
TopBraid Composer Standard EditionVisual modeling, RDF editing, SPARQL, clone project git repo
PostmanSHARE API access and testing

Installing TopBraid Composer SE

  1. Obtain installation at
  2. Select Standard Edition
  3. For version 5.5, go to this SharePoint site:
  4. Unzip the file on a local machine folder. Note: TopBraid SE does not require typical Windows installation
  5. Select TopBraid Composer.exe from the unzipped folder to launch the software
  6. Follow TopBraid instructions for setting up a workspace
  7. Follow TopBraid instructions for entering license to activate the software

Setting up SHARE 2.0 Git Repo

For fresh new clone

  1. In TopBraid, switch to Git perspective: Window > Perspective > Other Perspective > Other... > Git
  2. Select the Clone a Git repository option
  3. In the Source Git Repository dialog box, 
  4. In the same dialog box, select connection protocol & authentication method:
    1. For https as Protocol:
      1. Enter as Location's URI. This will auto-populate Host, Repository Path, Protocol and Port
      2. Enter WIKI/JIRA credentials in the Authentication section.
      3. Enable Store in Secure Store, if this feature is desired.
    2. For ssh as Protocol (refer this page for details in setting up individual SSH key:
      1. Ensure an SSH key is applied to the user account here:
      2. Enter ssh:// as Location's URI. This will auto-populate Host, Repository Path, Protocol, Port, and User
      3. Leave blank in Authentication | Password.
      4. Enable Store in Secure Store, if this feature is desired.
      5. Click Next
      6. Enter passphrase that is attached to the encryption key, e.g, RSA
  5. Click Next
  6. In the Branch Selection dialog box, be sure master is selected
  7. Click Next
  8. In the Local Destination dialog box, select a desired Directory
  9. Click Finish
  10. The software will begin cloning the repo
  11. (red star) Open the Git Staging view and perform an Ignore to the .project file. Once completed, another .gitignore file will appear on the Git Staging view. Perform an Ignore to it as well.

For reusing cloned local repo

  1. In TopBraid, switch to git perspective: Window > Perspective > Other Perspective > Other... > Git
  2. Select the Add an existing local Git repository option
  3. Select a local directory where a local Git repository resides
  4. Click Finish

Creating a TopBraid Project

  1. In the TopBraid, switch to TopBraid perspective: Window > Perspective > Other Perspective > Other... > TopBraid
  2. Create a new project by importing from the Git repository: File > Import... > Git > Projects from Git
  3. Click Next
  4. Select Existing local repository
  5. Select the share-2-0 local repository
  6. Select Import as general project
  7. Click Next
  8. Click Finish

Installing Postman

  1. Obtain a Postman account from CDISC IT (i.e., user license)
  2. Obtain installation at
  3. Here is a couple of useful tips in case installation goes less than smoothly
  4. Follow installation instruction and log into the software
  5. Join the collection, i.e., ask Sam, current owner team workspace admin, for an invitation
  • No labels


  1. If I load a repository into TopBraid, but update using Git with Source Tree, does TopBraid "understand" the updates?

    1. Yep.

      If the said TopBraid project is set up as a git repo, it is likely to be automatic. If it is set up as a linked folder, you may need to do a Refresh (F5) at the tree folder.

      FWIW, since I wanted to avoid merge conflicts, my TopBraid setup is linked folder.

      Just like many things in I.T., always multiple implementation options.