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Source PageSDTMIG4DOT0:Variable Relationships
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Object Variable,Subject Variable,Predicate Term,Seq. for Order,Linking Phrase,Subject Variable Label,Object Variable Label,Usage Restrictions,Context
--TESTCD,--TEST,DECODES,1,Decodes the value in,"Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,,
--TEST,--TESTCD,IS_DECODED_BY,2,Is the code for the value in,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--SBMRKS,SPECIFIES,3,Specifies the markers used to identify the sub-lineage tested in,Sublineage Marker String,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",CP domain only,
--TESTCD,--CELSTA,SPECIFIES,4,Specifies the cell state of the population tested in,Cell State,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",CP domain only,
--CELSTA,--CSMRKS,SPECIFIES,5,Specifies the markers used to identify the cell state named in,Cell State Marker String,Cell State,CP domain only,
--TESTCD,--TSTCND,SPECIFIES,6,Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform,Test Condition,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--TESTCD,--BDAGNT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,7,Is the substance bound to the analyte in,Binding Agent,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--TESTCD,--TSTOPO,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,8,Is the operational objective of the test in,Test Operational Objective,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--MSCBCE,SPECIFIES,9,Specifies the molecule secreted by the cell type in,Molecule Secreted by Cells,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",IS domain only,
--AGENT,--CONC,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,10,Is the concentration of the drug in,Agent Concentration,Agent Name,MS domain only,
--TESTCD,NHOID,IS_ORGANISM_TESTED_IN,11,is the organism tested in,Non-Host Organism Identifier,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--AGENT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,12,is the drug for which susceptibility of an organism is tested in,Agent Name,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",MS domain only,
--CONC,--CONCU,IS_UNIT_FOR,13,Is the unit for the concentration in,Agent Concentration Units,Agent Concentration,MS domain only,
--ORRES,--MODIFY,MODIFIES,14,Is the altered version of the collected value in,Modified Result Term,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--TSTDTL,SPECIFIES,15,Further describes the test in,"Measurement, Test, or Examination Detail","Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--CAT,GROUPS,16,Groups values in,Category,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--SCAT,--CAT,GROUPS,17,Groups values in,Category,Subcategory,,
--CAT,--SCAT,IS_GROUPED_BY,18,values are grouped by,Subcategory,Category,,
--TESTCD,--SCAT,GROUPS,19,Groups values in,Subcategory,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--POS,IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR,20,is the subject position during performance of the test in ,Position of Subject During Observation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORRES,IS_RESULT_OF,21,Is the result of the test in,Result or Finding in Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,22,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--ORNRLO,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,23,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units,,
--ORNRHI,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,24,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units,,
--ORREF,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,25,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Reference Result in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--COLSRT,SPECIFIES,26,Is the pre-collection summary performed on the measurement in,Collected Summary Result Type,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORNRLO,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,27,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORNRHI,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,28,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORREF,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,29,Is a reference value for a population tested in,Reference Result in Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--LLOD,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,30,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Lower Limit of Detection,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STRESC,IS_RESULT_OF,31,Is the result of the test in ,Result or Finding in Standard Format,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--STRESC,IS_DERIVED_FROM,32,Is derived from,Result or Finding in Standard Format,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--STRESN,IS_RESULT_OF,33,Is the result of the test in ,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--STRESC,--STRESN,IS_DERIVED_FROM,34,Is derived from,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESC,--STRESN,IS_DERIVED_FROM,35,Is copied from \n Has predecessor,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESC,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,36,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESN,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,37,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,,
--STNRLO,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,38,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units,,
--STNRHI,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,39,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units,,
--STREFC,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,40,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Reference Result in Standard Format,,
--STREFN,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,41,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,,
--LLOQ,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,42,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Lower Limit of Quantitation,,
--ULOQ,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,43,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Upper Limit of Quantitation,,
