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Source PageSDTMIG4DOT0:Variable Relationships
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Output FormatTable
Object VariableSubject VariablePredicate TermSeq. for OrderLinking PhraseSubject Variable LabelObject Variable LabelUsage RestrictionsContext
--TESTCD--TESTDECODES1Decodes the value inName of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TEST--TESTCDIS_DECODED_BY2Is the code for the value inShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamName of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--SBMRKSSPECIFIES3Specifies the markers used to identify the sub-lineage tested inSublineage Marker StringShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP domain only
--TESTCD--CELSTASPECIFIES4Specifies the cell state of the population tested inCell StateShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP domain only
--CELSTA--CSMRKSSPECIFIES5Specifies the markers used to identify the cell state named inCell State Marker StringCell StateCP domain only
--TESTCD--TSTCNDSPECIFIES6Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to performTest ConditionShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--TESTCD--BDAGNTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR7Is the substance bound to the analyte inBinding AgentShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--TESTCD--TSTOPOIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR8Is the operational objective of the test inTest Operational ObjectiveShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--MSCBCESPECIFIES9Specifies the molecule secreted by the cell type inMolecule Secreted by CellsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamIS domain only
--AGENT--CONCIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR10Is the concentration of the drug inAgent ConcentrationAgent NameMS domain only
--TESTCDNHOIDIS_ORGANISM_TESTED_IN11is the organism tested inNon-Host Organism IdentifierShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--AGENTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR12is the drug for which susceptibility of an organism is tested inAgent NameShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamMS domain only
--CONC--CONCUIS_UNIT_FOR13Is the unit for the concentration inAgent Concentration UnitsAgent ConcentrationMS domain only
--ORRES--MODIFYMODIFIES14Is the altered version of the collected value inModified Result TermResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--TSTDTLSPECIFIES15Further describes the test inMeasurement, Test, or Examination DetailShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--CATGROUPS16Groups values inCategoryShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--SCAT--CATGROUPS17Groups values inCategorySubcategory
--CAT--SCATIS_GROUPED_BY18values are grouped bySubcategoryCategory
--TESTCD--SCATGROUPS19Groups values inSubcategoryShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--POSIS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR20is the subject position during performance of the test inPosition of Subject During ObservationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORRESIS_RESULT_OF21Is the result of the test inResult or Finding in Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR22Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsResult or Finding in Original Units
--ORNRLO--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR23Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsNormal Range Lower Limit-Original Units
--ORNRHI--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR24Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsNormal Range Upper Limit-Original Units
--ORREF--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR25Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsReference Result in Original Units
--TESTCD--COLSRTSPECIFIES26Is the pre-collection summary performed on the measurement inCollected Summary Result TypeShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORNRLOIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR27Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Lower Limit-Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORNRHIIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR28Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Upper Limit-Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORREFIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR29Is a reference value for a population tested inReference Result in Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--LLODIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR30Is part of the reference range for a population tested inLower Limit of DetectionShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STRESCIS_RESULT_OF31Is the result of the test inResult or Finding in Standard FormatShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--STRESCIS_DERIVED_FROM32Is derived fromResult or Finding in Standard FormatResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--STRESNIS_RESULT_OF33Is the result of the test inNumeric Result/Finding in Standard UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--STRESC--STRESNIS_DERIVED_FROM34Is derived fromNumeric Result/Finding in Standard UnitsResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESC--STRESNIS_DERIVED_FROM35Is copied from Has predecessorNumeric Result/Finding in Standard UnitsResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESC--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR36Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESN--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR37Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNumeric Result/Finding in Standard Units
--STNRLO--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR38Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNormal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units
--STNRHI--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR39Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNormal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units
--STREFC--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR40Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsReference Result in Standard Format
--STREFN--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR41Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNumeric Reference Result in Std Units
--LLOQ--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR42Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsLower Limit of Quantitation
