Model Documentation

The OutputDisplay class is used:

  • In the display attribute of an instance of the OrderedDisplay class representing 1 of the ordered displays within the displays attribute of an output.
  • To specify text values to be used in different parts (or "sections") of the display (e.g., titles, footnotes).

ER Diagram: OutputDisplay

An instance of the OutputDisplay class is created for each display in an output and, in each instance:

  • The id attribute contains the identifier value assigned for the display.
  • The version attribute contains the version number of the display.
  • The name attribute indicates the assigned name of the display (e.g., "Table 14.1.2", "Table 14.3.1"). The display name should be unique within the reporting event.
  • The description attribute may be used to record a detailed description of the display.
  • The label attribute may be used to record a short descriptive label for the display.
  • The displayTitle attribute contains a textual description of the display (e.g., "Summary of Demographics and Baseline Characteristics - Safety", "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events"). The display name should also be unique within the reporting event.
  • The displaySections attribute contains a list of display sections for which text values have been defined.

The following diagram indicates the display sections for which text values may be defined.

Display Sections

Within the displaySections attribute, each section of a display is represented as an instance of the DisplaySection class, which includes the following attributes:

  • sectionType, which includes a value from the DisplaySectionTypeEnum enumeration (e.g., "Title", "Footnote", "Abbreviation") to indicate which section of the display contains the specified text values.
  • orderedSubSections, which contains a list of ordered text value specifications (or "subsections"), each of which is represented as an instance of one of the specializations of the OrderedDisplaySubSection class:
    • OrderedSubSection, which contains a new subsection specification represented in the subSection attribute as an instance of the DisplaySubSection class that contains the text value in the text attribute and an assigned identifier value in the id attribute.
    • OrderedSubSectionRef, which contains, in the subSectionId attribute, the identifier of a subsection that has already been defined, either as part of a global display section (as described in the GlobalDisplaySection section) or within another display section.

In both specializations of the OrderedDisplaySubSection class, the order attribute contains an integer to order the subsection with respect to other sub-sections in the display section (i.e., "1" for the first subsection in the display section, "2" for the second subsection, and so on).


This example shows the definitions for 3 displays, 2 within the "Summary of Demographics" output and 1 within the "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events" output.

Lines 6-44:

Show the definition of the first display in the "Summary of Demographics" output, which is shown as version 1 of the "Demographics - Male" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-1-1" (line 8) and a display title of "Summary of Demographics (Male)" (line 13). The sponsor has also chosen to assign a description and label for this display (lines 11-12). One header, 3 titles, 1 footer and 1 row label header have been specified for this display:

  • Lines 15-18: Show the header, which is specified as a reference to the identifier of a subsection that has already been defined; the subsection identified as "GlobalDisp_Header_1" whose definition as "Study CDISCPILOT01" is shown in Example 1 in the GlobalDisplaySection section.
  • Lines 19-32: Show the specifications for the 3 titles, all of which are newly defined subsections.
  • Lines 33-38: Show the specification of a new subsection as the display's first footer.
  • Lines 39-44: Show the specification of a new subsection as the display's first row label header.
Lines 45-77:

Show the definition of the second display in the "Summary of Demographics" output, which is shown as version 1 of the "Demographics - Female" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-1-2" (line 47) and a display title of "Summary of Demographics (Female)" (line 52). The sponsor has also chosen to assign a description and label for this display (lines 50-51). One header, 3 titles, 1 footer and 1 row label header have also been specified for this display:

  • Lines 54-57: Show the specification for the display's single header, which is defined as a reuse of the global subsection identified as "GlobalDisp_Header_1".
  • Lines 58-69: Show the specifications for the display's 3 titles:
    • The first and third titles (lines 60-63 and 66-69) are specified as subsections newly defined within this display.
    • The second title (lines 64-65) is specified as a reuse of the corresponding title defined in the "Demographics - Male" display (whose definition is shown in lines 27-28).
  • Lines 70-77: Show specification of a footer and a row label header, both as reuses of the corresponding subsections defined in the "Demographics - Male" display (whose definitions are shown on rows 37-38 and 43-44, respectively).
Lines 83-130:

Show the definition of the first display in the "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events" output, which is shown as version 1 of the "TEAE Summary" display. The display has been assigned an identifier value of "Disp14-3-1-1" (line 85) and a display title of "Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events" (line 90). The sponsor has also chosen to assign a description and label for this display (lines 88-89). One header, 2 titles, 1 abbreviation, 1 footnote, 1 footer, and 1 row label header have also been specified for this display:

  • Lines 92-95: Show the header specified for the display, which is defined as a reuse of the "GlobalDisp_Header_1" global subsection.
  • Lines 96-105: Show the 2 titles specified for the display, both of which are newly defined within the display.
  • Lines 106-111: Show the specification of a new subsection as the display's first abbreviation.
  • Lines 112-118: Show the specification of a new subsection as the display's first footnote.
  • Lines 119-124: Show the specification of a new subsection as the display's first footer.
  • Lines 125-130: Show the specification of a new subsection as the display's first row label header.

