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Update/Change information was extracted from Pinnacle21 Webinar about "Exploring Changes in SDTMIG 3.4 & ADaMIG1.3"

Domain Changes

Change TypeDocumentDomainClass


Volunteer  ReviewPresentation Date
AddSDTM-IG 3.4BEBiospecimen Eventsfrom SDTMIG-PGx

AddSDTM-IG 3.4BSBiospecimen Findingsfrom SDTMIG-PGx

AddSDTM-IG 3.4RELSPECRelated Specimensfrom SDTMIG-PGx

AddSDTM-IG 3.4GFGenomics Findingsreplaces PF from SDTMIG-PGx

AddSDTM-IG 3.4CPCell Phenotype Findings

AddModel 2.0RELSPECRelated Specimens
AddModel 1.8 (SEND-IG)ACChallenge Agent CharacterizationOnly for nonclinical Animal Rule studies

RemoveSDTM-IG 3.4MOMorphologyDomain Decomissioned

Label Changes (total of 5 label changes for domains?)

Change TypeDocumentDomainLabel in SDTM-IG 3.3Label in SDTM-IG 3.4


UpdateSDTM-IG 3.4DADrug AccountabilityProduct Acccountability
UpdateSDTM-IG 3.4TSTrial Summary InformationTrial Summary
UpdateSDTM-IG 3.4??

UpdateSDTM-IG 3.4??

UpdateSDTM-IG 3.4??

Structural definition changes

Change TypeDocumentDomainDomain Structure in SDTM-IG 3.3Domain Structure in SDTM-IG 3.4


VolunteerPresentation Date
structural updateSDTM-IG 3.4DAOne record per drug accountability finding per subjectOne record per product accountability finding per subject

structural updateSDTM-IG 3.4SCOne record per characteristic per subjectOne record per characteristic per visit per subject

structural updateSDTM-IG 3.4SSOne record per finding per visit per subjectOne record per status per visit per subject

structural updateSDTM-IG 3.4SVOne record per subject per actual visitOne record per actual or planned visit per subject

structural updateSDTM-IG 3.4TIOne record per I/E crierionOne record per I/E criteriontypo in criterion

Variable changes multiple domains (16)

#Change TypeDocumentVariable Name

Variable Label

RoleCoreObservation ClassCommentVolunteer  ReviewPresentation Date
1AddModel 2.0--BDAGNTBinding AgentVariable QualifierPermFindings

2AddModel 2.0--CLSIGClinically Significant, CollectedRecord QualifierPermFindings

3AddModel 2.0--CNDAGTTest Condition AgentRecord QualifierPermFindings

4AddModel 2.0--CNTMODContact ModeRecord QualifierPermInterventions, Events , Findings, SV

5AddModel 2.0--COLSRTCollected Summary Result TypeRecord QualifierPermFindings

6AddModel 2.0--EPCHGIEpi/Pandemic Related Change IndicatorRecord QualifierPermInterventions, Events , Findings, SV

7AddModel 2.0--LLODLower Limit of DetectionVariable QualifierPermFindings

8AddModel 2.0--PDURPlanned DurationTimingPermAll Classes

9AddModel 2.0--PTFLPoint in Time FlagTimingPermAll Classes

0AddModel 2.0--REASOCReasons for Occur ValueRecord QualifierPermInterventiones, Events, SV

11AddModel 2.0--RESSCLResult ScaleRecord QualifierPermFindings

12AddModel 2.0--RESTYPResult TypeRecord QualifierPermFindings

13AddModel 2.0--RLDEVRelationship of Event to DeviceRecord QualifierPermEvents

14AddModel 2.0--TMTHSNTest Method SensitivityRecord QualifierPermFindings

15AddModel 2.0--TSTCNDTest ConditionVariable QualifierPermFindings

16AddModel 2.0--TSTOPOTest Operational ObjectiveVariable QualifierPermFindings

New Variables for single domains (30)