--TESTCD,--STNRLO,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,44,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STNRHI,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,45,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STNRC,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,46,Is a set of reference values for a population tested in,Normal Range for Character Results,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STREFC,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,47,Is a reference value for a population tested in,Reference Result in Standard Format,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STREFN,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,48,Is a reference value for a population tested in,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--NRIND,CLASSIFIES,49,"Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in",Normal/Reference Range Indicator,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--STRESC,--NRIND,CLASSIFIES,50,"Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in",Normal/Reference Range Indicator,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESN,--NRIND,CLASSIFIES,51,"Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in",Normal/Reference Range Indicator,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,,
--ORRES,--RESCAT,CLASSIFIES,52,Is a grouping of values in,Result Category,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--STRESC,--RESCAT,CLASSIFIES,53,Is a grouping of values in,Result Category,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESN,--RESCAT,CLASSIFIES,54,Is a grouping of values in,Result Category,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,,
--ORRES,--INHERT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,55,Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in,Inheritability,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC;,--INHERT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,56,Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in,Inheritability,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--INHERT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,57,Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in,Inheritability,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--TESTCD,--GENREF,SPECIFIES,58,Identifies the reference used in the genomic test in,Genome Reference,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",GF domain only,
--ORRES,--CHROM,IS_POSITION_FOR,59,Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in,Chromosome Identifier,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--CHROM,IS_POSITION_FOR,60,Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in,Chromosome Identifier,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--CHROM,IS_POSITION_FOR,61,Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in,Chromosome Identifier,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--SYM,IS_POSITION_FOR,62,Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--SYM,IS_POSITION_FOR,63,Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--SYM,IS_POSITION_FOR,64,Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--SYMTYP,IS_POSITION_FOR,65,Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol Type,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--SYMTYP,IS_POSITION_FOR,66,Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol Type,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--SYMTYP,IS_POSITION_FOR,67,Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol Type,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--SYM,--SYMTYP,IS_SPECIFIED_BY,68,Is the type of genomic entity represented by the symbol in,Genomic Symbol Type,Genomic Symbol,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--GENLOC,IS_POSITION_FOR,69,"Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in",Genetic Location,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--GENLOC,IS_POSITION_FOR,70,"Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in",Genetic Location,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--GENLOC,IS_POSITION_FOR,71,"Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in",Genetic Location,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--GENSR,IS_POSITION_FOR,72,Is the genetic sub-location of the result in,Genetic Sub-Region,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--GENSR,IS_POSITION_FOR,73,Is the genetic sub-location of the result in,Genetic Sub-Region,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--GENSR,IS_POSITION_FOR,74,Is the genetic sub-location of the result in,Genetic Sub-Region,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--SYM,--GENSR,SPECIFIES,75,Is a name for a gentic region within the genetic entity represented by,Genetic Sub-Region,Genomic Symbol,GF domain only,
--SYM,--SEQID,IDENTIFIES,76,Is an identifier for the genetic sequence of the genetic entity represented by,Sequence Identifier,Genomic Symbol,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--PVRID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,77,Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in,Published Variant Identifier,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--PVRID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,78,Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in,Published Variant Identifier,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--PVRID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,79,Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in,Published Variant Identifier,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--COPYID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,80,"Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in",Copy Identifier,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--COPYID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,81,"Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in",Copy Identifier,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--COPYID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,82,"Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in",Copy Identifier,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--CHRON,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,83,Is the chronicity of the finding in,Chronicity of Finding,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--ORRES,--CHRON,IS_DERIVED_FROM,84,Is the description of chronicity included in,Chronicity of Finding,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--STRESC,--DISTR,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,85,Is the distribution of the finding in,Distribution Pattern of Finding,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--ORRES,--DISTR,IS_DERIVED_FROM,86,Is the description of distribution included in,Distribution Pattern of Finding,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--LOINC,IDENTIFIES_OBSERVATION,87,identifies an observation described by,LOINC Code,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--SPEC,IS_SPECIMEN_TESTED_IN,88,Is the specimen tested in,Specimen Material Type,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",Specimen-based domains only,
--SPEC,--ANTREG,SPECIFIES,89,Specifies an anatomical region within,Anatomical Region,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--TESTCD,--LOC,SPECIFIES,90,Specifies the anatomical location of the performance of the test in \n For tests performed on the subject,Location Used for the Measurement,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--SPEC,--LOC,SPECIFIES,91,Specifies the anatomical location of the collection of the specimen in \n For tests performed on a specimen,Location Used for the Measurement,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--LOC;,--LAT,SPECIFIES,92,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Laterality,Location Used for the Measurement,,
