
The views and opinions expressed in this blog entry are those of mine and do not reflect the official policy or position of CDISC.

In this blog, I want to highlight one part of a project deliverable from the Controlled Terminology (CT) Relationships subteam - metadata about CDISC CT for the SDTM TS dataset.


Before going into detail, here is a bit about how this Standards Development team was established. The team began at the CDISC Working Group Meeting in 2017 at Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S.A. NCI EVS representatives raised maintenance issues that stemmed from drastically different publication cadence between CDISC CT and Implementation Guide. Volunteers also shared implementation challenges about CDISC CT. After much discussion, the attendees agreed to this general problem statement for a new development subteam to tackle:

Relationships between published terminology codelists and variable metadata are not explicit enough or are incomplete in published Implementation Guides (IG) or Therapeutic Area User Guides (TAUG).

Project Deliverables

Fast forward to today, the team recently finished reviewing all the SDTM v1.4 & SDTMIG v3.2 domain variables. A project deliverable is being compiled with two main components:

  1. A model for expressing CT relationships for SDTM
  2. Metadata that details the relationship between variables and CDISC CT codelists & terms, or external dictionaries

Problem Discussions

Of all the SDTM datasets reviewed, I find Trial Summary (TS) the most intriguing due to its complex CT requirements.

The SDTM TS dataset, by definition, is "a trial design domain that contains one record for each trial summary characteristic." [1] A trial summary characteristic is represented by two parts: 1) TSPARM/TSPARMCD pair, or parameter/parameter code, respectively; and, 2) TSVAL, or value. Permissible values for TSVAL are dependent on TSPARM/TSPARMCD. In other words, CT requirement for TSVAL is dependent on TSPARM/TSPARM for any given dataset record.

Here is an excerpt from the SDTMIG v3.2's Appendix C1:

#TSPARMCDTSPARMTSVAL (Codelist Name or Format)
1ADDONAdded on to Existing TreatmentsNo Yes Response

Pharmacological Class of Inv Therapy


Investigational Therapy or Treatment


Let's inspect and discuss each of them.

For #1, although seasoned CDISC users would likely recognize "No Yes Response" as one of the CDISC CT codelists, this notation inadvertently puts naive users at disadvantage. Even to trained users, it does not mean all the terms within that CT codelist are permissible. From a process automation's perspective, it contains no information to a machine about its purpose. Therefore, it isn't ideal for either human-, or machine-readability.

About #2 and #3, SNOMED CT and NDF-RT are external dictionaries. NDF-RT has been renamed to MED-RT. Not all users recognize these external dictionaries, especially when usages could be specific to certain geographical regions. Also, users face this implementation challenge: which component of these external dictionaries do they use to populate TSVAL? Therefore, information published in this SDTMIG appendix is not contemporary and is not explicit.

UNII is a coded identifier for all registered ingredients used in products regulated by US FDA. For example, 362O9ITL9D is the UNII for acetaminophen. In #4, it is misleading to populate TSVAL with UNII. It is more appropriate to populate this coded value in TSVALCD (parameter value code). The decode, so to speak, would instead go to TSVAL. In this instance, TSVAL shall correspond to the preferred substance name, a component in the Global Substance Registration System, which is maintained by U.S. FDA.


What extra information is needed to make example #1 more readable to both human and machines? Since it is about CDISC CT, common attributes, such as codelist names (short & long) and c-codes will immediately be helpful. An attribute for subsetting codelist will be necessary to specify permissible values.

About the external dictionaries in examples #2 through #4, extra information to describe them will be elucidating, such as 1) owning organization, 2) dictionary's name, and, 3) dictionary's component.

An extra bit of metadata will be essential to cope with multiple regulatory requirements for SDTM data submissions.