--ULOQ--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR43Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsUpper Limit of Quantitation
--TESTCD--STNRLOIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR44Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Lower Limit-Standard UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STNRHIIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR45Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Upper Limit-Standard UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STNRCIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR46Is a set of reference values for a population tested inNormal Range for Character ResultsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STREFCIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR47Is a reference value for a population tested inReference Result in Standard FormatShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STREFNIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR48Is a reference value for a population tested inNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--NRINDCLASSIFIES49Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result inNormal/Reference Range IndicatorResult or Finding in Original Units
--STRESC--NRINDCLASSIFIES50Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result inNormal/Reference Range IndicatorResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESN--NRINDCLASSIFIES51Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result inNormal/Reference Range IndicatorNumeric Reference Result in Std Units
--ORRES--RESCATCLASSIFIES52Is a grouping of values inResult CategoryResult or Finding in Original Units
--STRESC--RESCATCLASSIFIES53Is a grouping of values inResult CategoryResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESN--RESCATCLASSIFIES54Is a grouping of values inResult CategoryNumeric Reference Result in Std Units
--ORRES--INHERTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR55Indicates heritability of the genetic variant inInheritabilityResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC;--INHERTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR56Indicates heritability of the genetic variant inInheritabilityResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--INHERTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR57Indicates heritability of the genetic variant inInheritabilityNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--TESTCD--GENREFSPECIFIES58Identifies the reference used in the genomic test inGenome ReferenceShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamGF domain only
--ORRES--CHROMIS_POSITION_FOR59Is the chromosome that is the position of the result inChromosome IdentifierResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--CHROMIS_POSITION_FOR60Is the chromosome that is the position of the result inChromosome IdentifierResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--CHROMIS_POSITION_FOR61Is the chromosome that is the position of the result inChromosome IdentifierNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--SYMIS_POSITION_FOR62Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic SymbolResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--SYMIS_POSITION_FOR63Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic SymbolResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--SYMIS_POSITION_FOR64Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic SymbolNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--SYMTYPIS_POSITION_FOR65Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic Symbol TypeResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--SYMTYPIS_POSITION_FOR66Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic Symbol TypeResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--SYMTYPIS_POSITION_FOR67Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic Symbol TypeNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--SYM--SYMTYPIS_SPECIFIED_BY68Is the type of genomic entity represented by the symbol inGenomic Symbol TypeGenomic SymbolGF domain only
--ORRES--GENLOCIS_POSITION_FOR69Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result inGenetic LocationResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--GENLOCIS_POSITION_FOR70Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result inGenetic LocationResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--GENLOCIS_POSITION_FOR71Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result inGenetic LocationNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--GENSRIS_POSITION_FOR72Is the genetic sub-location of the result inGenetic Sub-RegionResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--GENSRIS_POSITION_FOR73Is the genetic sub-location of the result inGenetic Sub-RegionResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--GENSRIS_POSITION_FOR74Is the genetic sub-location of the result inGenetic Sub-RegionNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--SYM--GENSRSPECIFIES75Is a name for a gentic region within the genetic entity represented byGenetic Sub-RegionGenomic SymbolGF domain only
--SYM--SEQIDIDENTIFIES76Is an identifier for the genetic sequence of the genetic entity represented bySequence IdentifierGenomic SymbolGF domain only
--ORRES--PVRIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR77Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant inPublished Variant IdentifierResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--PVRIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR78Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant inPublished Variant IdentifierResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--PVRIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR79Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant inPublished Variant IdentifierNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--COPYIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR80Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant inCopy IdentifierResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--COPYIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR81Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant inCopy IdentifierResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--COPYIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR82Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant inCopy IdentifierNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--CHRONIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR83Is the chronicity of the finding inChronicity of FindingResult or Finding in Standard Format
