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Information for Reviewers

<<Draft text>>

Table 1. Root variable definitions added in Batch 2

Root Variable NameDefinitionCDASHGeneral Observation ClassSpecial
Trial DesignStudy
RelationshipAssociated Persons
ACTARMUDA description of the pathway through the study for a subject who did not follow one of the planned trial arms.


--AGENTThe name of the drug or other material to which susceptibility is tested.

TDANCVARThe name of a variable that specifies the fixed reference point for the start of the planned assessment schedule.


--ANMETHThe name of an algorithm, formula or calculation used to obtain a result from intermediate data. 

APIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a single associated person, a group of associated persons, or a pool of associated persons.
All Classes-General

ARMNRSThe explanation for why the actual and/or planned arm variables are not populated. 


--BDAGNTThe textual description of the agent that's binding to the entity in the --TEST variable.

--BDSYCDA standardized or dictionary-derived short sequence of characters used to represent the body system or organ class.

--BEATNOA numeric identifier that indicates the relative temporal position of an ECG beat.

--BRANCHA decision point condition which determines, in whole or in part, the subject's assignment to an arm and thus their transition to the subsequent element.


CETHNICAn operational field for collecting ethnicity.DM

--CHDYThe number of days from the first date of challenge agent exposure to the date of collection (--DTC), used in study data tabulation.
All Classes-General

--CHENDYThe number of days from the first date of challenge agent exposure  to the end of an intervention or event (--ENDTC), used for study data tabulation.
All Classes-General

--CHRONCharacterization of the time course of a biological process, which qualifies a particular finding.

--CHSTDYThe number of days from the first date of challenge agent exposure  to the start of an intervention or event (--STDTC), used for study data tabulation.
All Classes-General

--COLSRTIndicates the statistical or mathematical property of a collected summary result. 

--CONCThe amount, per unit volume or weight, of the drug or other material to which susceptibility is tested.

--CONCUThe unit of measure for the amount, per unit volume or weight, of the drug or other material to which susceptibility is tested.

CRACEAn operational field for collecting race.DM

TMDEFThe description of an event or activity that can be anticipated in the course of a disease, but whose timing is not controlled by the study schedule.


--DIRAn anatomical qualifier that describes the relative location or orientation of a part of the body.

--DISTRA description of the arrangement or dissemination of a finding within an area of focus. 

ELEMENTA descriptive name for a block of time within one or more arms, wherein protocol-defined activities take place.


--ENRLIdentifies the condition or criterion that defines the end of a planned period of time within the study. 


ETCDA short sequence of characters that represents the trial element.


ETHNICAn arbitrary classification of the social group a person belongs to, and either identifies with or is identified with by others, as a result of a complex of cultural, biological, geographical and other factors. 


--EVDTYPA description of a state, stage or instance of a medical history event to which distinct timing applies.

FOCIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the protocol-specified discrete part of a subject or specimen (the experimental unit) where the measurement, test, intervention, or examination was performed.
All Classes-General

--FTDOSDThe quantity given for the multiplier of the toxicological/physiological dose description (--TDOSD).

IDVARA variable that contains the name of an operational variable, used in combination with other identifier variables, that is used in specifying records that are related.


IDVARVALA variable that contains the value of the operational variable, used in combination with other identifier variables, that is used in specifying records that are related.


--IMPLBLLabel or identifier that describes the location or position of a fetal implantation site in the uterus (or uterine horn).

INVIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the investigator.


INVNAMThe name of the investigator.


--LATReferring to the side or sides of the body, or part of the body, relevant to the anatomical location of the intervention, event, or assessment.

LEVELThe generation number of a biospecimen in relation to the collected biospecimen that is considered the first generation. 

--LLODThe lowest threshold (as originally received or collected) for reliably detecting the presence of a substance measured by a specific test.

--LOBXFLAn indication that the record is the last non-missing baseline assessment prior to the date and time in RFXSTDTC.

--LOCThe anatomical location of the intervention, event, or assessment.

--MAXPAIThe upper limit of the allowed range for the interval between disease assessments in the planned assessment schedule, represented in a standardized character format.


