Jira |
showSummary | false |
server | Issue Tracker (JIRA) |
serverId | 85506ce4-3cb3-3d91-85ee-f633aaaf4a45 |
key | SHARE-1284 |
uses a lot of
Tooltip |
tip | A word formed from the beginning letters (e.g., ANSI) or a combination of syllables and letters (e.g., MedDRA) of a name or phrase. NOTE: An acronym is usually pronounced as a word, not by speaking each letter individually. Compare to abbreviation |
acronym |
Tooltip |
tip | A set of letters that are drawn from a word or from a sequence of words and that are used for brevity in place of the full word or phrase. NOTE: An abbreviation is NOT pronounced as a word, but each letter is read in sequence (e.g., NIH). Compare to acronym. |
abbreviation |
. Therefore, a a
Tooltip |
tip | A collection of specialized words or terms with their meanings. |
glossary |
will be so useful to ensure
Tooltip |
tip | In the context of a technical specification, semantic refers to the meaning of an element as distinct from its syntax. syntax can change without affecting semantics. [HL7] |
semantic |
Tooltip |
tip | Ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. [IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary]. See also syntactic, semantic, semantic interoperability. |
interoperability |