YAML Example
- id: Out14-1
  version: 1
  name: Summary of Demographics
  - order: 1
      id: Disp14-1-1
      version: 1
      name: Demographics - Male
      description: A summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjects
      label: Demog-M
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics (Male)
      - sectionType: Header
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Header_1
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_1
            text: Table 14.1.1
        - order: 2
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_2
            text: Summary of Demographics
        - order: 3
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_3
            text: Male Subjects
      - sectionType: Footer
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_Footer_1
            text: 'Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1
            text: Characteristics
  - order: 2
      id: Disp14-1-2
      version: 1
      name: Demographics - Female
      description: A summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjects
      label: Demog-F
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics (Female)
      - sectionType: Header
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Header_1
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-2_Title_1
            text: Table 14.1.2 
        - order: 2
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_Title_2
        - order: 3
            id: Disp14-1-2_Title_2
            text: Female Subjects
      - sectionType: Footer
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_Footer_1
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1
- id: Out14-3-1-1
  version: 1
  name: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
  - order: 1
      id: Disp14-3-1-1
      version: 1
      name: TEAE Summary
      description: A summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation) 
      label: TEAE_Summ
      displayTitle: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
      - sectionType: Header
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Header_1
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Title_1
            text: Table
        - order: 2
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Title_2
            text: Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
      - sectionType: Abbreviation
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Abbrv_1
            text: 'Note: TEAE=Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events.'
      - sectionType: Footnote
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_1
            text: '[a] Dose Modification includes Dose Reduced; Drug Interrupted in
              the AE action taken with study treatment.'
      - sectionType: Footer
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_Footer_1
            text: 'Source dataset: adae, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'
      - sectionType: Rowlabel Header
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-3-1-1_RLbHd_1
            text: Categories, n (%) 

These display section specifications could be represented in tabular form as follows, where:

  • The subSection_id column is populated with values of both the id attribute of the OrderedSubSection class (in plain text) and the subSectionId attribute of the OrderedSubSectionRef class (in italics), and
  • The italicized values in the cells highlighted in blue in the subSection_text column have been retrieved from the original definition using the subSectionId value. 

Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Header1GlobalDisp_Header_1Study CDISCPILOT01
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title1Disp14-1-1_Title_1Table 14.1.1
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title2Disp14-1-1_Title_2Summary of Demographics
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Title3Disp14-1-1_Title_3Male Subjects
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Footer1Disp14-1-1_Footer_1Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM
Disp14-1-11Demographics - MaleA summary of demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for male subjectsDemog-MSummary of Demographics (Male)Rowlabel Header1Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1Characteristics
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Header1GlobalDisp_Header_1Study CDISCPILOT01
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title1Disp14-1-2_Title_1Table 14.1.2
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title2Disp14-1-1_Title_2Summary of Demographics
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Title3Disp14-1-2_Title_2Female Subjects
Disp14-1-21Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Footer1Disp14-1-1_Footer_1Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM
Disp14-1-21Summary of Demographics - FemaleA summary of the demographic characteristics (age, age group, gender, ethnicity, primary race, and height) for female subjectsDemog-FSummary of Demographics (Female)Rowlabel Header1Disp14-1-1_RLbHd_1Characteristics
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsHeader1GlobalDisp_Header_1Study CDISCPILOT01
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitle1Disp14-3-1-1_Title_1Table
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsTitle2Disp14-3-1-1_Title_2Overall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsAbbreviation1Disp14-3-1-1_Abbrv_1Note: TEAE=Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events.
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsFootnote1Disp14-3-1-1_Fnote_1[a] Dose Modification includes Dose Reduced; Drug Interrupted in the AE action taken with study treatment.
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsFooter1Disp14-3-1-1_Footer_1Source dataset: adae, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM
Disp14-3-1-11TEAE SummaryA summary of treatment-emergent AEs of different types (overall, related, serious, related serious, leading to death, related leading to death, leading to dose modification, and leading to treatment discontinuation)TEAE_SummOverall Summary of Treatment-Emergent Adverse EventsRowlabel Header1Disp14-3-1-1_RLbHd_1Categories, n (%)

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