--ORRES--CHRONIS_DERIVED_FROM84Is the description of chronicity included inChronicity of FindingResult or Finding in Original Units
--STRESC--DISTRIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR85Is the distribution of the finding inDistribution Pattern of FindingResult or Finding in Standard Format
--ORRES--DISTRIS_DERIVED_FROM86Is the description of distribution included inDistribution Pattern of FindingResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--LOINCIDENTIFIES_OBSERVATION87identifies an observation described byLOINC CodeShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--SPECIS_SPECIMEN_TESTED_IN88Is the specimen tested inSpecimen Material TypeShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamSpecimen-based domains only
--SPEC--ANTREGSPECIFIES89Specifies an anatomical region withinAnatomical RegionSpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--TESTCD--LOCSPECIFIES90Specifies the anatomical location of the performance of the test in For tests performed on the subjectLocation Used for the MeasurementShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--SPEC--LOCSPECIFIES91Specifies the anatomical location of the collection of the specimen in For tests performed on a specimenLocation Used for the MeasurementSpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--LOC;--LATSPECIFIES92Further specifies the anatomical location inLateralityLocation Used for the Measurement
--SPEC--LATSPECIFIES93Further specifies the anatomical location inLateralitySpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--LOC--DIRSPECIFIES94Further specifies the anatomical location inDirectionalityLocation Used for the Measurement
--SPEC--DIRSPECIFIES95Further specifies the anatomical location inDirectionalitySpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--LOC--PORTOTSPECIFIES96Further specifies the anatomical location inPortion or TotalityLocation Used for the Measurement
--SPEC--PORTOTSPECIFIES97Further specifies the anatomical location inPortion or TotalitySpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--TESTCD--METHODSPECIFIES98Is the method for the test inMethod of Test or ExaminationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--EVAL--EVALIDIDENTIFIES99Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role inEvaluator IdentifierEvaluator
--TESTCD--EVALPERFORMS100Is the role of the assessor who performed the test inEvaluatorShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--EVALPROVIDES101Is the role of the assessor who provided the result inEvaluatorResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--FASTIS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR102is the subject's fasting status during the performance of the test inFasting StatusShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--TOXIS_DERIVED_FROM103Is dictionary-derived from the analyte inToxicityShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--TOXGRIS_DERIVED_FROM104Is the dictionary-derived severity of the value inToxicity GradeResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--LLOQIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR105Is part of the range of values that can be quantified for the analyte inLower Limit of QuantitationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ULOQIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR106Is is the largest value that can be quantified for the analyte inUpper Limit of QuantitationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--OBJIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR107is the object of the observation inObject of the ObservationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--CLSIGIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR108Is the clinical significance interpretation forClinically Significant, CollectedResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--TESTDECODES1Decodes the value inName of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TEST--TESTCDIS_DECODED_BY2Is the code for the value inShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamName of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--TSTOPOIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR3Is the operational objective of the test inTest Operational ObjectiveShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCDNHOIDIS_ORGANISM_TESTED_IN4is the organism tested inNon-Host Organism IdentifierShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--MODIFYMODIFIES5Is the altered version of the collected value inModified Result TermResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--TSTDTLSPECIFIES6Further describes the test inMeasurement, Test, or Examination DetailShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--CATGROUPS7Groups values inCategoryShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--SCAT--CATGROUPS8Groups values inCategorySubcategory
--CAT--SCATIS_GROUPED_BY9values are grouped bySubcategoryCategory
--TESTCD--SCATGROUPS10Groups values inSubcategoryShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--POSIS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR11is the subject position during performance of the test inPosition of Subject During ObservationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORRESIS_RESULT_OF12Is the result of the test inResult or Finding in Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR13Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsResult or Finding in Original Units
--ORNRLO--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR14Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsNormal Range Lower Limit-Original Units
--ORNRHI--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR15Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsNormal Range Upper Limit-Original Units
--ORREF--ORRESUIS_UNIT_FOR16Is the unit for the value inOriginal UnitsReference Result in Original Units