--SPEC,--LAT,SPECIFIES,93,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Laterality,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--LOC,--DIR,SPECIFIES,94,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Directionality,Location Used for the Measurement,,
--SPEC,--DIR,SPECIFIES,95,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Directionality,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--LOC,--PORTOT,SPECIFIES,96,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Portion or Totality,Location Used for the Measurement,,
--SPEC,--PORTOT,SPECIFIES,97,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Portion or Totality,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--TESTCD,--METHOD,SPECIFIES,98,Is the method for the test in,Method of Test or Examination,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--EVAL,--EVALID,IDENTIFIES,99,Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role in,Evaluator Identifier,Evaluator,,
--TESTCD,--EVAL,PERFORMS,100,Is the role of the assessor who performed the test in,Evaluator,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--EVAL,PROVIDES,101,Is the role of the assessor who provided the result in,Evaluator,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--FAST,IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR,102,is the subject's fasting status during the performance of the test in,Fasting Status,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--TOX,IS_DERIVED_FROM,103,Is dictionary-derived from the analyte in,Toxicity,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--TOXGR,IS_DERIVED_FROM,104,Is the dictionary-derived severity of the value in,Toxicity Grade,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--LLOQ,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,105,Is part of the range of values that can be quantified for the analyte in,Lower Limit of Quantitation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ULOQ,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,106,Is is the largest value that can be quantified for the analyte in,Upper Limit of Quantitation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--OBJ,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,107,is the object of the observation in,Object of the Observation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--CLSIG,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,108,Is the clinical significance interpretation for,"Clinically Significant, Collected",Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--TEST,DECODES,1,Decodes the value in,"Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,,
--TEST,--TESTCD,IS_DECODED_BY,2,Is the code for the value in,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--TSTOPO,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,3,Is the operational objective of the test in,Test Operational Objective,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,NHOID,IS_ORGANISM_TESTED_IN,4,is the organism tested in,Non-Host Organism Identifier,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--MODIFY,MODIFIES,5,Is the altered version of the collected value in,Modified Result Term,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--TSTDTL,SPECIFIES,6,Further describes the test in,"Measurement, Test, or Examination Detail","Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--CAT,GROUPS,7,Groups values in,Category,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--SCAT,--CAT,GROUPS,8,Groups values in,Category,Subcategory,,
--CAT,--SCAT,IS_GROUPED_BY,9,values are grouped by,Subcategory,Category,,
--TESTCD,--SCAT,GROUPS,10,Groups values in,Subcategory,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--POS,IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR,11,is the subject position during performance of the test in ,Position of Subject During Observation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORRES,IS_RESULT_OF,12,Is the result of the test in,Result or Finding in Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,13,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--ORNRLO,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,14,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units,,
--ORNRHI,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,15,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units,,
--ORREF,--ORRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,16,Is the unit for the value in,Original Units,Reference Result in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--COLSRT,SPECIFIES,17,Is the pre-collection summary performed on the measurement in,Collected Summary Result Type,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORNRLO,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,18,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Lower Limit-Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORNRHI,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,19,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Upper Limit-Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ORREF,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,20,Is a reference value for a population tested in,Reference Result in Original Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--LLOD,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,21,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Lower Limit of Detection,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STRESC,IS_RESULT_OF,22,Is the result of the test in ,Result or Finding in Standard Format,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--STRESC,IS_DERIVED_FROM,23,Is derived from,Result or Finding in Standard Format,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--STRESN,IS_RESULT_OF,24,Is the result of the test in ,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--STRESC,--STRESN,IS_DERIVED_FROM,25,Is derived from,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESC,--STRESN,IS_DERIVED_FROM,26,Is copied from \n Has predecessor,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESC,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,27,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESN,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,28,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Numeric Result/Finding in Standard Units,,
--STNRLO,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,29,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units,,
--STNRHI,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,30,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units,,
