
A special-purpose domain that contains the actual order of elements followed by the subject, together with the start date/time and end date/time for each element.


TIG v1.0 Metadata Check for SDTM Domain Specification Table Beta 3.2

Metadata check macro is applied and detected no issues. This notice is provided as a visual reminder. It will be removed during final publication. Release Notes

Variable NameVariable LabelTypeControlled Terms, Codelist, or FormatRoleCDISC NotesCore
STUDYIDStudy IdentifierChar
IdentifierUnique identifier for a study.Req
DOMAINDomain AbbreviationCharSEIdentifierTwo-character abbreviation for the domain.Req
USUBJIDUnique Subject IdentifierChar
IdentifierIdentifier used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product.Req
SESEQSequence NumberNum
IdentifierSequence number given to ensure uniqueness of subject records within a domain. Should be assigned to be consistent chronological order.Req
ETCDElement CodeChar
  1. ETCD (the companion to ELEMENT) is limited to 8 characters and does not have special character restrictions. These values should be short for ease of use in programming, but it is not expected that ETCD will need to serve as a variable name.
  2. If an encountered element differs from the planned element to the point that it is considered a new element, then use "UNPLAN" as the value for ETCD to represent this element.
ELEMENTDescription of ElementChar
Synonym QualifierThe name of the element. If ETCD has a value of "UNPLAN", then ELEMENT should be null.Perm
TAETORDPlanned Order of Element within ArmNum
TimingNumber that gives the planned order of the element within the subject's assigned trial arm.Perm
EPOCHEpochChar(EPOCH)TimingEpoch associated with the element in the planned sequence of elements for the arm to which the subject was assigned.Perm
SESTDTCStart Date/Time of ElementCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalTimingStart date/time for an element for each subject.Req
SEENDTCEnd Date/Time of ElementCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalTimingEnd date/time for an element for each subject.Exp
SESTDYStudy Day of Start of ElementNum
TimingStudy day of start of element relative to the applicant-defined RFSTDTC.Perm
SEENDYStudy Day of End of ElementNum
TimingStudy day of end of element relative to the applicant-defined RFSTDTC.Perm
SEUPDESDescription of Unplanned ElementChar
Synonym QualifierDescription of what happened to the subject during an unplanned element. Used only if ETCD has the value of "UNPLAN".Perm


The SE domain allows the submission of data on the timing of the trial elements a subject actually passed through in their participation in the trial. 
  1. For any particular subject, the dates in the SE table are the dates when the transition events identified in the Trial Elements (TE) table occurred. Judgment may be needed to match actual events in a subject's experience with the definitions of transition events (i.e., events that mark the start of new elements) in the TE table; actual events may vary from the plan. 
  2. Judgment will also have to be used in deciding how to represent a subject's experience if an element does not proceed or end as planned. 
  3. If the applicant decides that the subject's experience for a particular period of time cannot be represented with one of the planned elements, then that period of time should be represented as an unplanned element. The value of ETCD for an unplanned element is “UNPLAN” and SEUPDES should be populated with a description of the unplanned element.
  4. The values of SESTDTC provide the chronological order of the actual subject elements. SESEQ should be assigned to be consistent with the chronological order. Note that the requirement that SESEQ be consistent with chronological order is more stringent than in most other domains, where --SEQ values need only be unique within subject.
  5. When TAETORD is included in the SE domain, it represents the planned order of an element in an arm. This should not be confused with the actual order of the elements, which will be represented by their chronological order and SESEQ. TAETORD will not be populated for subject elements that are not planned for the arm to which the subject was assigned. Thus, TAETORD will not be populated for any element with an ETCD value of “UNPLAN”. TAETORD also will not be populated if a subject passed through an element that, although defined in the TE dataset, was out of place for the arm to which the subject was assigned.
  6. For subjects who follow the planned sequence of elements for the arm to which they were assigned, the values of EPOCH in the SE domain will match those associated with the elements for the subject's arm in the TA dataset. The applicant will have to decide what value, if any, of EPOCH to assign SE records for unplanned elements and in other cases where the subject's actual elements deviate from the plan. 
  7. Because there are, by definition, no gaps between elements, the value of SEENDTC for one element will always be the same as the value of SESTDTC for the next element.
  8. Note that SESTDTC is required, although --STDTC is not required in any other subject-level dataset. The purpose of the dataset is to record the elements a subject actually passed through. If it is known that a subject passed through a particular element, then there must be some information (perhaps imprecise) on when it started. Thus, SESTDTC may not be null, although some records may not have all the components (e.g., year, month, day, hour, minute) of the date/time value collected.
  9. The following identifier variables are permissible and may be added as appropriate: --GRPID, --REFID, --SPID.
  10. Care should be taken in adding additional timing variables: 
    1. The purpose of --DTC and --DY is to record the date and study day on which data was collected. Elements are generally “derived” in the sense that they are a secondary use of data collected elsewhere; it is not generally useful to know when those date/times were recorded.
    2. --DUR could be added only if the duration of an element was collected, not derived.
    3. It would be inappropriate to add the variables that support time points (--TPT, --TPTNUM, --ELTM, --TPTREF, and --RFTDTC), because the topic of this dataset is elements.

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