#DomainVariable Name

Variable Label

RoleCoreCommentVolunteer  ReviewPresentation Date
1AEAESINTVNeeds Intervention to Prevent ImpairmentRecord QualifierPermAE domain only

2AEAEUNANTUnanticipated Adverse Device EffectRecord QualifierPermAE domain only

3AEAERLPRTRel of AE to Non-Dev-Rel Study ActivityRecord QualifierPermAE domain only

4AEAERLPRCRel of AE to Device-Related ProcedureRecord QualifierPermAE domain only

5CPCPSBMRKSSublineage Marker StringRecord QualifierPermCP domain only

6CPCPCELSTACell StateRecord QualifierPermCP domain only

7CPCPCSMRKSCell State Marker StringVariable QualifierPermCP domain only

8CPCPABCLIDAntibody Clone IdentifierRecord QualifierPermCP domain only

9CPCPMRKSTRMarker StringRecord QualifierExpCP domain only

0CPCPGATEGateRecord QualifierPermCP domain only

11CPCPGATDEFGate DefinitionRecord QualifierPermCP domain only

12CPCPSPTSDTSponsor Test DescriptionRecord QualifierPermCP domain only

13CPCPTSTPNLTest PanelGrouping QualifierPermCP domain only

14DMRFCSTDTCDate/Time of First Challenge Agent AdminRecord QualifierPermDM only

15DMRFCENTCDate/Time of Last Challenge Agent AdminRecord QualifierPerm

DM only

16GFGFINHERTInheritabilityVariable QualifierPermGF only

17GFGFGENREFGenome ReferenceVariable QualifierPermGF only

18GFGFCHROMChromosome IdentifierVariable QualifierPermGF only

19GFGFSYMGenomic SymbolVariable QualifierPermGF only

20GFGFSYMTYPGenomic Symbol TypeVariable QualifierPermGF only


Genetic Location

Variable QualifierPermGF only

22GFGFGENSRGenetic Sub-RegionVariable QualifierPermGF only

23GFGFSEQIDSequence Identifier \nVariable QualifierPermGF only

24GFGFPVRIDPublished Variant IdentifierVariable QualifierPermGF only

25GFGFCOPYIDCopy IdentifierVariable QualifierPermGF only

26ISISMSCBCEMolecule Secretet by CellsVariable QualifierPermIS only

27RELSPECREFIDSpecimen IDIdentifierReq



Specimen TypeVariable QualifierPerm


Specimen Parent


30RELSPECLEVELSpecimen LevelVariable QualifierReq

> Variables in Model but not used in SDTM-IG

11 listed in P21 Presentation

Var NameVar LabelTypeCT/FormatRoleObservation ClassUsage restrictionsSDTM ModelVolunteerPresentation Date
--REASPFReason Test PerformedChar
Record QualifierFindings
Introduced in SDTM v2.0

--CHDYDay of Obs Rel to Challenge AgentNum
TimingAll Classes
Introduced in SDTM v1.8

--CHSTDYStart Day of Obs Rel to Challenge AgentNum
TimingAll ClassesNot in Findings class domainsIntroduced in SDTM v1.8

--CHENDYEnd Day of Obs Rel to Challenge AgentNum
TimingAll Classes
Introduced in SDTM v1.8

--FTDOSDFactor for Toxic/Physiologic Dose DescrNum
Variable QualifierInterventions
Introduced in SDTM v1.8

--TDOSDToxic/Physiologic Dose DescrChar
Record QualifierInterventions
Introduced in SDTM v1.8

--XDYDay of Obs Relative to ExposureNum
TimingAll Classes
Introduced in SDTM v1.8

--XSTDYStart Day of Obs Relative to ExposureNum
TimingAll ClassesNot in Findings class domainsIntroduced in SDTM v1.8

--XENDYEnd Day of Obs Relative to ExposureNum
TimingAll Classes
Introduced in SDTM v1.8

--RSTINDRestraint IndicatorChar
Record QualifierInterventions, FindingsNot in human clinical trialsIntroduced in SDTM v1.8

--RSTMODRestraint ModeChar
Record QualifierInterventions, FindingsNot in human clinical trialsIntroduced in SDTM v1.8

> Existing Permissible Variables added to SDTM-IG... 