--STREFC,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,31,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Reference Result in Standard Format,,
--STREFN,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,32,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,,
--LLOQ,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,33,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Lower Limit of Quantitation,,
--ULOQ,--STRESU,IS_UNIT_FOR,34,Is the unit for the value in,Standard Units,Upper Limit of Quantitation,,
--TESTCD,--STNRLO,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,35,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STNRHI,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,36,Is part of the reference range for a population tested in,Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STNRC,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,37,Is a set of reference values for a population tested in,Normal Range for Character Results,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STREFC,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,38,Is a reference value for a population tested in,Reference Result in Standard Format,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--STREFN,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,39,Is a reference value for a population tested in,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--NRIND,CLASSIFIES,40,"Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in",Normal/Reference Range Indicator,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--STRESC,--NRIND,CLASSIFIES,41,"Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in",Normal/Reference Range Indicator,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESN,--NRIND,CLASSIFIES,42,"Classifies, relative to a reference range, the result in",Normal/Reference Range Indicator,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,,
--ORRES,--RESCAT,CLASSIFIES,43,Is a grouping of values in,Result Category,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--STRESC,--RESCAT,CLASSIFIES,44,Is a grouping of values in,Result Category,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--STRESN,--RESCAT,CLASSIFIES,45,Is a grouping of values in,Result Category,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,,
--STRESC,--CHRON,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,46,Is the chronicity of the finding in,Chronicity of Finding,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--ORRES,--CHRON,IS_DERIVED_FROM,47,Is the description of chronicity included in,Chronicity of Finding,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--STRESC,--DISTR,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,48,Is the distribution of the finding in,Distribution Pattern of Finding,Result or Finding in Standard Format,,
--ORRES,--DISTR,IS_DERIVED_FROM,49,Is the description of distribution included in,Distribution Pattern of Finding,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--LOINC,IDENTIFIES_OBSERVATION,50,identifies an observation described by,LOINC Code,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--LOC,SPECIFIES,51,Specifies the anatomical location of the performance of the test in \n For tests performed on the subject,Location Used for the Measurement,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--LOC;,--LAT,SPECIFIES,52,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Laterality,Location Used for the Measurement,,
--LOC,--DIR,SPECIFIES,53,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Directionality,Location Used for the Measurement,,
--LOC,--PORTOT,SPECIFIES,54,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Portion or Totality,Location Used for the Measurement,,
--TESTCD,--METHOD,SPECIFIES,55,Is the method for the test in,Method of Test or Examination,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--EVAL,--EVALID,IDENTIFIES,56,Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role in,Evaluator Identifier,Evaluator,,
--TESTCD,--EVAL,PERFORMS,57,Is the role of the assessor who performed the test in,Evaluator,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--EVAL,PROVIDES,58,Is the role of the assessor who provided the result in,Evaluator,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--FAST,IS_SUBJECT_STATE_FOR,59,is the subject's fasting status during the performance of the test in,Fasting Status,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--TOX,IS_DERIVED_FROM,60,Is dictionary-derived from the analyte in,Toxicity,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--TOXGR,IS_DERIVED_FROM,61,Is the dictionary-derived severity of the value in,Toxicity Grade,Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--LLOQ,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,62,Is part of the range of values that can be quantified for the analyte in,Lower Limit of Quantitation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--ULOQ,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,63,Is is the largest value that can be quantified for the analyte in,Upper Limit of Quantitation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--TESTCD,--OBJ,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,64,is the object of the observation in,Object of the Observation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,
--ORRES,--CLSIG,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,65,Is the clinical significance interpretation for,"Clinically Significant, Collected",Result or Finding in Original Units,,
--TESTCD,--SBMRKS,SPECIFIES,1,Specifies the markers used to identify the sub-lineage tested in,Sublineage Marker String,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",CP domain only,
--TESTCD,--CELSTA,SPECIFIES,2,Specifies the cell state of the population tested in,Cell State,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",CP domain only,
--CELSTA,--CSMRKS,SPECIFIES,3,Specifies the markers used to identify the cell state named in,Cell State Marker String,Cell State,CP domain only,
--TESTCD,--TSTCND,SPECIFIES,4,Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform,Test Condition,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--TESTCD,--BDAGNT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,5,Is the substance bound to the analyte in,Binding Agent,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--ORRES,--INHERT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,1,Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in,Inheritability,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC;,--INHERT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,2,Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in,Inheritability,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--INHERT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,3,Indicates heritability of the genetic variant in,Inheritability,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--TESTCD,--GENREF,SPECIFIES,4,Identifies the reference used in the genomic test in,Genome Reference,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",GF domain only,