--TESTCD--COLSRTSPECIFIES17Is the pre-collection summary performed on the measurement inCollected Summary Result TypeShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORNRLOIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR18Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Lower Limit-Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORNRHIIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR19Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Upper Limit-Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ORREFIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR20Is a reference value for a population tested inReference Result in Original UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--LLODIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR21Is part of the reference range for a population tested inLower Limit of DetectionShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STRESCIS_RESULT_OF22Is the result of the test inResult or Finding in Standard FormatShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--STRESCIS_DERIVED_FROM23Is derived fromResult or Finding in Standard FormatResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--STRESNIS_RESULT_OF24Is the result of the test inNumeric Result/Finding in Standard UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--STRESC--STRESNIS_DERIVED_FROM25Is derived fromNumeric Result/Finding in Standard UnitsResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESC--STRESNIS_DERIVED_FROM26Is copied from Has predecessorNumeric Result/Finding in Standard UnitsResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESC--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR27Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESN--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR28Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNumeric Result/Finding in Standard Units
--STNRLO--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR29Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNormal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units
--STNRHI--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR30Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNormal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units
--STREFC--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR31Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsReference Result in Standard Format
--STREFN--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR32Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsNumeric Reference Result in Std Units
--LLOQ--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR33Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsLower Limit of Quantitation
--ULOQ--STRESUIS_UNIT_FOR34Is the unit for the value inStandard UnitsUpper Limit of Quantitation
--TESTCD--STNRLOIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR35Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Lower Limit-Standard UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STNRHIIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR36Is part of the reference range for a population tested inNormal Range Upper Limit-Standard UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STNRCIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR37Is a set of reference values for a population tested inNormal Range for Character ResultsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STREFCIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR38Is a reference value for a population tested inReference Result in Standard FormatShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--STREFNIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR39Is a reference value for a population tested inNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--NRINDCLASSIFIES40Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result inNormal/Reference Range IndicatorResult or Finding in Original Units
--STRESC--NRINDCLASSIFIES41Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result inNormal/Reference Range IndicatorResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESN--NRINDCLASSIFIES42Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result inNormal/Reference Range IndicatorNumeric Reference Result in Std Units
--ORRES--RESCATCLASSIFIES43Is a grouping of values inResult CategoryResult or Finding in Original Units
--STRESC--RESCATCLASSIFIES44Is a grouping of values inResult CategoryResult or Finding in Standard Format
--STRESN--RESCATCLASSIFIES45Is a grouping of values inResult CategoryNumeric Reference Result in Std Units
--STRESC--CHRONIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR46Is the chronicity of the finding inChronicity of FindingResult or Finding in Standard Format
--ORRES--CHRONIS_DERIVED_FROM47Is the description of chronicity included inChronicity of FindingResult or Finding in Original Units
--STRESC--DISTRIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR48Is the distribution of the finding inDistribution Pattern of FindingResult or Finding in Standard Format
--ORRES--DISTRIS_DERIVED_FROM49Is the description of distribution included inDistribution Pattern of FindingResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--LOINCIDENTIFIES_OBSERVATION50identifies an observation described byLOINC CodeShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--LOCSPECIFIES51Specifies the anatomical location of the performance of the test in For tests performed on the subjectLocation Used for the MeasurementShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--LOC;--LATSPECIFIES52Further specifies the anatomical location inLateralityLocation Used for the Measurement
--LOC--DIRSPECIFIES53Further specifies the anatomical location inDirectionalityLocation Used for the Measurement
--LOC--PORTOTSPECIFIES54Further specifies the anatomical location inPortion or TotalityLocation Used for the Measurement
--TESTCD--METHODSPECIFIES55Is the method for the test inMethod of Test or ExaminationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--EVAL--EVALIDIDENTIFIES56Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role inEvaluator IdentifierEvaluator
--TESTCD--EVALPERFORMS57Is the role of the assessor who performed the test inEvaluatorShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--EVALPROVIDES58Is the role of the assessor who provided the result inEvaluatorResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--FASTIS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR59is the subject's fasting status during the performance of the test inFasting StatusShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--TOXIS_DERIVED_FROM60Is dictionary-derived from the analyte inToxicityShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--TOXGRIS_DERIVED_FROM61Is the dictionary-derived severity of the value inToxicity GradeResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--LLOQIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR62Is part of the range of values that can be quantified for the analyte inLower Limit of QuantitationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--ULOQIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR63Is is the largest value that can be quantified for the analyte inUpper Limit of QuantitationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--TESTCD--OBJIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR64is the object of the observation inObject of the ObservationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam
