When instances of the OperationResult class are represented in a tabular format, the resultant table may be referred to as an ARD if the following conditions are met:

  • There is 1 row for each instance of the OperationResult class (i.e., 1 row per result value).
  • Each row includes all the information needed to give context to the result value represented on the row, including at least:
    • the value of the id attribute of the analysis that generated and contains the result;
    • the value of the operationId attribute of the instance of the OperationResult class that is represented on the row; and
    • the values of all of the groupingIdgroupId, or groupValue attributes that are present in resultGroups attribute of the instance of the OperationResult class that is represented on the row.

To aid readability, an ARD may include additional columns containing descriptive information that has been retrieved from instances of other classes using any of the identifier values included on each row. An ARD may contain results from 1 or more analyses. Each of the tables shown in the examples in the OperationResult section is an example of an ARD.

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