


  • The lab terminology team has questions about the LB and MB examples in the Virology TAUG and Influenza TAUG concerning Viral Load.  Also, the lab team would like input from Jon and Bess concerning outstanding lab terminology requests.

Discussion items




  • Outstanding lab terminology requests:
    • Changes to Existing:  there were 12 lab concepts that were requested to be removed
      • Hepatitis B DNA, Hepatitis G RNA, HBV Viral Load, ADV Viral Load, BKV Viral Load, CMV Viral Load, EBV Viral Load, HAV Viral Load, HCV Viral Load, HIV Viral Load, Influenza A H1N1 Viral Load, Influenza A Viral Load
        • Everyone agreed that these should be removed. 
          • The TAUGs have Viral Load in the LBCAT variable.  The LBTEST variable can contain RNA, DNA, etc.  The new variable NHOID holds the non-host organism identifier.
    • New term request for 2 new concepts not related to a TAUG
      • HCV mRNA, Hepatitis E mRNA 
        • Everyone agreed that these should not be added.
          • Reason:  Please look at the modelling in the Influenza TAUG and the Virology TAUG.  They have Viral Load in the LBCAT variable.  The LBTEST can contain RNA, DNA, etc..  The new variable NHOID holds the non-host organism identifier.
    • New term request for 2 new concepts for TAUG
      • Tissue Culture Infectious Dose 50% and Culture Plaque
        • Current discussions on whether this belongs in the LB or MB domain.  Please see Viral Load Example discussion below.
        • Everyone agreed that these two terms would not be added.
        • The TAUGs will contain a Known Issue statement explaining this LB/MB discussion.
  • Viral Load Examples (LB)
    • Virology TAUG and the Influenza TAUG
      • The LBTEST contains RNA, DNA, Culture Plaque, and Tissue Culture Infectious Dose 50%
      • The LBCAT contains Viral Load
      • The NHOID (Non-Host Organism Identifier) contains Hepatitis C Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, Influenza A Virus, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1
    • The lab team's concern is over the LBTESTs, should it be in LB or MB domain?  Should all Viral Load be in MB?
      • LOINC has a classification of MICRO for Viral Load. 
      • This will need to be discussed further.
  • Interchange 2014
    • Viral Load terminology discussion occurred on 11Nov2014
      • Tuesday, AM

        • Agenda

          • Lab:  Viral Load (HCV and HBV - inconsistency in terminology?) Should we add the SPCIES field to the lab domain?  Consider that lab should be tagging, describing the test as virology and genomics are doing it?  (Phil Pochon)

        • Conclusion

          • At least two new fields are being proposed to be added to LB domain (for species and strain) so that the name of the virus will be removed from the TEST and TESTCD variable and instead will be added into a separate field. The lab tests will now be general for DNA, RNA, nucleic acid, etc. This proposal will be submitted to the SDS team for approval. As an example see the implementation guide for Pharmacogenomics (PGx) for an example of these two new variables.

    • Bernice was not present for this discussion because of teaching the Controlled Terminology Course.
    • Phil and Jon:  please add your minutes from this Interchange discussion.

Action items