--ORRES--CLSIGIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR65Is the clinical significance interpretation forClinically Significant, CollectedResult or Finding in Original Units
--TESTCD--SBMRKSSPECIFIES1Specifies the markers used to identify the sub-lineage tested inSublineage Marker StringShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP domain only
--TESTCD--CELSTASPECIFIES2Specifies the cell state of the population tested inCell StateShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP domain only
--CELSTA--CSMRKSSPECIFIES3Specifies the markers used to identify the cell state named inCell State Marker StringCell StateCP domain only
--TESTCD--TSTCNDSPECIFIES4Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to performTest ConditionShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--TESTCD--BDAGNTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR5Is the substance bound to the analyte inBinding AgentShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--ORRES--INHERTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR1Indicates heritability of the genetic variant inInheritabilityResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC;--INHERTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR2Indicates heritability of the genetic variant inInheritabilityResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--INHERTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR3Indicates heritability of the genetic variant inInheritabilityNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--TESTCD--GENREFSPECIFIES4Identifies the reference used in the genomic test inGenome ReferenceShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamGF domain only
--ORRES--CHROMIS_POSITION_FOR5Is the chromosome that is the position of the result inChromosome IdentifierResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--CHROMIS_POSITION_FOR6Is the chromosome that is the position of the result inChromosome IdentifierResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--CHROMIS_POSITION_FOR7Is the chromosome that is the position of the result inChromosome IdentifierNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--SYMIS_POSITION_FOR8Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic SymbolResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--SYMIS_POSITION_FOR9Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic SymbolResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--SYMIS_POSITION_FOR10Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic SymbolNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--SYMTYPIS_POSITION_FOR11Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic Symbol TypeResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--SYMTYPIS_POSITION_FOR12Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic Symbol TypeResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--SYMTYPIS_POSITION_FOR13Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result inGenomic Symbol TypeNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--SYM--SYMTYPIS_SPECIFIED_BY14Is the type of genomic entity represented by the symbol inGenomic Symbol TypeGenomic SymbolGF domain only
--ORRES--GENLOCIS_POSITION_FOR15Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result inGenetic LocationResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--GENLOCIS_POSITION_FOR16Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result inGenetic LocationResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--GENLOCIS_POSITION_FOR17Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result inGenetic LocationNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--GENSRIS_POSITION_FOR18Is the genetic sub-location of the result inGenetic Sub-RegionResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--GENSRIS_POSITION_FOR19Is the genetic sub-location of the result inGenetic Sub-RegionResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--GENSRIS_POSITION_FOR20Is the genetic sub-location of the result inGenetic Sub-RegionNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--SYM--GENSRSPECIFIES21Is a name for a gentic region within the genetic entity represented byGenetic Sub-RegionGenomic SymbolGF domain only
--SYM--SEQIDIDENTIFIES22Is an identifier for the genetic sequence of the genetic entity represented bySequence IdentifierGenomic SymbolGF domain only
--ORRES--PVRIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR23Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant inPublished Variant IdentifierResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--PVRIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR24Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant inPublished Variant IdentifierResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--PVRIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR25Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant inPublished Variant IdentifierNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--ORRES--COPYIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR26Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant inCopy IdentifierResult or Finding in Original UnitsGF domain only
--STRESC--COPYIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR27Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant inCopy IdentifierResult or Finding in Standard FormatGF domain only
--STRESN--COPYIDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR28Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant inCopy IdentifierNumeric Reference Result in Std UnitsGF domain only
--TESTCD--TSTCNDSPECIFIES1Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to performTest ConditionShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--TESTCD--BDAGNTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR2Is the substance bound to the analyte inBinding AgentShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--TESTCD--MSCBCESPECIFIES3Specifies the molecule secreted by the cell type inMolecule Secreted by CellsShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamIS domain only
--TESTCD--TSTCNDSPECIFIES1Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to performTest ConditionShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--TESTCD--BDAGNTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR2Is the substance bound to the analyte inBinding AgentShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamCP, IS, and LB domains only
