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SDTM v2.1 Metadata Check for Class and Dataset Specification Table Beta 1

Metadata check macro is applied and detected issue(s). Please address finding(s) listed below the specification table. An FAQ is available to aid troubleshooting. Release Notes

#Variable NameVariable LabelTypeFormatRoleVariable(s) QualifiedUsage RestrictionsVariable C-codeDefinitionNotesExamples
1--TERMReported TermChar

C82571The collected name for an event observation.The verbatim or prespecified name of the event.
2--MODIFYModified Reported TermChar
Synonym Qualifier--TERM

A value which represents an alteration to a collected value for coding.

If the value for --TERM is modified for coding purposes, then the modified text is placed here.
3--LLTLowest Level TermChar
Variable Qualifier--TERMNot in nonclinical trialsC71886The lowest-level term assigned to the event from MedDRA.

4--LLTCDLowest Level Term CodeNum
Variable Qualifier--LLTNot in nonclinical trialsC117048The lowest-level term code assigned to the event from MedDRA.

5--DECODDictionary-Derived TermChar
Synonym Qualifier--TERM
C170991Standardized or dictionary-derived text for the description of an event or intervention.Equivalent to the Preferred Term ("PT" in MedDRA).
6--EVDTYPMedical History Event Date TypeChar
Variable Qualifier--STDTC; --ENDTCMH domain only

Specifies the aspect of the medical condition or event by which MHSTDTC and/or the MHENDTC is defined.


7--PTCDPreferred Term CodeNum
Variable Qualifier--DECODNot in nonclinical trialsC117056The preferred term code assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.

8--HLTHigh Level TermChar
Variable Qualifier--TERMNot in nonclinical trialsC71880The high-level term from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from MedDRA.

9--HLTCDHigh Level Term CodeNum
Variable Qualifier--HLTNot in nonclinical trialsC117047The high-level term code from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from MedDRA.

10--HLGTHigh Level Group TermChar
Variable Qualifier--TERMNot in nonclinical trialsC71889The high-level group term from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from MedDRA.

11--HLGTCDHigh Level Group Term CodeNum
Variable Qualifier--HLGTNot in nonclinical trialsC117046The high-level group term code from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from MedDRA.

Grouping Qualifier

C25372A grouping or classification of the topic of the finding, event, or intervention.

Grouping Qualifier

C25692A further grouping or classification of the category for the topic of the finding, event, or intervention.The category is in --CAT.
Variable Qualifier--TERM
C82510An indication that the event or intervention was prospectively stated or detailed on the CRF.Value is "Y" for prespecified events, null for spontaneously reported events.
15--OCCUROccurrence IndicatorChar
Record Qualifier
Not in AE domainC171000An indication as to whether a prespecified event or intervention has occurred.

16--REASOCReason for Occur ValueChar
Record Qualifier

Not in AE domain

--REASOC is the reason the event did or did not occur, according to the value in --OCCUR.

17--STATCompletion StatusChar
Record Qualifier

Not in AE domain

Used to indicate when a question about the occurrence of a prespecified event was not answered. Should be null or have a value of "NOT DONE".

Reason Not Done

Record Qualifier
Not in AE domainC82556The explanation for why requested information was not available.Used in conjunction with --STAT when its value is "NOT DONE".
19--BODSYSBody System or Organ ClassChar
Record Qualifier

C170986A standardized or dictionary-derived name for the body system or organ class.Body system or system organ class assigned for analysis from a standard hierarchy (e.g., MedDRA) associated with an event."GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS"
20--BDSYCDBody System or Organ Class CodeNum
Variable Qualifier--BODSYSNot in nonclinical trialsC170985A standardized or dictionary-derived short sequence of characters used to represent the body system or organ class.MedDRA System Organ Class code corresponding to --BODSYS assigned for analysis.
21--SOCPrimary System Organ ClassChar
Variable Qualifier--TERMNot in nonclinical trialsC71888The system organ class from the primary hierarchy assigned in the MedDRA dictionary.

22--SOCCDPrimary System Organ Class CodeNum
Variable Qualifier--SOCNot in nonclinical trialsC117059The system organ class code from the primary hierarchy assigned in the MedDRA dictionary.

23--CNTMODContact ModeChar
Record Qualifier

The way in which the event, visit, or contact was conducted.

24--EPCHGIEpi/Pandemic Related Change IndicatorChar
Record Qualifier

Indicates whether the event was changed due to an epidemic or pandemic. Not the same as whether a medical condition was caused by an epidemic or pandemic.

25--LOCLocation of EventChar
Record Qualifier

Describes anatomical location relevant for the event."ARM" for skin rash
Variable Qualifier--LOC

Qualifier for anatomical location, further detailing laterality.

Variable Qualifier--LOC

Qualifier for anatomical location, further detailing directionality."ANTERIOR", "LOWER", "PROXIMAL"
28--PORTOTPortion or TotalityChar
Variable Qualifier--LOC

Qualifier for anatomical location, further detailing the distribution (i.e., arrangement of, apportioning of)."ENTIRE", "SINGLE", "SEGMENT", "MANY"
29--PARTYAccountable PartyChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC117052The role of the individual or entity responsible for the receipt of the transferred object (e.g., device, specimen).The party could be an individual (e.g., subject), an organization (e.g., sponsor), or a location that is a proxy for an individual or organization (e.g., site). It is usually a somewhat general term that is further identified in the --PRTYID variable.


