Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This example shows a selection of programming code document references specified in the documentRef attribute of the codeTemplate for 1 analysis method, and the programmingCode for 1 analysis and 2 outputsthe definition and results for a single analysis, "Summary of Subjects by Treatment and Sex", including the definitions of the grouping factors and method referenced by the analysis:

Lines 21-731:

Show the code template specified for the "Analysis of variance group comparison for a continuous variable" analysis method, which indicates that relevant R version 4.2.3 program statements can be found in the reference document identified as "anova_R". As there is no page reference, this indicates that the whole reference document contains relevant program statements.

Lines 11-25:

Show the programming code specification for the "Comparison of Age Group by Treatment" analysis, which indicates that relevant SAS version 9.4 program statements can be found in the reference document identified as "PROGRAM_CATALOG_SAS" which, in this example, is a single file containing a combined set of programs, with a bookmark created for each program. The sponsor chose to create two separate page references in order to provide a descriptive label for each.

Lines 29-34:

Show the programming code specification for the "Summary of TEAE by System Organ Class and Preferred Term" output, which indicates that relevant SAS version 9.4 program statements can be found in the reference document identified as "at14-5-01_sas". As there is no page reference, this indicates that the whole reference document contains relevant program statements.

definitions of the 2 grouping factors referenced by the analysis, both of which are not data-driven (dataDriven = false, shown on lines 3 and 17):

  • Lines 2-18: Show the definition of the "Treatment" grouping factor, which has 3 groups: "Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose", and "Xanomeline High Dose".
  • Lines 19-31: Show the definition of the "Sex" grouping factor, which has 2 groups: "Male" and "Female".
Lines 32-44:

Show the definition of the method referenced by the analysis, "Summary by group of a categorical variable", which has 2 operations:

  • Lines 36-39: Show the definition of the "Count of subjects" operation.
  • Lines 40-44: Show the definition of the "Percent of subjects" operation.
Lines 46-58:

Show the definition of the analysis:

  • Lines 49-50: Show that this is an analysis of the USUBJID variable in the ADSL dataset.
  • Line 51: Shows the reference to the "Summary by group of a categorical variable" method.
  • Lines 52-58: Show the references to the 2 grouping factors, both of which are marked as producing a result for each group in the grouping factor (resultsByGroup = true, shown on lines 54 and 57).
Lines 59-155

Show the list of results for the analysis. Each entry in the list (the start of which is indicated by a leading hyphen) represents an instance of the OperationResult class and contains:

  • The identifier value of the statistical operation performed in the operationId attribute.
  • In the resultGroups attribute, a reference to both grouping factor groups associated with the result (indicated by the values of the groupingId and groupId attributes)
  • The raw result value in the rawValue attribute, and
  • In the formattedValue attribute, the result value formatted according to the pattern specified in the resultPattern attribute of the operation referenced by the operationId value. The specified patterns are shown on rows 39 and 43.
Code Block
titleYAML Example
- id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
  dataDriven: false
  label: Treatment
  groupingVariable: TRT01A
  - id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1
    label: Placebo
    order: 1
  - id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2
    label: Xanomeline Low Dose
    order: 2 
  - id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3
    label: Xanomeline High Dose
    order: 3 
- id: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
  dataDriven: false
  label: Sex
  groupingVariable: SEX
  - id: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_1
    label: Male
    order: 1
  - id: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_2
    label: Female
    order: 2
Code Block
titleYAML Example
- id: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp
  name: Summary by group of a categorical variable
  - id: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n
    name: Count of subjects
    label: n
    resultPattern: XXX
  - id: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct
    name: Percent of subjects
    label: '%'    
    resultPattern: ( XX.X)
- id: An03_03_Sex_Summ_ByTrt
    name: Summary of Subjects by Treatment and Sex
  version: 1
  dataset: ADSL
  variable: USUBJID
  methodId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp
  analysisSetId: AnalysisSet_02_SAF
  - order: 1
    resultsByGroup: true
    groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
  - order: 2
    resultsByGroup: true
    groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_1
    rawValue: '33'
    formattedValue: '33'
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_2
    rawValue: '53'
    formattedValue: '53'
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_1
    rawValue: '34'
    formattedValue: '34'
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_2
    rawValue: '50'
    formattedValue: '50'
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_1
    rawValue: '44'
    formattedValue: '44'
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_1_n
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_2
    rawValue: '40'
    formattedValue: '40'
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_1
    rawValue: '38.372093023255815'
    formattedValue: ( 38.4)
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_2
    rawValue: '61.627906976744185'
    formattedValue: ( 61.6)
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_1
    rawValue: '40.476190476190474'
    formattedValue: ( 40.5)
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_2
    rawValue: '59.523809523809526'
    formattedValue: ( 59.5)
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_1
    rawValue: '52.38095238095238'
    formattedValue: ( 52.4)
  - operationId: Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pct
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex
      groupId: AnlsGrouping_02_Sex_2
    rawValue: '47.61904761904762'
    formattedValue: ( 47.6)

The results for this analysis could be represented in tabular format as shown in the following table, where the groupingId and groupId values from the 2 two instances of the ResultGroup class found in the resultGroups attribute for each each result are represented in separate pairs of columns ("resultGroup1_groupingId"/"resultGroup1_groupId" and "resultGroup2_groupingId"/"resultGroup2_groupId") so that each result is represented on a single row:

Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pctAnlsGrouping_01_TrtAnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1AnlsGrouping_02_SexAnlsGrouping_02_Sex_138.3720930232558( 38.4)
Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pctAnlsGrouping_01_TrtAnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1AnlsGrouping_02_SexAnlsGrouping_02_Sex_261.6279069767442( 61.6)
Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pctAnlsGrouping_01_TrtAnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2AnlsGrouping_02_SexAnlsGrouping_02_Sex_140.4761904761905( 40.5)
Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pctAnlsGrouping_01_TrtAnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2AnlsGrouping_02_SexAnlsGrouping_02_Sex_259.5238095238095( 59.5)
Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pctAnlsGrouping_01_TrtAnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3AnlsGrouping_02_SexAnlsGrouping_02_Sex_152.3809523809524( 52.4)
Mth01_CatVar_Summ_ByGrp_2_pctAnlsGrouping_01_TrtAnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3AnlsGrouping_02_SexAnlsGrouping_02_Sex_247.6190476190476( 47.6)