--ORRES,--CHROM,IS_POSITION_FOR,5,Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in,Chromosome Identifier,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--CHROM,IS_POSITION_FOR,6,Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in,Chromosome Identifier,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--CHROM,IS_POSITION_FOR,7,Is the chromosome that is the position of the result in,Chromosome Identifier,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--SYM,IS_POSITION_FOR,8,Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--SYM,IS_POSITION_FOR,9,Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--SYM,IS_POSITION_FOR,10,Is the symbol for the genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--SYMTYP,IS_POSITION_FOR,11,Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol Type,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--SYMTYP,IS_POSITION_FOR,12,Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol Type,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--SYMTYP,IS_POSITION_FOR,13,Is the type of genomic entity that is the position of the result in,Genomic Symbol Type,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--SYM,--SYMTYP,IS_SPECIFIED_BY,14,Is the type of genomic entity represented by the symbol in,Genomic Symbol Type,Genomic Symbol,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--GENLOC,IS_POSITION_FOR,15,"Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in",Genetic Location,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--GENLOC,IS_POSITION_FOR,16,"Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in",Genetic Location,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--GENLOC,IS_POSITION_FOR,17,"Is the numeric location, within a chromosone, genetic entity, or genetic sub-region, of the result in",Genetic Location,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--GENSR,IS_POSITION_FOR,18,Is the genetic sub-location of the result in,Genetic Sub-Region,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--GENSR,IS_POSITION_FOR,19,Is the genetic sub-location of the result in,Genetic Sub-Region,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--GENSR,IS_POSITION_FOR,20,Is the genetic sub-location of the result in,Genetic Sub-Region,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--SYM,--GENSR,SPECIFIES,21,Is a name for a gentic region within the genetic entity represented by,Genetic Sub-Region,Genomic Symbol,GF domain only,
--SYM,--SEQID,IDENTIFIES,22,Is an identifier for the genetic sequence of the genetic entity represented by,Sequence Identifier,Genomic Symbol,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--PVRID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,23,Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in,Published Variant Identifier,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--PVRID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,24,Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in,Published Variant Identifier,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--PVRID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,25,Is an identifier for a published reference for the genetic variant in,Published Variant Identifier,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--ORRES,--COPYID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,26,"Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in",Copy Identifier,Result or Finding in Original Units,GF domain only,
--STRESC,--COPYID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,27,"Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in",Copy Identifier,Result or Finding in Standard Format,GF domain only,
--STRESN,--COPYID,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,28,"Is an identifier for the copy, on one of two homologous chromosones, of the genetic variant in",Copy Identifier,Numeric Reference Result in Std Units,GF domain only,
--TESTCD,--TSTCND,SPECIFIES,1,Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform,Test Condition,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--TESTCD,--BDAGNT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,2,Is the substance bound to the analyte in,Binding Agent,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--TESTCD,--MSCBCE,SPECIFIES,3,Specifies the molecule secreted by the cell type in,Molecule Secreted by Cells,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",IS domain only,
--TESTCD,--TSTCND,SPECIFIES,1,Specifies the condition imposed on the assay system used to perform,Test Condition,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--TESTCD,--BDAGNT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,2,Is the substance bound to the analyte in,Binding Agent,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam","CP, IS, and LB domains only",
--AGENT,--CONC,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,1,Is the concentration of the drug in,Agent Concentration,Agent Name,MS domain only,
--TESTCD,--AGENT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,2,is the drug for which susceptibility of an organism is tested in,Agent Name,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",MS domain only,
--CONC,--CONCU,IS_UNIT_FOR,3,Is the unit for the concentration in,Agent Concentration Units,Agent Concentration,MS domain only,
--TESTCD,--SPEC,IS_SPECIMEN_TESTED_IN,1,Is the specimen tested in,Specimen Material Type,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",Specimen-based domains only,
--SPEC,--ANTREG,SPECIFIES,2,Specifies an anatomical region within,Anatomical Region,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--SPEC,--LOC,SPECIFIES,3,Specifies the anatomical location of the collection of the specimen in \n For tests performed on a specimen,Location Used for the Measurement,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--SPEC,--LAT,SPECIFIES,4,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Laterality,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--SPEC,--DIR,SPECIFIES,5,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Directionality,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--SPEC,--PORTOT,SPECIFIES,6,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Portion or Totality,Specimen Material Type,Specimen-based domains only,
--TERM,--MODIFY ,MODIFIES,1,is the modified value for the value in,Modified Reported Term,Reported Term,,
--TERM,--LLT,IS_DERIVED_FROM,2,Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in,Lowest Level Term,Reported Term,,
--LLTCD,--LLT,DECODES,3,Decodes the value in,Lowest Level Term,Lowest Level Term Code,,
--TERM,--LLTCD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,4,Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in,Lowest Level Term Code,Reported Term,,
