR, Planned Duration of Element, is the planned duration for the repro stage in, IS_TIMING_FOR, RSTGCD, Repro Stage Code]]

TV Variable Relationships (6 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [VISITNUM, Visit Number, Is the numeric value for, IS_NAMED_BY, VISIT, Visit Name], [VISIT, Visit Name, Is a name for the value in, NAMES, VISITNUM, Visit Number], [VISITDY, Planned Study Day of Visit, is the planned study day for, IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR, VISITNUM, Visit Number], [ARM, Description of Planned Arm, decodes, DECODES, ARMCD, Planned Arm Code], [ARMCD, Planned Arm Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, ARM, Description of Planned Arm]]

TX Variable Relationships (5 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [SET, Set Description, decodes, DECODES, SETCD, Set Code], [SETCD, Set Code, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, SET, Set Description], [--PARMCD, Trial Set Parameter Short Name, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, --PARM, Trial Set Parameter], [--PARM, Trial Set Parameter, decodes the value in, DECODES, --PARMCD, Trial Set Parameter Short Name]]

Draft Relationships Table for SUPPQUAL (Copy) (5 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [QLABEL, Qualifier Variable Label, is the label for, , QNAM, Qualifier Variable Name], [QVAL, Data Value, is the is the value for, , QNAM, Qualifier Variable Name], [QORIG, Origin, is the origin for, , QVAL, Data Value], [QEVAL, Evaluator, is the source for, , QVAL, Data Value]]

RELREF Variable Relationships (3 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [LEVEL, Reference ID Generation Level, is the hierarchical level of, , REFID, Reference ID], [LVLDESC, Reference ID Level Description, describes the type of level in, , LEVEL, Reference ID Generation Level]]

RELSPEC Variable Relationships (3 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [LEVEL, Specimen Level, is the hierarchical level of, , REFID, Reference ID], [SPEC, Specimen Type, is the material type of the specimen in, , REFID, Reference ID]]

OI Variable Relationships (3 items)

[[Subject Variable, Subject Variable Label, Linking Phrase, Predicate Term, Object Variable, Object Variable Label], [--PARMCD, Non-host Organism ID Element Short Name, is the code for, IS_DECODED_BY, --PARM, Non-host Organism ID Element Name], [--PARM, Non-host Organism ID Element Name, decodes the value in, DECODES, --PARMCD, Non-host Organism ID Element Short Name]]

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