MIDSA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a single occurrence of a disease milestone.
All Classes-GeneralSM

MIDSDTCThe start date or date and time of the disease milestone instance, represented in a standardized character format.
All Classes-General

MIDSTYPEA short description of a disease milestone.


TDMINPAIThe lower limit of the allowed range for the interval between disease assessments in the planned assessment schedule, represented in a standardized character format.


--MTHSENA description of the relative ability of a test methodology to detect or quantify small amounts of a substance.

NHOIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a non-host organism.
All Classes-General


--NUMRPTThe planned number of assessments in the assessment schedule, or, if the number of assessments is not limited in the protocol, the maximum number of assessments that actually occurred.


--OBJNames the event or intervention whose property is being measured, tested, or examined.
Findings About-Findings

--ORDERAn assigned numeric identifier that gives the order of the planned assessment schedule within the trial.


--ORREFReference value for the result (as originally received or collected) of the measurement, test, or examination.

PARENTThe identifier for the immediate progenitor of a biospecimen.

--PARMThe standardized or dictionary-derived name of an attribute for the topic of the domain.


--PARMCDA standardized or dictionary-derived short sequence of characters used to represent an attribute for the topic of the domain.


--PDURThe length of time during which an observation is planned to continue, represented in a standardized character format.
All Classes-General

--PORTOTDescribes a portion of or the totality of an entity of the body, or  part of the body, or of a tissue specimen.

--PTFLAn indication that the assessment was done, or the specimen or data was collected, at a single point in time.
All Classes-General

QEVALThe role of the person(s) providing the value of the non-standard variable in a dataset (a Supplemental Qualifier dataset) used to represent non-standard variables and their association to records in the parent domain.

QLABELThe long name of a non-standard variable in a dataset (a Supplemental Qualifier dataset) used to represent non-standard variables and their association to records in the parent domain.

QNAMThe short name of a non-standard variable in a dataset (a Supplemental Qualifier dataset) used to represent non-standard variables and their association to records in the parent domain.

QORIGAn indication of how the value of the non-standard variable originated in a dataset (a Supplemental Qualifier dataset) used to represent non-standard variables and their association to records in the parent domain.

QVALThe value of the non-standard variable in a dataset (a Supplemental Qualifier dataset) used to represent non-standard variables and their association to records in the parent domain.

RACEAn arbitrary classification of a taxonomic group that is a division of the human species. 


RACEOTHA free-text field to enter a value for RACE when none of the pre-specified values for RACE are applicable.DM

RDEVIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the device that is related to the identified single associated person, group of associated persons, or pool of associated person

APRELSUB, Associated Persons
RDOMAINAn operational variable that holds the domain abbreviation for the domain in which related records are located. 


--RECIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a record that is unique within a domain for a study and that remains invariant through subsequent versions of the dataset, even if the content of the record is modified.
All Classes-General

--REFA sponsor-defined description of the source of a particular comment.


RELIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify related records within a dataset (the Related Records dataset) used to describe relationships between records for a subject within or across domains, and relationships of records across datasets.

RELMIDSA textual description of the temporal relationship of the observation to the disease milestone occurrence identified in the Disease Milestone Instance Name.
All Classes-General

RELTYPEThe cardinality (one or many) of records in a specified domain in a relationship among domains.

--REPNUMAn integer that identifies the particular occurrence of a repeating activity within a sequence.

--RESLOCAnatomical location where the result was observed.

--RESTYPClassifies the kind of result originally reported for the test with respect to properties such as  substance concentration, proportion, mass rate and appearance.

RFCENDTCThe end date or date and time of the last exposure to any protocol-specified challenge agent that induces the disease or condition that the investigational treatment is intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent, represented in a standardized character format.


RFCSTDTCThe start date or date and time of the first exposure to any protocol-specified challenge agent that induces the disease or condition that the investigational treatment is intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent, represented in a standardized character format


--RLRule that expresses the criterion in computer-executable form.


RPATHA planned sequence of reproductive stages within each reproductive phase.


RPATHCDA short sequence of characters that represents the planned sequence of reproductive stages within each reproductive phase.