--LLT,--LLTCD,IS_DECODED_BY,5,Is the code for the value in,Lowest Level Term Code,Lowest Level Term,,
--TERM,--DECOD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,6,Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in;,Dictionary-Derived Term,Reported Term,,
--TERM,--PTCD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,7,Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in,Preferred Term Code,Reported Term,,
--DECOD,--PTCD,IS_DECODED_BY,8,Is the code for the value in,Preferred Term Code,Dictionary-Derived Term,,
--TERM,--HLT,IS_DERIVED_FROM,9,Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in,High Level Term,Reported Term,,
--HLTCD,--HLT,DECODES,10,Decodes the value in,High Level Term,High Level Term Code,,
--TERM,--HLTCD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,11,Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in,High Level Term Code,Reported Term,,
--HLT,--HLTCD,IS_DECODED_BY,12,Is the code for the value in,High Level Term Code,High Level Term,,
--TERM,--HLGT,IS_DERIVED_FROM,13,Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in,High Level Group Term,Reported Term,,
--HLGTCD,--HLGT,DECODES,14,Decodes the value in,High Level Group Term,High Level Group Term Code,,
--TERM,--HLGTCD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,15,Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in,High Level Group Term Code,Reported Term,,
--HLGT,--HLGTCD,IS_DECODED_BY,16,Is the code for the value in,High Level Group Term Code,High Level Group Term,,
--TERM,--BODSYS,IS_DERIVED_FROM,17,Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in,Body System or Organ Class,Reported Term,,
--BDSYCD,--BODSYS,DECODES,18,Decodes the value in,Body System or Organ Class,Body System or Organ Class Code,,
--TERM,--BDSYCD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,19,Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in,Body System or Organ Class Code,Reported Term,,
 --BODSYS,--BDSYCD,IS_DECODED_BY,20,Is the code for the value in,Body System or Organ Class Code,Body System or Organ Class,,
--TERM,--SOC,IS_DERIVED_FROM,21,Is a dictionary-derived term for the value in,Primary System Organ Class,Reported Term,,
--SOCCD,--SOC,DECODES,22,Decodes the value in,Primary System Organ Class,Primary System Organ Class Code,,
--TERM,--SOCCD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,23,Is a dictionary-derived code for the value in,Primary System Organ Class Code,Reported Term,,
--SOC,--SOCCD,IS_DECODED_BY,24,Is the code for the value in,Primary System Organ Class Code,Primary System Organ Class,,
--TERM,--PRESP,IS_INDICATOR_FOR,25,Indicates pre-specification of the value in,Pre-Specified,Reported Term,,
--TERM,--LOC,SPECIFIES,26,Specifies the anatomical location in,Location of Event,Reported Term,,
--LOC,--LAT,SPECIFIES,27,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Laterality,Location of Event,,
--LOC,--DIR,SPECIFIES,28,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Directionality,Location of Event,,
--LOC,--PORTOT,SPECIFIES,29,Further specifies the anatomical location in,Portion or Totality,Location of Event,,
--PARTY,--PRTYID,IDENTIFIES,30,Identifies the entity playing the role in,Identification of Accountable Party,Accountable Party,,
--TERM,--TOX,IS_DERIVED_FROM,31,Is dictionary-derived from,Toxicity,Reported Term,,
--TERM,--TOXGR,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,32,is the severity of the toxicity in,Toxicity Grade,Reported Term,,
--TRT,--MODIFY,MODIFIES,1,is the modified value for the value in,Modified Treatment Name,Name of Treatment,,
--TRT,--DECOD,DECODES,2,is the dictionary-derived term for the value in,Standardized Treatment Name,Name of Treatment,,
--TRT,--CLAS,IS_DERIVED_FROM,3,is the dictionary-derived class name for the value in,Class,Name of Treatment,,
--CLASCD,--CLAS,DECODES,4,decodes,Class,Class Code,,
--TRT,--CLASCD,IS_DECODED_BY,5,is the dictionary-derived class code for the value in,Class Code,Name of Treatment,,
--CLAS,--CLASCD,IS_DERIVED_FROM,6,codes,Class Code,Class,,
--TRT,--PRESP,IS_INDICATOR_FOR,7,Indicates pre-specification of the value in,Pre-Specified,Name of Treatment,,
--TRT,--DOSE,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,8, is the administered amount of the treatment in,Dose,Name of Treatment,,
--DOSE,--DOSU,IS_UNIT_FOR,9,is the unit for,Dose Units,Dose,,
--DOSTXT,--DOSU,IS_UNIT_FOR,10,is the unit for,Dose Units,Dose Description,,
--DOSTOT,--DOSU,IS_UNIT_FOR,11,is the unit for,Dose Units,Total Daily Dose,,
--TDOSD,--FTDOSD,MULTIPLIES,12,"is dose administered (--DOSE), as a multiple of the Toxic/Physiologic Dose described in",Factor for Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr,Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr,,
--DOSE,--FTDOSD,MULTIPLIES,13,is the multiplier of --TDOSD that gives the dose in,Factor for Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr,Dose,,
--TRT,--TDOSD,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,14,is the name of a toxic/Physiologic Dose for the treatment in,Toxic/Physiologic Dose Descr,Name of Treatment,,
--TRT,--DOSFRM,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,15,is the physical form of the product in,Dose Form,Name of Treatment,,
--TRT,--LOC,SPECIFIES,16,is the administration anatomical location for the treatment in,Location of Administration,Name of Treatment,,
--LOC,--LAT,SPECIFIES,17,further specifies the anatomical location in,Laterality,Location of Administration,,
--LOC,--DIR,SPECIFIES,18,further specifies the anatomical location in,Directionality,Location of Administration,,
--LOC,--PORTOT,SPECIFIES,19,further specifies the anatomical location in,Portion or Totality,Location of Administration,,
--TRT,--PSTRG,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,20,is the pharmaceutical strength of the product in,Pharmaceutical Strength,Name of Treatment,,
--PSTRG,--PSTRGU,IS_UNIT_FOR,21,is the unit for,Pharmaceutical Strength Units,Pharmaceutical Strength,,
--TRT,--TRTV,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,22,is the vehicle used in the administration of the substance in,Treatment Vehicle,Name of Treatment,,
--TRT,--VAMT,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,23,is the amount of the prepared product used in the administration of the substance in,Treatment Vehicle Amount,Name of Treatment,,
--VAMT,--VAMTU,IS_UNIT_FOR,24,is the unit for,Treatment Vehicle Amount Units,Treatment Vehicle Amount,,
VISIT,VISITNUM,IS_NAMED_BY,1,Is the numeric value for,Visit Number,Visit Name,,
VISITNUM,VISIT,NAMES,2,Is a name for the value in,Visit Name,Visit Number,,
VISITNUM,VISITDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,3,is the planned study day for,Planned Study Day of Visit,Visit Number,,
--NOMDY,--NOMLBL,SPECIFIES,4,is a label for the value in,Label for Nominal Study Day,Nominal Study Day for Tabulations,,