--AGENT--CONCIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR1Is the concentration of the drug inAgent ConcentrationAgent NameMS domain only
--TESTCD--AGENTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR2is the drug for which susceptibility of an organism is tested inAgent NameShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamMS domain only
--CONC--CONCUIS_UNIT_FOR3Is the unit for the concentration inAgent Concentration UnitsAgent ConcentrationMS domain only
--TESTCD--SPECIS_SPECIMEN_TESTED_IN1Is the specimen tested inSpecimen Material TypeShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamSpecimen-based domains only
--SPEC--ANTREGSPECIFIES2Specifies an anatomical region withinAnatomical RegionSpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--SPEC--LOCSPECIFIES3Specifies the anatomical location of the collection of the specimen in For tests performed on a specimenLocation Used for the MeasurementSpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--SPEC--LATSPECIFIES4Further specifies the anatomical location inLateralitySpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--SPEC--DIRSPECIFIES5Further specifies the anatomical location inDirectionalitySpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--SPEC--PORTOTSPECIFIES6Further specifies the anatomical location inPortion or TotalitySpecimen Material TypeSpecimen-based domains only
--TERM--MODIFYMODIFIES1is the modified value for the value inModified Reported TermReported Term
--TERM--LLTIS_DERIVED_FROM2Is a dictionary-derived term for the value inLowest Level TermReported Term
--LLTCD--LLTDECODES3Decodes the value inLowest Level TermLowest Level Term Code
--TERM--LLTCDIS_DERIVED_FROM4Is a dictionary-derived code for the value inLowest Level Term CodeReported Term
--LLT--LLTCDIS_DECODED_BY5Is the code for the value inLowest Level Term CodeLowest Level Term
--TERM--DECODIS_DERIVED_FROM6Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in;Dictionary-Derived TermReported Term
--TERM--PTCDIS_DERIVED_FROM7Is a dictionary-derived code for the value inPreferred Term CodeReported Term
--DECOD--PTCDIS_DECODED_BY8Is the code for the value inPreferred Term CodeDictionary-Derived Term
--TERM--HLTIS_DERIVED_FROM9Is a dictionary-derived term for the value inHigh Level TermReported Term
--HLTCD--HLTDECODES10Decodes the value inHigh Level TermHigh Level Term Code
--TERM--HLTCDIS_DERIVED_FROM11Is a dictionary-derived code for the value inHigh Level Term CodeReported Term
--HLT--HLTCDIS_DECODED_BY12Is the code for the value inHigh Level Term CodeHigh Level Term
--TERM--HLGTIS_DERIVED_FROM13Is a dictionary-derived term for the value inHigh Level Group TermReported Term
--HLGTCD--HLGTDECODES14Decodes the value inHigh Level Group TermHigh Level Group Term Code
--TERM--HLGTCDIS_DERIVED_FROM15Is a dictionary-derived code for the value inHigh Level Group Term CodeReported Term
--HLGT--HLGTCDIS_DECODED_BY16Is the code for the value inHigh Level Group Term CodeHigh Level Group Term
--TERM--BODSYSIS_DERIVED_FROM17Is a dictionary-derived term for the value inBody System or Organ ClassReported Term
--BDSYCD--BODSYSDECODES18Decodes the value inBody System or Organ ClassBody System or Organ Class Code
--TERM--BDSYCDIS_DERIVED_FROM19Is a dictionary-derived code for the value inBody System or Organ Class CodeReported Term
--BODSYS--BDSYCDIS_DECODED_BY20Is the code for the value inBody System or Organ Class CodeBody System or Organ Class
--TERM--SOCIS_DERIVED_FROM21Is a dictionary-derived term for the value inPrimary System Organ ClassReported Term
--SOCCD--SOCDECODES22Decodes the value inPrimary System Organ ClassPrimary System Organ Class Code
--TERM--SOCCDIS_DERIVED_FROM23Is a dictionary-derived code for the value inPrimary System Organ Class CodeReported Term
--SOC--SOCCDIS_DECODED_BY24Is the code for the value inPrimary System Organ Class CodePrimary System Organ Class
--TERM--PRESPIS_INDICATOR_FOR25Indicates pre-specification of the value inPre-SpecifiedReported Term
--TERM--LOCSPECIFIES26Specifies the anatomical location inLocation of EventReported Term
--LOC--LATSPECIFIES27Further specifies the anatomical location inLateralityLocation of Event
--LOC--DIRSPECIFIES28Further specifies the anatomical location inDirectionalityLocation of Event
--LOC--PORTOTSPECIFIES29Further specifies the anatomical location inPortion or TotalityLocation of Event
--PARTY--PRTYIDIDENTIFIES30Identifies the entity playing the role inIdentification of Accountable PartyAccountable Party
--TERM--TOXIS_DERIVED_FROM31Is dictionary-derived fromToxicityReported Term
--TERM--TOXGRIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR32is the severity of the toxicity inToxicity GradeReported Term
--TRT--MODIFYMODIFIES1is the modified value for the value inModified Treatment NameName of Treatment
--TRT--DECODDECODES2is the dictionary-derived term for the value inStandardized Treatment NameName of Treatment
--TRT--CLASIS_DERIVED_FROM3is the dictionary-derived class name for the value inClassName of Treatment
--CLASCD--CLASDECODES4decodesClassClass Code
--TRT--CLASCDIS_DECODED_BY5is the dictionary-derived class code for the value inClass CodeName of Treatment
--TRT--PRESPIS_INDICATOR_FOR7Indicates pre-specification of the value inPre-SpecifiedName of Treatment
--TRT--DOSEIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR8is the administered amount of the treatment inDoseName of Treatment
--DOSE--DOSUIS_UNIT_FOR9is the unit forDose UnitsDose
--DOSTXT--DOSUIS_UNIT_FOR10is the unit forDose UnitsDose Description
--DOSTOT--DOSUIS_UNIT_FOR11is the unit forDose UnitsTotal Daily Dose
--TDOSD--FTDOSDMULTIPLIES12is dose administered (--DOSE), as a multiple of the Toxic/Physiologic Dose described inFactor for Toxic/Physiologic Dose DescrToxic/Physiologic Dose Descr
--DOSE--FTDOSDMULTIPLIES13is the multiplier of --TDOSD that gives the dose inFactor for Toxic/Physiologic Dose DescrDose
--TRT--TDOSDIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR14is the name of a toxic/Physiologic Dose for the treatment inToxic/Physiologic Dose DescrName of Treatment
--TRT--DOSFRMIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR15is the physical form of the product inDose FormName of Treatment
--TRT--LOCSPECIFIES16is the administration anatomical location for the treatment inLocation of AdministrationName of Treatment
--LOC--LATSPECIFIES17further specifies the anatomical location inLateralityLocation of Administration
--LOC--DIRSPECIFIES18further specifies the anatomical location inDirectionalityLocation of Administration
--LOC--PORTOTSPECIFIES19further specifies the anatomical location inPortion or TotalityLocation of Administration
