This is the SDTM date for the data collected above. In this example, the applicant only represented whether the product was used in the last 14 days. CMPRESP was populated by the applicant for all pre-specified products. Medication specified as "OTHER" were not considered pre-specified.
Row 1:
Shows the subject reported they had not previously used any smoking cessation product (e.g., CMOCCUR ="N") . CMPRESP was included to indicate that the use of smoking cessation product was specifically asked on the CRF.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12:
Show the subjects reported they had previously used smoking cessation products (e.g., CMOCCUR ="Y"). CMPRESP was included to indicate that the use of smoking cessation product was specifically asked.
Row 3:
Shows the subject reported using Nicotine Gum. CMENDTC indicates the last day the product was used. CMPRESP is used to represent that this product was pre-specified. CMOCCUR is null, since the applicant did not directly ask on the CRF whether this specific product was taken. The investigator just checked which products were used.
Row 5:
Shows the subject reported the previous use of a nicotine lozenge with a last know date of use of 2012.
Rows 7, 9, 11:
Show the subjects used the product shown in CMTRT. Subject ABC-0006 discontinued BUPROPION for an adverse event.
Row 13:
Shows the subject used a Natural Supplement ABC for smoking cessation. Since, this product was not specified on the CRF, CMPRESP is null.