RPHASEA time period in a study that is named for the developmental and reproductive cycle of the study subjects.
All Classes-GeneralSJTP

RPRFDYAn integer used to represent the start day of the reproductive phase.


--RPTAn indication as to whether a disease milestone can occur more than once for a subject.


--RSDISCThe explanation for why the drug, procedure, or therapy was discontinued.

--RSLSCLA classification of the scale of the original result value with respect to whether the result is ordinal, nominal, quantitative, or narrative.

RSTAGEA descriptive name for the planned study activities that occur during a subject reproductive phase.


RSTGCDA short sequence of characters that represents a descriptive name for the planned study activities that occur during a subject reproductive phase.


--RSTINDAn indication that the subject was restrained during the course of the activity or assessment.

--RSTMODA description of whether the restraint was physical and/or chemical. 

RSUBJIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the study subject or pool of subjects that is related to the identified single associated person, group of associated persons, or pool of associated persons. Or a sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the study subject or pool of subjects that is related to another study subject or pool of study subjects.

RELSUBAPRELSUB, Associated Persons
--SCMBCLThe textual description of the molecule secreted by the specified cells.

SETA descriptive name of a group of subjects with shared experimental factors, treatment factors, inherent characteristics, or distinct sponsor designations.


SEXThe assemblage of properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female.


SRELA description of the relationship between a single associated person, a group of associated persons, or a pool of associated persons and a study subject, a pool of study subjects, a device, or the study as a whole.

RELSUBAPRELSUB, Associated Persons
--STATAn indication that no result to a test (or set of tests) is present, or that a question about the occurrence of a prespecified event or intervention has no response.

--STGORDAn assigned numeric identifier that gives the planned order of the reproductive stage within the reproductive path of the study.


--STOFFThe interval of time from the anchor value to the first assessment in the planned assessment schedule, represented in a standardized character format.


--STREFCThe standardized reference value for the standardized result of the measurement, test, or examination in character format.

--STREFNThe standardized reference value for the standardized result of the measurement, test, or examination in numeric format.

--STRLIdentifies the condition or criterion that defines the beginning of a planned period of time within the study.


--TDOSDA description of a statistically derived estimate of a dose with a certain toxicological or physiological effect in a population, based on data from a dose-response study.

--TGTPAIThe planned interval between disease assessments n the planned assessment schedule, represented in a standardized character format.


--TRANSA decision point condition which allows a subject to move to an element other than the next element in the planned sequence within the arm.


--TSTCNDDescribes any planned condition imposed on the test system at the time the test is performed.

--TSTDTLA description of a targeted facet of a test or assessment. 

--TSTOPOThe textual description of the operational purpose of the test.

--UPDESA description of an element, visit, or subject reproductive stage that differs from those that are in the protocol plan.


--VALThe result or response for the parameter, or text of a comment.


--VALCDA standardized or dictionary-derived short sequence of characters used to represent the result or response for the parameter.


--VALNFA standardized or dictionary-derived short sequence of characters describing the reason why the parameter value (--VAL) is not populated.


--VALUThe unit of measure for the result for the parameter.


--VCDREFThe name of the reference terminology from which the parameter value (–VAL) and parameter value code (–VALCD) are taken or the name of the format standard used to represent the parameter value (--VAL).


--VCDVERThe version of the reference terminology from which the parameter value (–VAL) and parameter value code (–VALCD) are taken.


--VERSThe protocol version identifier of the Inclusion/Exclusion criteria.


--XDYThe number of days from the first date of protocol-specified treatment exposure to the date of collection (--DTC), used in study data tabulation.
All Classes-General

--XENDYThe number of days from the first date of protocol-specified treatment exposure  to the end of an intervention or event (--ENDTC), used for study data tabulation.
All Classes-General

--XSTDYThe number of days from the first date of protocol-specified treatment exposure  to the start of an intervention or event (--STDTC), used for study data tabulation.
All Classes-General

Table 2. <<insert name/description>>

Table 3. Changes to existing Batch 1 root variables.

RoleVariable NameVariable LabelTypeVariable Name (no prefix)DefinitionErin comment to team - remove column before PRObservation ClassImplementation Notes
Record Qualifier--LOTLot NumberCharLOT

An identifier assigned by the manufacturer or distributor to a specific quantity of manufactured material or product within a batch.