--TPTNUM,--TPT,NAMES,5,Is the name for the value in,Planned Time Point Name,Planned Time Point Number,,
--TPT,--TPTNUM,IS_NAMED_BY,6,Is a numeric value for,Planned Time Point Number,Planned Time Point Name,,
--TPTNUM,--DTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,7,Is the datetime of the timepoint in,Date/Time of Collection,Planned Time Point Number,,
--TPTREF,--ELTM,IS_TIMING_FOR,8,is the planned elapsed time of the timepoint relative to,Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point Ref,Time Point Reference,,
--TPTNUM,--TPTREF,IS_REFERENCE_VALUE_FOR,9,is the reference for,Time Point Reference,Planned Time Point Number,,
--TPTREF,--RFTDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,10,is the date of,Date/Time of Reference Time Point,Time Point Reference,,
--DTC,--EVLINT,IS_TIMING_FOR,11,,Evaluation Interval,Date/Time of Collection,,
--TRT,--DTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,12,is the date of collection for,Date/Time of Collection,Name of Treatment,,Interventions
--TRT,--STDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,13,is the start date for,Start Date/Time of Observation,Name of Treatment,,Interventions
--TRT,--ENDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,14,is the end date for,End Date/Time of Observation,Name of Treatment,,Interventions
--TERM,--DTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,15,is the date of collection for,,Reported Term,,Events
--TERM,--STDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,16,is the start date for,Start Date/Time of Observation,Reported Term,,Events
--TERM,--ENDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,17,is the end date for,End Date/Time of Observation,Reported Term,,Events
--TESTCD,--DTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,18,is the date of occurrence,Date/Time of Collection,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,Findings
--METHOD,--DTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,19,is the date of occurrence,Date/Time of Collection,Method of Test or Examination,,Findings
--SPEC,--DTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,20,is the date of collection for,Date/Time of Collection,Specimen Material Type,,Findings
--TESTCD,--ENDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,21,is the end date for,End Date/Time of Observation,"Short Name of Measurement, Test, or Exam",,Findings
--DTC,--DY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,22,is the study day corresponding to,Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam,Date/Time of Collection,,
RFSTDTC,--DY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,23,is the study day relative to,Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam,Subject Reference Start Date/Time,,
--STDTC,--STDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,24,is the study day corresponding to,Study Day of Start of Observation,Start Date/Time of Observation,,
RFSTDTC,--STDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,25,is the study day relative to,Study Day of Start of Observation,Subject Reference Start Date/Time,,
--ENDTC,--ENDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,26,is the study day corresponding to,Study Day of End of Observation,End Date/Time of Observation,,
RFSTDTC,--ENDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,27,is the study day relative to,Study Day of End of Observation,Subject Reference Start Date/Time,,
--EVAL,--EVALID,IDENTIFIES,1,Is an identifier for the evaluator with the role in,Evaluator Identifier,Evaluator,,
INVID,INVNAM,NAMES,1,is the name of the investigator whose identifier is in,Investigator Name,Investigator Identifier,,
INVNAM,INVID,IS_NAMED_BY,2,is the identifier for the investigator whose name is in,Investigator Identifier,Investigator Name,,
INVID,SITEID,,3,is the facility of the investigator in,Study Site Identifier,Investigator Identifier,,
SITEID,COUNTRY,IS_IDENTIFIED_BY,4,Is the country of the site in,Country,Study Site Identifier,,
AGE,AGEU,IS_UNIT_FOR,5,is the unit for,Age Units,Age,,
AGETXT,AGEU,IS_UNIT_FOR,6,is the unit for,Age Units,Age Text,,
ARMCD,ARM,DECODES,7,decodes,Description of Planned Arm,Planned Arm Code,,
ARM,ARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,8,is the code for,Planned Arm Code,Description of Planned Arm,,
ACTARMCD,ACTARM,DECODES,9,decodes,Description of Actual Arm,Actual Arm Code,,
ACTARM,ACTARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,10,is the code for,Planned Arm Code,Description of Actual Arm,,
RSTAGE,RSTGCD,IS_DECODED_BY,1,is the code for,Repro Stage Code,Description of Repro Stage,,
RSTGCD,RSTAGE,DECODES,2,decodes the value in,Description of Repro Stage,Repro Stage Code,,
RSTGCD,--UPDES,,3,describes the unplanned repro stage in,Description of Unplanned Element,Repro Stage Code,,
RSTGCD,--STDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,4,Is the start date/time of the element in,Start Date/Time of Observation,Repro Stage Code,,
RSTGCD,--ENDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,5,Is the end date/time of the element in,End Date/Time of Observation,Repro Stage Code,,
--STDTC,--STDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,6,is the study day corresponding to,Study Day of Start of Observation,Start Date/Time of Observation,,
--ENDTC,--ENDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,7,is the study day relative to,Study Day of End of Observation,Subject Reference Start Date/Time,,
ELEMENT,ETCD,IS_DECODED_BY,1,is the code for,Element Code,Description of Element,,
ETCD,ELEMENT,DECODES,2,decodes the value in,Description of Element,Element Code,,
ETCD,--UPDES,IS_ATTRIBUTE_FOR,3,describes the unplanned element in,Description of Unplanned Element,Element Code,,
ETCD,--STDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,4,Is the start date/time of the element in,Start Date/Time of Observation,Element Code,,
ETCD,--ENDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,5,Is the end date/time of the element in,End Date/Time of Observation,Element Code,,
--STDTC,--STDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,6,is the study day corresponding to,Study Day of Start of Observation,Start Date/Time of Observation,,
--ENDTC,--ENDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,7,is the study day relative to,Study Day of End of Observation,Subject Reference Start Date/Time,,
MIDS,VISITNUM,CLASSIFIES,1,is the type of disease milestone in,MIDSTYPE,Disease Milestone Instance Name,,
MIDS,--STDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,2,Is the start date/time of the disease milestone in,Start Date/Time of Observation,Disease Milestone Instance Name,,
MIDS,--ENDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,3,Is the end date/time of the disease milestone in,End Date/Time of Observation,Disease Milestone Instance Name,,
