TA Standards
When the project team is fully assembled, the CDISC Education Team assigns an Education Representative to work with the project team.
The Education Representative conducts an initial meeting to orient the Project Manager and team on training development procedures and templates. Chapter 1 (overview) will be developed during this stage. The education team will schedule additional meetings with the Project Manager as needed. As the project team identifies and develops key clinical concepts, the Project Manager compiles a list of important concepts, use cases and examples for inclusion in training materials.
Foundational Standards
Each Foundational standards team will have a standing education sub-team with a designated lead who is an active contributing team member of the foundational team. The sub-team leads will be responsible for collaborating with CDISC education team for their respective foundational standards to:
- Create and maintain on-line and classroom courses
- Oversee the qualification of new instructors
- Help identify instructors to teach specific courses
The CDISC education representative supports the foundational education sub-team leads with process, tools and templates.