35 variables listed in P21 presentation...

#Var NameVar LabelTypeCT/FormatRoleCoreIncluded in IGVolunteerPresentation Date
1--ACNDEVAction Taken with DeviceChar(DEACNDEV)Record QualifierPermAE domain

2--ANMETHAnalysis MethodChar(LBANMET) for LB or (PKANMET) for PPRecord QualifierPermLB and PP domains

3--DRVFLDerived FlagChar(NY)Record QualifierPermIS domain

4--ELTMPlanned Elapsed Time from Time Point RefCharISO8601 durationTimingPermIS domain

5--ENDTCEnd Date/Time of Specimen CollectionCharISO8601 datetime or intervalTimingPermIS domain

6--ENDYStudy Day of End of ElementNum
TimingPermSE domain

7--ENDYStudy Day of End of Specimen CollectionNum
TimingPermIS domain

8--EVINTXEvaluation Interval TextChar
TimingPermQS domain

9--LNKGRPLink Group IDChar
IdentifierPermDA domain

10--LNKIDLink IDChar
IdentifierPermDA domain

11--METHODMethod of Test or ExaminationChar(QRSMTHOD)Record QualifierPermQS and RS domains

12NHOIDNon-host Organism IDChar
IdentifierPerm IS domain

13--NRINDReference Range IndicatorChar(NRIND)Variable QualifierExpIS domain

14--OCCUROccurenceChar(NY)Record QualifierExpSV domain

15--ORNRHIReference Range Upper Limit in Orig UnitChar
Variable QualifierExpIS domain

16--ORNRLOReference Range Lower Limit in Orig UnitChar
Variable QualifierExpIS domain

17--PRESPPre-specifiedChar(NY)Variable QualifierExpSV domain

18--RFTDTCDate/time of Reference Time PointCharISO8601 datetime or intervalTimingPermIS domain

19--SPCCNDSpecimen ConditionChar(SPECCOND)Record QualifierPermIS domain

20--SPCUFLSpecimen Usability for the TestChar(NY)Record QualifierPermIS domain

21--SPCUFLSpecimen Usability for the TestChar(NY)Record QualifierPermLB domain

22SPDEVIDSponsor Device IdentifierChar
IdentifierPermAE domain

23--STDYStudy Day of Start of ElementNum
TimingPermSE domain

24--STNRCReference Range for Char Rslt-Std UnitsChar
Variable QualifierPermIS domain

25--STNRHIReference Range Upper Limit-Std UnitsNum
Variable QualifierExpIS domain

26--STNRLOReference Range Lower Limit-Std UnitsNum
Variable QualifierExpIS domain

Variable QualifierPermVS domain

28--TOXGRStandard Toxicity GradeChar
Record QualifierPermCE and VS domains

29--TPTPlanned Time Point NameChar
TimingPermIS domain

30--TPTNUMPlanned Time Point NumberNum
TimingPermIS domain

31--TPTREFTime Point ReferenceChar
TimingPermIS and PP domains

32--TSTDTLTest DetailChar
Variable QualifierPermIS domain

33VISITVisit NameChar
TimingPermSC domain

34VISITDYPlanned Study Day of VisitNum
TimingPermSC domain

35VISITNUMVisit NumberNum
TimingPermSC domain

> Variables Expanded Use in SDTM-IG 3.4

2 listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variables Expanded Use in SDTM-IG 3.42 listed in P21 presentation

> Variables Removed in SDTM-IG 3.4

15 listed in P21 presentation

+ one which is reduced now to Associated Persons domains only (APID)

#DomainVar NameVar LabelTypeCT (old)RoleCore (old)Usage restrictions (new)IG Assumptions/Revision historyVolunteerPresentation Date
1FTFTEVALEvaluatorChar(EVAL)Record QualifierPermNot in QS, FT and clinical classifications use case of RS"--EVAL and -_EVALID must not beused to model QRS data in SDTM… If needed, supplemental qualifiers may be used to represent this data."