All of the above together formulates the model (or, structure) for complete disambiguation of the relationships between CDISC CT and SDTM variables. The following tables illustrate this model in a tabular manner, along with the example parameters:

For use when CDISC CT is relevant:

#UsagesDomainVariableCondition 1C-Code for Value in Condition 1Condition 2C-Code for Value in Condition 2CDISC CT Codelist Short NameCDISC CT Codelist C-CodeCDISC CT Codelist Long NamePermissible Value from CDISC CTPermissible Value's C-CodeHealth Authority Provisions

Context of which this row of metadata applies; valid values are versioned foundational standards

A domain abbreviation found in foundational standard in "Usages"A variable name

May be used for normalized datasets such as SuppQual,  Findings domains, and TS

** Use this for TESTCD and PARMCD; or, QNAM

Conditional Value's c-code in the Condition column, if applicable

May be used for normalized datasets such as SuppQual,  Findings domains, and TS

** Use this for TEST and PARM to pair with TESTCD and PARMCD; otherwise, not needed

Conditional Value's c-code in the Condition column, if applicable

The CDISC CT Codelist that controls the values referenced in "Domain" and "Variable" columns

C-code that pairs with "CDISC CT Codelist Short Name"

Long name that pairs with "CDISC CT Codelist Short Name"

A semi-colon delimited value list subset from the codelist referenced in "CDISC CT Codelist Short Name"

C-codes for each value in "Permissible Value from CDISC CT", also semi-colon delimited

Specify to which health authority this set of metadata is applicable. Leave blank when not applicable. Example: "US FDA", "Japan PMDA"
1SDTMIG v3.2TSTSVALTSPARMCD EQ "ADDON"C49703TSPARM EQ "Added on to Existing Treatments"C49703NYC66742No Yes ResponseN; YC49488; C49487

For use when external dictionary is relevant:

#UsagesDomainVariableCondition 1C-Code for Value in Condition 1Condition 2C-Code for Value in Condition 2External Dictionary's OrganizationExternal Dictionary's NameExternal Dictionary's ComponentDescriptive InformationHealth Authority Provisions

Context of which this row of metadata applies; valid values are versioned foundational standards

A domain abbreviation found in foundational standard in "Usages"A variable name

May be used for normalized datasets such as SuppQual,  Findings domains, and TS

** Use this for TESTCD and PARMCD; or, QNAM

Conditional Value's c-code in the Condition column, if applicable

May be used for normalized datasets such as SuppQual,  Findings domains, and TS

** Use this for TEST and PARM to pair with TESTCD and PARMCD; otherwise, not needed

Conditional Value's c-code in the Condition column, if applicable

Used when "Variable" is controlled by an external dictionary. Example: "MSSO", "Regenstrief Institute"

Used when "Variable" is controlled by an external dictionary. Example: "MedDRA", "LOINC"

Used when "Variable" is controlled by an external dictionary. Example: "Preferred Term Code", "LOINC Code"

Additional information that is useful for implementers from a citable source

** Citable implementation information that can't be molded into detail metadata; or, regulatory agency's requirements

Specify to which health authority this set of metadata is applicable. Leave blank when not applicable. Example: "US FDA", "Japan PMDA"
2SDTMIG v3.2TSTSVALTSPARMCD EQ "TDIGRP"C49650TSPARM EQ "Diagnosis Group"C49650International Health Terminology Standards Organisation (IHTSDO)SNOMED CT

SNOMED CT Fully Specified Name

Appendix C of SDTMIG v3.2 specifies SNOMED CT. See FDA TCG section

Also see Notes in Appendix C of SDTMIG v3.2:

If the study population is healthy subjects (i.e., healthy subjects flag is Y), this parameter is not expected.

2SDTMIG v3.2TSTSVALCDTSPARMCD EQ "TDIGRP"C49650TSPARM EQ "Diagnosis Group"C49650International Health Terminology Standards Organisation (IHTSDO)SNOMED CT

SNOMED CT Identifier (SCTID)

3SDTMIG v3.2TSTSVALTSPARMCD EQ "PCLAS"C98768TSPARM EQ "Pharmacologic Class"C98768Department of Veterans Affairs/Veterans Health AdministrationMedication Reference Terminology (MED-RT)Established pharmacologic class (EPC)Note: Refer to citation in FDA TCG guidance. If the established pharmacologic class (EPC) is not available for an active moiety, then the sponsor should discuss the appropriate MOA, PE, and CS terms with the review division.US FDA; Japan PMDA
3SDTMIG v3.2TSTSVALCDTSPARMCD EQ "PCLAS"C98768TSPARM EQ "Pharmacologic Class"C98768Department of Veterans Affairs/Veterans Health AdministrationMedication Reference Terminology (MED-RT)Alphanumeric unique identifier (NUI)
4SDTMIG v3.2TSTSVALTSPARMCD EQ "TRT"C41161TSPARM EQ "Investigational Therapy or Treatment"C41161U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)Global Substance Registration SystemPreferred substance name
4SDTMIG v3.2TSTSVALCDTSPARMCD EQ "TRT"C41161TSPARM EQ "Investigational Therapy or Treatment"C41161U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)Global Substance Registration SystemUnique Ingredient Identifier (UNII)

