Go through the spaces in Data Science and see which spaces are not owned but a current member of the team

Assigned those spaces to members of the team according to their knowledge of each page

There could be pages that we can decide if are not necessary anymore and mark as Archive or even delete.

Using the plugin we will add the owner and a supervisor for the pages.

Each team member will go and check those pages and decide which ones should be kept. 

Pages that the team member doesn´t consider should be kept, will be revised by a supervisor to make sure that those pages are obsolete and can be archived.

To Archive a page, this can be done by adding the Archive tag

When the pages are tagged as Archive, we need to run the "Start Archiving" option and all pages with the Archive tag will automatically be sent to Archive 

When a page is Archived with Content Archiving, that page will be hidden from any search and from its original space, but it still could be accessed by an administrator. 

Archived pages need to be revised after a year and decide if we keep them there or it is time to delete them.

The plugin will be configured for all pages selected in Data Science to be updated at least every year.

If this update does not occur within a year, the page will be marked as not updated, and during the weekly automated review from the plugin, an Email will be sent to the owner and supervisor of the page to remind him/her about this.

Pages that are not updated after a month of being marked as not updated, will automatically send to archive (hidden from search and original space)



Assign ownership to a person for a document over 365 days old, exclamation point icon to be reviewed won´t changeThe exclamation point icon doesn´t change


A page can be updated by clicking the exclamation point icon and then selecting "Update". Even we don´t change anything on the document and then click on update on the page, the page will be marked as updatedThe page is marked as Update even that nothing was changed in contentPass
A page can be updated by clicking the exclamation point icon and then selecting "Confirm". If we confirm, the page will be marked as an updateThe page is marked as Update even that nothing was changed in contentPass
The "Discuss" option lets us send a personalized message to users we need to talk about the page to make any decisions. This won´t appear on the page commentsAn email is sent to the users we add with the message we wrotePass
If we select an owner, the tag with the new owner will be added but the owner won´t get a notification by EmailNo Email is sent to the new owner of the pagePass
Disable the lifecycle tracking on a page excludes it from view tracking, expiration tracking, and archiving, "Exclude" icon will appear.A new icon appears with the message "This page is excluded from lifecycle checks"Pass
When disabling the lifecycle tracking on a page, adding also disabling on descendant pages, descendant pages will show the "Exclude" icon on child pages.A new icon appears on children pages with the message "This page is excluded from lifecycle checks"Pass
 If we want to enable the plugin on a page after disabling the lifecycle tracking, "Include page" enables the lifecycle tracking on this page.The plugin tracks the page on the normal lifecycle checksPass
When including a page back to the lifecycle tracking, all of the children will also be included without further questionsThe plugin tracks the children pages on the normal lifecycle checksPass
If we set up the expiration date to any previous date from the date we are looking at the page, the page will automatically be marked as ExpiredThe page is marked with the exclamation point and the legend "Expired". The new tag appears expire-single- + date was set upPass
If we set up the expiration date for a page that is already marked as expired for a previous date, the new date we set up will become the expiration dateThe page is marked as expired with the new expiration datePass
If we delete tag expire-single- + "Date", the page will be marked as update unless the last update was more than 365 days agoThe page is updated (the page was updated less than 365 days ago)Pass
If we delete tag expire-single- + "Date", the page will be marked as update unless the last update was more than 365 days agoThe page is still marked as  (the page was updated more than 365 days ago)Pass
If page A has a link to page B, when page B is archived, the link on page A will be redirected to page B on Archive section.When clicking the link on page A, we are redirected to the Archive version of page BPass
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