This example shows the TE dataset for TA Example Trial 2.



1EX2TESCRNScreenInformed consent2 weeks after start of ElementP14D
2EX2TEUSLUsualFirst dose of product administration in Product Exposure Epoch, where product is the usual tobacco product2 weeks after start of ElementP14D
3EX2TETPATP AFirst dose of product administration in Product Exposure Epoch, where dose is tobacco product A2 weeks after start of ElementP14D
4EX2TETPBTP BFirst dose of product administration in Product Exposure Epoch, where dose is tobacco product B2 weeks after start of ElementP14D
5EX2TERESTRestAfter last dose of preceding Product Exposure Epoch1 week after start of ElementP7D
6EX2TEFUFollow-upAfter last dose of last preceding Product Exposure Epoch3 weeks after start of ElementP21D