Identification of Accountable PartyChar
Variable Qualifier--PARTYNot in nonclinical trialsC117054A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the individual or entity responsible for the receipt of the transferred object (e.g., device, specimen).Used in conjunction with --PARTY.
Record Qualifier

C25676The quality or degree of harm associated with a finding or event, as collected.
32--SERSerious EventChar
Record Qualifier

C82578A collected indication as to whether an event meets regulatory criteria for seriousness.Valid values are "Y" and "N".

Action Taken w/Investigational Product

Record Qualifier

C49499An action taken with study treatment or investigational product, as the result of the event.
34--ACNOTHOther Action TakenChar
Record Qualifier


An action taken unrelated to study treatment or product, as the result of the event.

35--ACNDEVAction Taken with DeviceChar
Record Qualifier

C117037An action taken with a device as the result of the event.The device may or may not be the device under study.
Record Qualifier

C103163The investigator's assessment of the likelihood that the study treatment or product was the cause of the event.
37--RLDEVRelationship of Event to DeviceChar
Record Qualifier

A judgement as to the likelihood that the device caused the event.

The device may or may not be the device under study. Controlled terminology from EC Directive MEDDEV 2.7/3 March 2015 is required in EU but not US.

38--RELNSTRelationship to Non-Study TreatmentChar
Record Qualifier

C82564The investigator's assessment of the causal relationship of the event to a non-study treatment.
39--PATTPattern of EventChar
Record Qualifier

C82550A characterization of the temporal pattern of occurrences of the event.
40--OUTOutcome of EventChar
Record Qualifier

C171001The status associated with the result or conclusion of the event.
41--SCANInvolves CancerChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC82561An indication as to whether the reason an event was serious was because the event was associated with cancer.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
42--SCONGCongenital Anomaly or Birth DefectChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC2849An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event is associated with congenital anomaly or birth defect in an offspring of the subject.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
43--SDISABPersist or Signif Disability/IncapacityChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC68606An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in a significant, persistent, or permanent change, impairment, damage, or disruption in the subject's body function/structure, physical activities, and/or quality of life.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
44--SDTHResults in DeathChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC82549An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in death.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
45--SHOSPRequires or Prolongs HospitalizationChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC68605An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in or prolonged hospitalization.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
46--SLIFEIs Life ThreateningChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC82508An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in a substantial risk of dying.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
47--SODOccurred with OverdoseChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC82548An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event is associated with overdose.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
48--SMIEOther Medically Important Serious EventChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC82521An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event may jeopardize the subject and may require intervention to prevent one of the other outcomes associated with serious adverse events.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
49--SINTVNeeds Intervention to Prevent ImpairmentChar
Record Qualifier

AE domain only

Valid values are "Y", "N", and null. Expected use is in medical device-related trials. It is part of the definition of a serious AE as represented in 21 CFR Part 803.3(w)(3).

Records whether medical or surgical intervention was necessary to preclude permanent impairment of a body function, or prevent permanent damage to a body structure, with either situation suspected to be due to the use of a medical product.

50--UNANTUnanticipated Adverse Device EffectChar
Record Qualifier
AE domain only

The assessment is about a device identified in the data (i.e., which has an SPDEVID). The device may be ancillary or under study.

Any serious adverse effect on health or safety or any life-threatening problem or death caused by or associated with a device, if that effect, problem, or death was not previously identified in nature, severity, or degree of incidence in the investigational plan or application (including a supplementary plan or application), or any other unanticipated serious problem associated with a device that relates to the rights, safety, or welfare of subjects. (21 CFR 812.3(s)).


Rel of AE to Device-Related Procedure

Record Qualifier

AE domain only

The investigator's opinion as to the likelihood that the device-related study procedure caused the AE (e.g., implant/insertion, revision/adjustment, explant/removal)

The relationship is to a device-related procedure where the device is identified in the data (i.e., which has an SPDEVID). The device may be ancillary or under study.


Rel of AE to Non-Dev-Rel Study Activity

Record Qualifier

AE domain only

The investigator's opinion as to the causality of the event as related to other protocol-required activities, actions or assessments (e.g., medication changes, tests/assessments, other procedures).

The relationship is to a protocol-specified non-device-related activity where the device is identified in the data (i.e., which has an SPDEVID). The device may be ancillary or under study.

53--CONTRTConcomitant or Additional Trtmnt GivenChar
Record Qualifier

C170989An indication as to whether a non-study treatment was given because of the occurrence of the event.Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
Variable Qualifier--TOXGR
C27990The standardized or dictionary-derived name for an untoward event or finding.Sponsor should specify which scale and version is used in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define-XML document.An NCI CTCAE Short Name, "HYPERCALCEMIA", "HYPOCALCEMIA"
55--TOXGRToxicity GradeChar
Record Qualifier

C82528A categorical classification of the severity of an event or finding, based on a standard scale, used in study data tabulation.Sponsor should specify which scale and version is used in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define-XML document.A toxicity grade from the NCI CTCAE.
56--USCHFLUnscheduled FlagChar
Record Qualifier
Not in human clinical trialsC170510An indication that the performed test or observation was done at a time that was not planned.If a test or observation was performed based upon a schedule defined in the protocol, this flag should be null. Expected values are "Y" or null. This variable would not be needed when information on planned assessments is provided, such as when the Trial Visits (TV) and Subject Visits (SV) domains are used.

Metadata Checks Findings

SDTM & Related IG Metadata Check User Macros FAQ
  • Content: For variable --ACN, variable label Action Taken w/Investigational Product is not in title case; offending words list: [w/Investigational]
  • No labels