--STDTC,--STDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,4,is the study day corresponding to,Study Day of Start of Observation,Start Date/Time of Observation,,
--ENDTC,--ENDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,5,is the study day relative to,Study Day of End of Observation,Subject Reference Start Date/Time,,
VISIT,VISITNUM,IS_NAMED_BY,1,Is the numeric value for,Visit Number,Visit Name,,
VISITNUM,VISIT,NAMES,2,Is a name for the value in,Visit Name,Visit Number,,
VISITNUM,VISITDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,3,is the planned study day for,Planned Study Day of Visit,Visit Number,,
VISITNUM,--PRESP,IS_INDICATOR_FOR,4,indicates the pre-specification in the protocol of the visit in,Pre-Specified,Visit Number,,
VISIT,--STDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,5,Is the start date/time of the visit in,Start Date/Time of Observation,Visit Name,,
VISIT,--ENDTC,IS_TIMING_FOR,6,Is the end date/time of the visit in,End Date/Time of Observation,Visit Name,,
--STDTC,--STDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,7,is the study day corresponding to,Study Day of Start of Observation,Start Date/Time of Observation,,
--ENDTC,--ENDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,8,is the study day relative to,Study Day of End of Observation,Subject Reference Start Date/Time,,
--PARM,--PARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,1,is the code for,Challenge Agent Parameter Short Name,Challenge Agent Parameter,,
--PARMCD,--PARM,ETCD,2,decodes the value in,Challenge Agent Parameter,Challenge Agent Parameter Short Name,,
ARMCD,ARM,DECODES,1,decodes,Description of Planned Arm,Planned Arm Code,,
ARM,ARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,2,is the code for,Planned Arm Code,Description of Planned Arm,,
ELEMENT,ETCD,IS_DECODED_BY,3,is the code for,Element Code,Description of Element,,
ETCD,ELEMENT,DECODES,4,decodes,Description of Element,Element Code,,
ELEMENT,ETCD,IS_DECODED_BY,1,is the code for,Element Code,Description of Element,,
ETCD,ELEMENT,DECODES,2,decodes the value in,Description of Element,Element Code,,
ETCD,TESTRL,IS_TIMING_FOR,3,is the rule for starting the element in,Rule for Start of Element,Element Code,,
ETCD,TEENRL,IS_TIMING_FOR,4,is the rule for ending the element in,Rule for End of Element,Element Code,,
ETCD,TEDUR,IS_TIMING_FOR,5,is the planned duration for the element in,Planned Duration of Element,Element Code,,
--TESTCD,--TEST,DECODES,1,Decodes the value in,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name,,
--TEST,--TESTCD,IS_DECODED_BY,2,Is the code for the value in,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion,,
--TESTCD,--CAT,GROUPS,3,Groups values in,Category,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name,,
--SCAT,--CAT,GROUPS,4,Groups values in,Category,Subcategory,,
--CAT,--SCAT,IS_GROUPED_BY,5,values are grouped by,Subcategory,Category,,
--TESTCD,--SCAT,GROUPS,6,Groups values in,Subcategory,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name,,
--TESTCD,TIRL,,7,Is the computer-executable version of the inclusion/criterion in,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Rule,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name,,
--TESTCD,TIVERS,,8,is the version that includes the inclusion/criterion in,Protocol Criteria Versions,Inclusion/Exclusion Criterion Short Name,,
RPATHCD,RPATH,DECODES,1,decodes,Description of Planned Repro Path,Planned Repro Path Code,,
RPATH,RPATHCD,IS_DECODED_BY,2,is the code for,Planned Repro Path Code,Description of Planned Repro Path,,
RSTAGE,RSTGCD,IS_DECODED_BY,3,is the code for,Repro Stage Code,Description of Repro Stage,,
RSTGCD,RSTAGE,DECODES,4,decodes the value in,Description of Repro Stage,Repro Stage Code,,
--PARM,--PARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,1,is the code for,Trial Ssummary Parameter Short Name,Trial Summary Parameter,,
--PARMCD,--PARM,DECODES,2,decodes the value in,Trial Summary Parameter,Trial Summary Parameter Short Name,,
--PARMCD,--VAL,,3,is the value of the property identified by,Parameter Value,Trial Summary Parameter Short Name,,
--PARMCD,--VAL,,4,is the value of the property identified by,Parameter Value,Trial Summary Parameter Short Name,,
--VALCD,--VAL,DECODES,5,decodes,Parameter Value,Parameter value code,,
--PARMCD,--VALNF,,6,is the null flavor of the property identified by,Parameter Value,Trial Summary Parameter Short Name,,
--VAL,--VALCD,IS_DECODED_BY,7,is the code fo,Parameter Value,Parameter value,,
--VALCD,--VALCDREF,,8,is the name of the reference terminology for,Parameter Value,Parameter value code,,
--VALCDREF,--VALCDVER,,9,is the version of the reference terminology in,Parameter Value,Trial Summary Parameter Short Name,,
RSTAGE,RSTGCD,IS_DECODED_BY,1,is the code for,Repro Stage Code,Description of Repro Stage,,
RSTGCD,RSTAGE,DECODES,2,decodes the value in,Description of Repro Stage,Repro Stage Code,,
RSTGCD,--STRL,IS_TIMING_FOR,3,is the rule for starting the repro stage in,Rule for Start of Element,Repro Stage Code,,
RSTGCD,--ENRL,IS_TIMING_FOR,4,is the rule for ending the repro stage in,Rule for End of Element,Repro Stage Code,,
RSTGCD,--DUR,IS_TIMING_FOR,5,is the planned duration for the repro stage in,Planned Duration of Element,Repro Stage Code,,
VISIT,VISITNUM,IS_NAMED_BY,1,Is the numeric value for,Visit Number,Visit Name,,
VISITNUM,VISIT,NAMES,2,Is a name for the value in,Visit Name,Visit Number,,
VISITNUM,VISITDY,IS_STUDY_DAY_FOR,3,is the planned study day for,Planned Study Day of Visit,Visit Number,,
ARMCD,ARM,DECODES,4,decodes,Description of Planned Arm,Planned Arm Code,,
ARM,ARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,5,is the code for,Planned Arm Code,Description of Planned Arm,,
SETCD,SET,DECODES,1,decodes,Set Description,Set Code,,
SET,SETCD,IS_DECODED_BY,2,is the code for,Set Code,Set Description,,
--PARM,--PARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,3,is the code for,Trial Set Parameter Short Name,Trial Set Parameter,,
--PARMCD,--PARM,DECODES,4,decodes the value in,Trial Set Parameter,Trial Set Parameter Short Name,,
QNAM,QLABEL,,1,is the label for,Qualifier Variable Label,Qualifier Variable Name,,
QNAM,QVAL,,2,is the is the value for,Data Value,Qualifier Variable Name,,
QVAL,QORIG,,3,is the origin for,Origin,Data Value,,
QVAL,QEVAL,,4,is the source for,Evaluator,Data Value,,
REFID,LEVEL,,1,is the hierarchical level of,Reference ID Generation Level,Reference ID,,
LEVEL,LVLDESC,,2,describes the type of level in,Reference ID Level Description,Reference ID Generation Level,,
REFID,LEVEL,,1,is the hierarchical level of,Specimen Level,Reference ID,,
REFID,SPEC,,2,is the material type of the specimen in,Specimen Type,Reference ID,,
--PARM,--PARMCD,IS_DECODED_BY,1,is the code for,Non-host Organism ID Element Short Name,Non-host Organism ID Element Name,,
--PARMCD,--PARM,DECODES,2,decodes the value in,Non-host Organism ID Element Name,Non-host Organism ID Element Short Name,,

  • No labels