Model Documentation

The GlobalDisplaySection class may be used in the globalDisplaySections attribute of the report event to define pieces of text that can be reused in the same type of display section (e.g., title, footnote) in multiple output displays.

ER Diagram: GlobalDisplaySection

When needed, a single instance of the GlobalDisplaySection class is created for each type of display section and the type of display section is indicated in the sectionType attribute. One or more pieces of reusable text for the type of display section may then be defined in the subSections attribute. Each piece of reusable text is represented as an instance of the DisplaySubSection class, in which an identifier value is assigned in the id attribute and the associated text is specified in the text attribute. 


In this example reporting event, the sponsor defined 1 global header, 1 global title, and 2 global legends:

Lines 2-5:

Show the definition of 1 reusable header:

  • "Study CDISCPILOT01" identified as "GlobalDisp_Header_1".
Lines 6-9:

Show the definition of 1 reusable title:

  • "Safety Population" identified as "GlobalDisp_Title_1".
Lines 10-15:

Show the definition of 2 reusable legends:

  • "For continuous variables, p-values are results of ANOVA treatment group comparisons." identified as "GlobalDisp_Legend_1".
  • "For categorical variables, p-values are results of Pearson's chi-square test." identified as "GlobalDisp_Legend_2".

YAML Example
- sectionType: Header
  - id: GlobalDisp_Header_1
    text: Study CDISCPILOT01
- sectionType: Title
  - id: GlobalDisp_Title_1
    text: Safety Population
- sectionType: Legend
  - id: GlobalDisp_Legend_1
    text: For continuous variables, p-values are results of ANOVA treatment group comparisons.
  - id: GlobalDisp_Legend_2
    text: For categorical variables, p-values are results of Pearson's chi-square test.

Once defined, a reusable text value may be referenced by specifying its identifier value in the subSectionId attribute of an instance of the OrderedSubSectionRef class in the orderedSubSections attribute of an output display. For more information about output displays, refer to the OutputDisplay section.


In the "Demog" display of the "Summary of Demographics" output in the same reporting event as the previous example, the sponsor used both global titles and both global legends in addition to a title and footnote defined within the context of the display:

Lines 16-17:

Show the text identified as "GlobalDisp_Title_1" ("Study CDISCPILOT01") used as the first header.

Lines 20-23:

Show the first title defined within the context of the display as "Summary of Demographics".

Lines 24-25:

Show the text identified as "GlobalDisp_Title_1" ("Safety Population") used as the second title.

Lines 28-29:

Show the text identified as "GlobalDisp_Legend_1" ("For continuous variables, p-values are results of ANOVA treatment group comparisons.") used as the first legend.

Lines 30-31:

Show the text identified as "GlobalDisp_Legend_2" ("For categorical variables, p-values are results of Pearson's chi-square test.") used as the second legend.

Lines 36-37:

Show a footer defined within the context of the display as "Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM".

YAML Example
- name: Summary of Demographics
  id: Out14-1-1
  version: 1
  - order: 1
      name: Demog
      id: Disp14-1-1
      version: 1
      displayTitle: Summary of Demographics
      - sectionType: Header
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Header_1
      - sectionType: Title
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_Title_1
            text: Summary of Demographics
        - order: 2
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Title_1
      - sectionType: Legend
        - order: 1
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Legend_1
        - order: 2
          subSectionId: GlobalDisp_Legend_2
      - sectionType: Footer
        - order: 1
            id: Disp14-1-1_Footer_1
            text: 'Source dataset: adsl, Generated on: DDMONYYYY:HH:MM'

  • No labels