2LBLBSTREFCReference Result in Standard FormatChar
Variable QualifierExp
"Revised Core value for LBSTREFC to Perm (from Exp)." and "LBORREF, LBSTREFC, and LBSTREFN were removed because there is no clear use case."

3MSMSENDTCEnd Date/Time of ObservationNum

4MSMSENDYStudy Day of End of ObservationNum

5MSMSENRFEnd Relative to Reference PeriodChar(STENRF)TimingPerm

6MSMSENRTPTEnd Relative to Reference Time PointChar(STENRF)TimingPerm

7MSMSENTPTEnd Reference Time PointChar

8MSMSMODIFYModified Reported NameChar
Synonym QualifierPerm

9MSMSSPCUFLSpecimen Usability for the TestChar(NY)Record QualifierPerm

10MSMSSTRFStart Relative to Reference PeriodChar(STENRF)TimingPerm

11MSMSSTRTPTStart Relative to Reference Time PointChar(STENRF)TimingPerm

12MSMSSTTPTStart Reference Time PointChar

13QSQSEVALEvaluatorChar(EVAL)Record QualifierPermNot in QS, FT, and clinical classifications use case of RS

14URURSPCUFLSpecimen Usability for the TestChar(NY)Record QualifierPerm

15URURSPECSpecimen Material TypeChar(SPECTYPE)Record QualifierPerm

> Variables Label Changes in SDTM-IG 3.4 (compared to 3.3)

10 variables listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variables Label Changes in SDTM-IG 3.4 (compared to 3.3)10 variables listed in P21 presentation

> Variables Label Changes in Model 2.0 (compared against 1.8)

7 variables listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variables Label Changes in Model 2.0 (compared against 1.8)7 variables listed in P21 presentation

> Variables Changes 

  • ISO8601 udpates 
TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variables Changes ISO8601 udpates 

> Variables Codelist Assignments Changes in SDTM-IG 3.4 

21 variables listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variables Codelist Assignments Changes in SDTM-IG 3.421 variables listed in P21 presentation

> Variable Role values changed in Model 2.0 

10 variables listed in P21 presentation (3 inconsistencies now between Model 2.0 and IG3.4)

+ 1 Role value correction in SDTM-IG 3.4

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variable Role values changed in Model 2.0 10 variables listed in P21 presentation (3 inconsistencies now between Model 2.0 and IG3.4)

+ 1 Role value correction in SDTM-IG 3.4

> Variable Core values changed in SDTM-IG 3.4

7 variables listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variable Core values changed in SDTM-IG 3.47 variables listed in P21 presentation

> Variable order changed in SDTM-IG 3.4

2 variables listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Variable order changed in SDTM-IG 3.42 variables listed in P21 presentation

> Assumptions for domains changed in SDTM-IG 3.4

8 domains listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Assumptions for domains changed in SDTM-IG 3.48 domains listed in P21 presentation

> Inconsistencies between Model 2.0 and SDTM-IG 3.4

20 Role inconsistencies listed in P21 presentation

TopicDetailsVolunteerPresentation Date
Inconsistencies between Model 2.0 and SDTM-IG 3.420 Role inconsistencies listed in P21 presentation


> Conformance Rule V2.0 - changes... 

3 Conf Rules removed (for 3.2 and 3.3)

4 Conf Rules added (for 3.2 and 3.3) 

59 New conformance rules added for SDTM-IG 3.4 listed in P21 presentation

25 existing Conf Rule have a Rule Version change

  • No labels