The following is an example of a timing constraint on a transition defined in a workflow.
<StudyTiming OID="ST.TIMINGS" Name="Study Timings"> <TransitionTimingConstraint OID="TRTIM.MEAS_1_TO_2" Name="Time between measurement 1 and 2" TransitionOID="TR.MEAS_1_TO_MEAS_2" TimepointTarget="PT10M" TimepointPreWindow="PT1M" TimepointPostWindow="PT2M" Type="FinishToStart"> <Description> <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">The time between measurement 1 and 2 ideally is 10 minutes, but is allowed to be between 9 and 12 minutes, measured between the end of the first measurement and the start of the second measurement.</TranslatedText> </Description> </TransitionTimingConstraint> </StudyTiming> <WorkflowDef OID="WF.EXAMPLE" Name="Incomplete workflow example"> <Transition OID="TR.MEAS_1_TO_MEAS_2" Name="Transition between measurement 1 and 2" SourceOID="IG.MEASUREMENT_1" TargetOID="IG.MEASUREMENT_2" /> </WorkflowDef>