Variable NameVariable LabelTypeCodelist/ Controlled TermsCoreCDISC Notes
EOSSTTEnd of Study StatusChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's status as of the end of study or data cutoff. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.
EOSDTEnd of Study DateNum
PermDate subject ended the study—either date of completion or date of discontinuation or data cutoff date for interim analyses.
DCSREASReason for Discontinuation from StudyChar
PermReason for subject's discontinuation from study. The source would most likely be the SDTM DS dataset. Null for subjects who completed the study.
DCSREASPReason Spec for Discont from StudyChar
PermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation from study (e.g., description of "other").
EOTSTTEnd of Product StatusChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's status as of the end of product or data cutoff. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.
DCTREASReason for Discontinuation of ProductChar
PermIf a subject discontinued product in the study, then this variable indicates the reason for discontinuation. This is for discontinuation of product in the overall study and not to be used for discontinuation reason within individual product periods.
DCTREASPReason Specify for Discont of ProductChar
PermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation from product (e.g., description of "other").
EOTxxSTTEnd of Product Status in Period xxChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's product status as of the end of period xx, or data cutoff if within period xx. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.
DCTxxRSReason for Discont of Prd in Period xxChar
PermReason for discontinuing product in period xx.
DCTxxRSPReason Spec for Disc of Prd in Period xxChar
PermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation of product in period xx (e.g., description of "other").
EOPxxSTTEnd of Period xx StatusChar(SBJTSTAT)PermThe subject's status as of the end of period xx, or data cutoff if within period xx. Examples: COMPLETED, DISCONTINUED, ONGOING.
DCPxxRSReason for Discont from Period xxChar
PermReason for discontinuing analysis period xx.
DCPxxRSPReason Spec for Discont from Period xxChar
PermAdditional detail regarding subject's discontinuation from period xx (e.g., description of "other").
RFICDTDate of Informed ConsentNum
PermDate subject gave informed consent. Generally equivalent to DM.RFICDTC.
ENRLDTDate of EnrollmentNum
PermDate of subject's enrollment into trial.
RANDDTDate of RandomizationNum
CondRequired in randomized trials.
RFICyDTDate of Informed Consent yNum
PermThis variable may be used in the case where there are multiple consent dates within a study. This date does not need to repeat the date in RFICDT. "y" can start with 1 but it is not required to start with 1.
ENRLyDTDate of Enrollment yNum
PermThis variable may be used in the case where there are multiple enrollment dates within a study. This date does not need to repeat the date in ENRLDT. "y" can start with 1 but it is not required to start with 1.
RANDyDTDate of Randomization yNum
PermThis variable may be used in the case where there are multiple randomization dates within a study. This date does not need to repeat the date in RANDDT. "y" can start with 1 but it is not required to start with 1.
LSTALVDTDate Last Known AliveNum
PermIf this variable is included in ADSL, the best practice is to populate it for everyone. If the derivation for subjects who died differs from the derivation for subjects who are not known to have died, the differences should be noted in metadata.
TRCMPProduct Compliance (%)Num
PermOverall percent compliance with product in the trial. TRCMP may be useful for inclusion in ADSL for reasons such as defining subgroups and/or populations.
TRCMPGyProduct Compliance (%) Group yChar
PermGrouping "y" of TRCMP, product compliance percentage.
TRCMPGyNProduct Compliance (%) Group y (N)Num

Numeric representation of product compliance (%) grouping "y". There must be a one-to-one relationship between TRCMPGyN and TRCMPGy within a study.

TRCMPGyN cannot be present unless TRCMPGy is also present. When TRCMPGy and TRCMPGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.

TRxxDURDProduct Duration in Period xx (Days)Num
PermProduct duration for period xx as measured in days. More than one of TRxxDURD, TRxxDURM, and TRxxDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.
TRxxDURMProduct Duration in Period xx (Months)Num
PermProduct duration for period xx, as measure in months. More than one of TRxxDURD, TRxxDURM, and TRxxDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.
TRxxDURYProduct Duration in Period xx (Years)Num
PermProduct duration for period xx, as measured in years. More than one of TRxxDURD, TRxxDURM, and TRxxDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.
TRTDURDTotal Product Duration (Days)Num
PermTotal product duration, as measured in days. More than one of TRTDURD, TRTDURM, and TRTDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.
TRTDURMTotal Product Duration (Months)Num
PermTotal product duration, as measured in months. More than one of TRTDURD, TRTDURM, and TRTDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.
TRTDURYTotal Product Duration (Years)Num
PermTotal product duration, as measured in years. More than one of TRTDURD, TRTDURM, and TRTDURY can be populated, but each represents the entire duration in its respective units.
DTHDTDate of DeathNum
PermDate of subject's death. Derived from DM.DTHDTC.
DTHDTFDate of Death Imputation FlagChar(DATEFL)CondImputation flag for date of subject's death. If DTHDT was imputed, DTHDTF must be populated and is required. See Section, Date and Time Imputation Flag Variables.
DTHCAUSCause of DeathChar
PermCause of Death.
DTHCAUSNCause of Death (N)Num

Numeric representation of cause of death. There must be a one-to-one relationship between DTHCAUSN and DTHCAUS within a study.

DTHCAUSN cannot be present unless DTHCAUS is also present. When DTHCAUS and DTHCAUSN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.

DTHCGRyCause of Death Group yChar
PermGrouping "y" of DTHCAUS, the subject's cause of death.
DTHCGRyNCause of Death Group y (N)Num

Numeric representation of grouping "y" of the subject's cause of death. There must be a one-to-one relationship between DTHCGRyN and DTHCGRy within a study.

DTHCGyN cannot be present unless DTHCGy is also present. When DTHCGy and DTHCGyN are present, then on a given record, either both must be populated or both must be null.

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