Software and Tools Installation

This slide deck from Akana provides an overview of all software and tools relevant to day-to-day administrator tasks.


Used to create an SSH tunnel. An active session is required to connect to the backend database and LDAP directory.

The hostname is; or IP address

The forwarding ports are as follows:

  • L1389= (for LDAP on share1)
  • L389= (for LDAP on share-training)
  • L1521= (for Oracle on db)

Software can be downloaded at

Necessary to update the IP address and forwarding ports to use the v7 environment


Configuration Screenshot


Private key

  • The private key file, named cdisc-admin_021114_private.ppk, can be obtained here: private key
  • No need to update the private key file to use the v7.0 environment


No need to include the letter L in Source port, it will be added by the tool

Oracle SQL Developer

Used to connect to the backend Oracle database to access the Semantics Manager's reporting views described here:

Software can be downloaded at

No need to modify Oracle SQL Developer configurations after upgrading from Semantics Manager v6 to v7


Configuration Screenshot

  1. Password is noi$yEnd65
  2. Reporting views are under these database named users:
    1. CDISC – for libraries SHARE-Testing (ID:4); and, SHARE (ID:5)
    2. CDISC_TRAINING – for libraries SHARE-Training (ID:4); and, SHARE-Sandbox (ID:5)
  3. View names contain library ID in the suffix, e.g., SHARE.RPT_ASSET_5 is the RPT_ASSET for the production SHARE library

Apache Directory Studio

Used to access SHARE user directory. User information in Semantics Managers are stored in the LDAP server.

Software can be downloaded at

No need to modify Apache Directory Studio configurations after upgrading from Semantics Manager v6 to v7

Configuration Screenshot

Network Parameters

Authentication Parameters

  1. Password is 0ink0ink
  2. Not advisable to delete LDAP account once it is used by Semantics Manager
  3. Use Semantics Manager's user account Synchronize functionality to sync changes made in Apache Directory Studio

Repository Client

Refer to Installing SOA Rich Clients

  • Library and Repository Client version must match; strongly advised to uninstall Repository Client v6 and install v7
  • Per Akana, the current internal configuration schema remains at Therefore, when prompted for LPC version upversion, it is fine to not see version 7.x. Full response:

CDISC: When opening the LPC, it asks me to upversion from to Is this okay since we are in version 7? I just want to make certain this is not an indication of an issue with my Repository Client install. Thanks.

Akana: That is correct and normal. The current internal LPC version used by the SM Repository Client is As I understand it, the engineer didn't have any LPC 7.x specific schema changes, so the internal LPC version remained as 6.7.x

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