Project Status

The project deliverable is currently undergoing Internal Review per CDISC's standard development process. [2] All artifacts created by the team are available on the CDISC Wiki, along with a Read Me section. [3] The team expects Public Review to begin in 3rd quarter of 2020.

Expected Outcomes

The team operates with a tight alignment with CDISC's strategic goal to transform standards and clinical knowledge into a multidimensional representation to support automation. [4] Users can expect the metadata will be accessible via CDISC Library when it completes the development lifecycle. Future IG and TAUG may reference CT Relationships to keep concurrent with CDISC CT publication cadence. The team may incorporate additional kinds of CT relationships metadata, e.g., CT codetables. [5] Also an aspiration, the team, using the same methodology, will expand to cover CDASH, SEND, and ADaM.


I want to acknowledge these people for their contributions and domain expertise: Kristin Kelly (Pinnacle 21), Michael Lozano (Eli Lilly), Sharon Weller (Eli Lilly), Donna Sattler (BMS), Debbie O’Neill (Merck), Smitha Karra* (Gilead), Judith Goud (Nurocor), Swarupa Sudini (Pfizer), Anna Pron-Zwick (AstraZeneca), Craig Zwickl (Independent), Erin Muhlbradt* (NCI EVS), Fred Wood (TalentMine), Trish Gleason (BMS), Sharon Hartpence (BMS), Diane Wold (CDISC). Special thanks to Ann White for copyediting.

* denotes team co-lead, current and past


[1] CDISC SDTM CT P34. Extracted from CDISC Library Data Standards Browser: https://library.cdisc.org/browser/ct/2018-06-29?products=sdtmct-2018-06-29&codelists=C66734&codevalue=C53483

[2] CDISC Operating Procedure CDISC -COP -001 Standards Development. https://www.cdisc.org/system/files/about/cop/CDISC-COP-001-Standards_Development_2019.pdf

[3] Internal Review package. https://wiki.cdisc.org/display/CT/Internal+Review

[4] CDISC Strategic Plan 2019-2022. https://www.cdisc.org/sites/default/files/resource/CDISC_2019_2022_Strategic_Plan.pdf

[5] CT codetables. https://www.cdisc.org/standards/terminology, expand Codetable Mapping Files

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  1. We're adding improved semantic references into ODM v2, including the new coding element. We can use this to better reference external terms and dictionaries, as well as more formal references to CDISC CT. Here's an example:

    <CodeList OID="CL.BACTERIA_LUNG_DETECTED" Name="Bacteria identified in Sputum by Cystic fibrosis respiratory culture" DataType="text">
            <CodeListItem CodedValue="BACT.1">
                <Decode><TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Klebsiella pneumonia</TranslatedText></Decode>
                <Coding Code="56415008" CodeSystem="http://snomed.info/sct" CodeSystemName="SNOMED CT" Display="Klebsiella pneumoniae (organism)"/>
             <CodeListItem CodedValue="BACT.2">
                <Decode><TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Streptococcus pneumoniae</TranslatedText></Decode>
                <Coding Code="9861002" CodeSystem="http://snomed.info/sct" CodeSystemName="SNOMED CT" Display="Streptococcus pneumoniae (organism)"/>
  2. It is so glad to see CT relationship sub team is structuring out to put this much needed row level metadata information in place to enable both machine readable and adding more meaning for human readable. My appreciation to each and every one of the team members in contributing to this effort.

    But I also wanted to point out that this is taken care through CDISC 360 project initiative through enriched 360 metadata. I believe it may be known to many but Interested people can take a look at the project page. I think it is the same what Sam is trying to say here if I am not wrong.