--TRT--PSTRGIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR20is the pharmaceutical strength of the product inPharmaceutical StrengthName of Treatment
--PSTRG--PSTRGUIS_UNIT_FOR21is the unit forPharmaceutical Strength UnitsPharmaceutical Strength
--TRT--TRTVIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR22is the vehicle used in the administration of the substance inTreatment VehicleName of Treatment
--TRT--VAMTIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR23is the amount of the prepared product used in the administration of the substance inTreatment Vehicle AmountName of Treatment
--VAMT--VAMTUIS_UNIT_FOR24is the unit forTreatment Vehicle Amount UnitsTreatment Vehicle Amount
VISITVISITNUMIS_NAMED_BY1Is the numeric value forVisit NumberVisit Name
VISITNUMVISITNAMES2Is a name for the value inVisit NameVisit Number
VISITNUMVISITDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR3is the planned study day forPlanned Study Day of VisitVisit Number
--NOMDY--NOMLBLSPECIFIES4is a label for the value inLabel for Nominal Study DayNominal Study Day for Tabulations
--TPTNUM--TPTNAMES5Is the name for the value inPlanned Time Point NamePlanned Time Point Number
--TPT--TPTNUMIS_NAMED_BY6Is a numeric value forPlanned Time Point NumberPlanned Time Point Name
--TPTNUM--DTCIS_TIMING_FOR7Is the datetime of the timepoint inDate/Time of CollectionPlanned Time Point Number
--TPTREF--ELTMIS_TIMING_FOR8is the planned elapsed time of the timepoint relative toPlanned Elapsed Time from Time Point RefTime Point Reference
--TPTNUM--TPTREFIS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR9is the reference forTime Point ReferencePlanned Time Point Number
--TPTREF--RFTDTCIS_TIMING_FOR10is the date ofDate/Time of Reference Time PointTime Point Reference
--DTC--EVLINTIS_TIMING_FOR11Evaluation IntervalDate/Time of Collection
--TRT--DTCIS_TIMING_FOR12is the date of collection forDate/Time of CollectionName of TreatmentInterventions
--TRT--STDTCIS_TIMING_FOR13is the start date forStart Date/Time of ObservationName of TreatmentInterventions
--TRT--ENDTCIS_TIMING_FOR14is the end date forEnd Date/Time of ObservationName of TreatmentInterventions
--TERM--DTCIS_TIMING_FOR15is the date of collection forReported TermEvents
--TERM--STDTCIS_TIMING_FOR16is the start date forStart Date/Time of ObservationReported TermEvents
--TERM--ENDTCIS_TIMING_FOR17is the end date forEnd Date/Time of ObservationReported TermEvents
--TESTCD--DTCIS_TIMING_FOR18is the date of occurrenceDate/Time of CollectionShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamFindings
--METHOD--DTCIS_TIMING_FOR19is the date of occurrenceDate/Time of CollectionMethod of Test or ExaminationFindings
--SPEC--DTCIS_TIMING_FOR20is the date of collection forDate/Time of CollectionSpecimen Material TypeFindings
--TESTCD--ENDTCIS_TIMING_FOR21is the end date forEnd Date/Time of ObservationShort Name of Measurement, Test, or ExamFindings
--DTC--DYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR22is the study day corresponding toStudy Day of Visit/Collection/ExamDate/Time of Collection
RFSTDTC--DYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR23is the study day relative toStudy Day of Visit/Collection/ExamSubject Reference Start Date/Time
--STDTC--STDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR24is the study day corresponding toStudy Day of Start of ObservationStart Date/Time of Observation
RFSTDTC--STDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR25is the study day relative toStudy Day of Start of ObservationSubject Reference Start Date/Time
--ENDTC--ENDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR26is the study day corresponding toStudy Day of End of ObservationEnd Date/Time of Observation
RFSTDTC--ENDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR27is the study day relative toStudy Day of End of ObservationSubject Reference Start Date/Time
--EVAL--EVALIDIDENTIFIES1Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role inEvaluator IdentifierEvaluator
INVIDINVNAMNAMES1is the name of the investigator whose identifier is inInvestigator NameInvestigator Identifier
INVNAMINVIDIS_NAMED_BY2is the identifier for the investigator whose name is inInvestigator IdentifierInvestigator Name
INVIDSITEID3is the facility of the investigator inStudy Site IdentifierInvestigator Identifier
SITEIDCOUNTRYIS_IDENTIFIED_BY4Is the country of the site inCountryStudy Site Identifier
AGEAGEUIS_UNIT_FOR5is the unit forAge UnitsAge
AGETXTAGEUIS_UNIT_FOR6is the unit forAge UnitsAge Text
ARMCDARMDECODES7decodesDescription of Planned ArmPlanned Arm Code
ARMARMCDIS_DECODED_BY8is the code forPlanned Arm CodeDescription of Planned Arm
ACTARMCDACTARMDECODES9decodesDescription of Actual ArmActual Arm Code
ACTARMACTARMCDIS_DECODED_BY10is the code forPlanned Arm CodeDescription of Actual Arm
RSTAGERSTGCDIS_DECODED_BY1is the code forRepro Stage CodeDescription of Repro Stage
RSTGCDRSTAGEDECODES2decodes the value inDescription of Repro StageRepro Stage Code
RSTGCD--UPDES3describes the unplanned repro stage inDescription of Unplanned ElementRepro Stage Code
RSTGCD--STDTCIS_TIMING_FOR4Is the start date/time of the element inStart Date/Time of ObservationRepro Stage Code
RSTGCD--ENDTCIS_TIMING_FOR5Is the end date/time of the element inEnd Date/Time of ObservationRepro Stage Code
--STDTC--STDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR6is the study day corresponding toStudy Day of Start of ObservationStart Date/Time of Observation
--ENDTC--ENDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR7is the study day relative toStudy Day of End of ObservationSubject Reference Start Date/Time
ELEMENTETCDIS_DECODED_BY1is the code forElement CodeDescription of Element
ETCDELEMENTDECODES2decodes the value inDescription of ElementElement Code
ETCD--UPDESIS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR3describes the unplanned element inDescription of Unplanned ElementElement Code
ETCD--STDTCIS_TIMING_FOR4Is the start date/time of the element inStart Date/Time of ObservationElement Code
ETCD--ENDTCIS_TIMING_FOR5Is the end date/time of the element inEnd Date/Time of ObservationElement Code
--STDTC--STDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR6is the study day corresponding toStudy Day of Start of ObservationStart Date/Time of Observation
--ENDTC--ENDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR7is the study day relative toStudy Day of End of ObservationSubject Reference Start Date/Time
MIDSVISITNUMCLASSIFIES1is the type of disease milestone inMIDSTYPEDisease Milestone Instance Name
