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Version 1.0 der "SDTM annotated Case Report Form (aCRF) Guideline" vom 20. November 2020

Wichtig: Die Inhalte des Dokumentes unterliegen dem Copyright entsprechend der Creative Common Lizenz (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0, Alle Rechte Vorbehalten.  Die Autoren betonen, dass die Inhalte nur auf Ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen beruhen und übernehmen keinerlei Gewähr und keinerlei Haftung für die Korrektheit der Inhalte oder deren Akzeptanz durch Behörden. Mit dem Download des Dokumentes bestätigen Sie Ihr Verständnis und akzeptieren die genannten Lizenzbedingungen.

Dokument zum Download (Bitte Lizenzbedingungen beachten!): aCRF_Guideline_v1-0_20201120_publish.pdf

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English (automated) translated text version:

Version 1.0 of the "SDTM annotated Case Report Form (aCRF) Guideline" as of 20th November 2020

Important: The contents of this document are copyrighted under the Creative Common License (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0, All rights reserved.  The authors emphasize that the content is based on personal experience and knowledge only and do not assume any warranty or liability for the correctness of the content or its acceptance by authorities. By downloading the document you confirm your understanding and accept the mentioned license terms.

Document Download (Please only download the document if you accept the licence agreements mentioned above!):  aCRF_Guideline_v1-0_20201120_publish.pdf

Note: The mentioned license agreement above allows the use, copying and sharing of the information without consulting the authors, as long as no commercial intentions are pursued. Whereby commercial = "business advantage or a monetary remuneration directed" means. Everything else would require final agrrement with the authors first. This means that employees of commercial institutions and companies can also use and share the content as long as it is not resold as their own service or asset and the license conditions are clearly communicated/forwarded along. 

Example A: The documents or contents are used in a company for training purposes, or for the creation of internal company guidelines, processes, etc. (Use ok!)

Example B: A person/company uses the licensed content in whole or in part for the creation of documents or training offers etc. which are then sold to customers as a separate service against payment. (Attention: Only legal with prior permission of the authors) 

You have a comment or want to send your feedback directly to the authors of the document? Please send it to:  aCRF.Guideline[at]  

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