An identifier assigned by the manufacturer or distributor to a specific quantity of manufactured material or product.

Interventions-GeneralLot number for the intervention described in --TRT.
Record Qualifier--USCHFLUnscheduled FlagCharUSCHFL

An indication that the performed test or observation was done at a time that was not preplanned.

An indication that the performed test or observation was done at a time that was not planned.

Interventions-General; Events-General; Findings-GeneralIndicates whether the timing of a performed test or observation was unscheduled. If a test or observation was performed based upon a schedule defined in the protocol, this flag should be null. Expected values are "Y" or null. This variable would not be needed when information on planned assessments is provided, such as when the Trial Visits (TV) and Subject Visits (SV) domains are used.
Record Qualifier--BLFLBaseline FlagCharBLFL

An indication that the record is the baseline assessment, used in study data tabulation.

An indication that the record is the sponsor-defined baseline assessment, used in study data tabulation.

Findings-GeneralIndicator used to identify a baseline value. Should be "Y" or null.
Identifier--GRPIDGroup IDCharGRPIDA sequence of characters used to uniquely identify related records for a subject within a domain, or related parameters in the Trial Summary dataset, or parameters in the Challenge Agent Characterization dataset.

A sequence of characters used to identify a group of related records.  In domains that represent study subject data, the records are grouped within a subject.

All Classes-GeneralOptional group identifier, used to link together a block of related records within a subject in a domain. Also used to link together a block of related records in See also Section 4.1.6, Trial Summary Information and Section 4.1.7, Challenge Agent Characterization.
Identifier--LNKIDLink IDCharLNKID

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a record in one domain and link it to 1 or more records in another domain.

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a record, for a subject, in one domain and link it to 1 or more records for that subject in another domain.

All Classes-GeneralIdentifier used to link related records across domains. This may be a one-to-one or a one-to-many relationship.
Identifier--LNKGRPLink Group IDCharLNKGRP

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a group of records in one domain and link it to 1 or more records in another domain.

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a group of records, for a subject, in one domain and link it to 1 or more records for that subject in another domain.

All Classes-GeneralIdentifier used to link related records across domains. This will usually be a many-to-one relationship.
Timing--DTCDate/Time of CollectionCharDTC

The date or date and time of the assessment or the specimen or data collection from the subject, represented in a standardized character format.

The date or date and time of the assessment or the specimen or data collection, represented in a standardized character format.

All Classes-GeneralCollection date and time of an observation.
Timing--STDTCStart Date/Time of ObservationCharSTDTC

The start date or date and time of an intervention, event, or element, represented in a standardized character format.

The start date or date and time of an intervention, event, element, or subject reproductive phase, represented in a standardized character format.

All Classes-GeneralStart date/time of an observation.
Timing--ENDTCEnd Date/Time of ObservationCharENDTC

The start date or date and time of an intervention, event, or element, represented in a standardized character format.

The end date or date and time of an intervention, event, finding, element, or subject reproductive phase, represented in a standardized character format.

All Classes-GeneralEnd date/time of the observation.
Timing--STDYStudy Day of Start of ObservationNumSTDY

The number of days from the sponsor-defined reference start date to the start of an intervention or event (--STDTC), used for study data tabulation.

The number of days from the sponsor-defined reference start date to the start of an intervention, event, element, visit, milestone or subject reproductive phase (--STDTC), used for study data tabulation.

All Classes-GeneralActual study day of start of observation expressed in integer days relative to The sponsor-defined reference start date is RFSTDTC in Demographics.
Timing--ENDYStudy Day of End of ObservationNumENDY

The number of days from the sponsor-defined reference start date to the end of an intervention, event, or finding (--ENDTC), used for study data tabulation.

The number of days from the sponsor-defined reference start date to the end of an intervention, event, finding, element, or subject reproductive phase (--ENDTC), used for study data tabulation.

All Classes-GeneralActual study day of end of observation expressed in integer days relative to The sponsor-defined reference start date is RFSTDTC in Demographics.
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