MIDS--STDTCIS_TIMING_FOR2Is the start date/time of the disease milestone inStart Date/Time of ObservationDisease Milestone Instance Name
MIDS--ENDTCIS_TIMING_FOR3Is the end date/time of the disease milestone inEnd Date/Time of ObservationDisease Milestone Instance Name
--STDTC--STDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR4is the study day corresponding toStudy Day of Start of ObservationStart Date/Time of Observation
--ENDTC--ENDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR5is the study day relative toStudy Day of End of ObservationSubject Reference Start Date/Time
VISITVISITNUMIS_NAMED_BY1Is the numeric value forVisit NumberVisit Name
VISITNUMVISITNAMES2Is a name for the value inVisit NameVisit Number
VISITNUMVISITDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR3is the planned study day forPlanned Study Day of VisitVisit Number
VISITNUM--PRESPIS_INDICATOR_FOR4indicates the pre-specification in the protocol of the visit inPre-SpecifiedVisit Number
VISIT--STDTCIS_TIMING_FOR5Is the start date/time of the visit inStart Date/Time of ObservationVisit Name
VISIT--ENDTCIS_TIMING_FOR6Is the end date/time of the visit inEnd Date/Time of ObservationVisit Name
--STDTC--STDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR7is the study day corresponding toStudy Day of Start of ObservationStart Date/Time of Observation
--ENDTC--ENDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR8is the study day relative toStudy Day of End of ObservationSubject Reference Start Date/Time
--PARM--PARMCDIS_DECODED_BY1is the code forChallenge Agent Parameter Short NameChallenge Agent Parameter
--PARMCD--PARMETCD2decodes the value inChallenge Agent ParameterChallenge Agent Parameter Short Name
ARMCDARMDECODES1decodesDescription of Planned ArmPlanned Arm Code
ARMARMCDIS_DECODED_BY2is the code forPlanned Arm CodeDescription of Planned Arm
ELEMENTETCDIS_DECODED_BY3is the code forElement CodeDescription of Element
ETCDELEMENTDECODES4decodesDescription of ElementElement Code
ELEMENTETCDIS_DECODED_BY1is the code forElement CodeDescription of Element
ETCDELEMENTDECODES2decodes the value inDescription of ElementElement Code
ETCDTESTRLIS_TIMING_FOR3is the rule for starting the element inRule for Start of ElementElement Code
ETCDTEENRLIS_TIMING_FOR4is the rule for ending the element inRule for End of ElementElement Code
ETCDTEDURIS_TIMING_FOR5is the planned duration for the element inPlanned Duration of ElementElement Code
--TESTCD--TESTDECODES1Decodes the value inInclusion/Exclusion CriterionInclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name
--TEST--TESTCDIS_DECODED_BY2Is the code for the value inInclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short NameInclusion/Exclusion Criterion
--TESTCD--CATGROUPS3Groups values inCategoryInclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name
--SCAT--CATGROUPS4Groups values inCategorySubcategory
--CAT--SCATIS_GROUPED_BY5values are grouped bySubcategoryCategory
--TESTCD--SCATGROUPS6Groups values inSubcategoryInclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name
--TESTCDTIRL7Is the computer-executable version of the inclusion/criterion inInclusion/Exclusion Criterion RuleInclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name
--TESTCDTIVERS8is the version that includes the inclusion/criterion inProtocol Criteria VersionsInclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name
RPATHCDRPATHDECODES1decodesDescription of Planned Repro PathPlanned Repro Path Code
RPATHRPATHCDIS_DECODED_BY2is the code forPlanned Repro Path CodeDescription of Planned Repro Path
RSTAGERSTGCDIS_DECODED_BY3is the code forRepro Stage CodeDescription of Repro Stage
RSTGCDRSTAGEDECODES4decodes the value inDescription of Repro StageRepro Stage Code
--PARM--PARMCDIS_DECODED_BY1is the code forTrial Ssummary Parameter Short NameTrial Summary Parameter
--PARMCD--PARMDECODES2decodes the value inTrial Summary ParameterTrial Summary Parameter Short Name
--PARMCD--VAL3is the value of the property identified byParameter ValueTrial Summary Parameter Short Name
--PARMCD--VAL4is the value of the property identified byParameter ValueTrial Summary Parameter Short Name
--VALCD--VALDECODES5decodesParameter ValueParameter value code
--PARMCD--VALNF6is the null flavor of the property identified byParameter ValueTrial Summary Parameter Short Name
--VAL--VALCDIS_DECODED_BY7is the code foParameter ValueParameter value
--VALCD--VALCDREF8is the name of the reference terminology forParameter ValueParameter value code
--VALCDREF--VALCDVER9is the version of the reference terminology inParameter ValueTrial Summary Parameter Short Name
RSTAGERSTGCDIS_DECODED_BY1is the code forRepro Stage CodeDescription of Repro Stage
RSTGCDRSTAGEDECODES2decodes the value inDescription of Repro StageRepro Stage Code
RSTGCD--STRLIS_TIMING_FOR3is the rule for starting the repro stage inRule for Start of ElementRepro Stage Code
RSTGCD--ENRLIS_TIMING_FOR4is the rule for ending the repro stage inRule for End of ElementRepro Stage Code
RSTGCD--DURIS_TIMING_FOR5is the planned duration for the repro stage inPlanned Duration of ElementRepro Stage Code
VISITVISITNUMIS_NAMED_BY1Is the numeric value forVisit NumberVisit Name
VISITNUMVISITNAMES2Is a name for the value inVisit NameVisit Number
VISITNUMVISITDYIS_STUDY_DAY_FOR3is the planned study day forPlanned Study Day of VisitVisit Number
ARMCDARMDECODES4decodesDescription of Planned ArmPlanned Arm Code
ARMARMCDIS_DECODED_BY5is the code forPlanned Arm CodeDescription of Planned Arm
SETCDSETDECODES1decodesSet DescriptionSet Code
SETSETCDIS_DECODED_BY2is the code forSet CodeSet Description
--PARM--PARMCDIS_DECODED_BY3is the code forTrial Set Parameter Short NameTrial Set Parameter
--PARMCD--PARMDECODES4decodes the value inTrial Set ParameterTrial Set Parameter Short Name
QNAMQLABEL1is the label forQualifier Variable LabelQualifier Variable Name
QNAMQVAL2is the is the value forData ValueQualifier Variable Name
QVALQORIG3is the origin forOriginData Value
QVALQEVAL4is the source forEvaluatorData Value
REFIDLEVEL1is the hierarchical level ofReference ID Generation LevelReference ID
LEVELLVLDESC2describes the type of level inReference ID Level DescriptionReference ID Generation Level
REFIDLEVEL1is the hierarchical level ofSpecimen LevelReference ID
REFIDSPEC2is the material type of the specimen inSpecimen TypeReference ID
--PARM--PARMCDIS_DECODED_BY1is the code forNon-host Organism ID Element Short NameNon-host Organism ID Element Name
--PARMCD--PARMDECODES2decodes the value inNon-host Organism ID Element NameNon-host Organism ID Element Short Name

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