This is an example of a CRF used to collect vital signs. 

OrderQuestion TextPromptCRF Completion InstructionsTypeCollection Variable Tabulation  Target Mapping InstructionsControlled Terminology Code List NamePermissible ValuesPre-Populated Value
1What was the date of the measurements?DateRecord date of measurements. DateVSDATVSDTC

2What was the time of the measurements?TimeRecord time of measurement.TimeVSTIMVSDTC

3What was the result of the height measurement?HeightRecord the height result.FloatHEIGHTVSORRES VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "HEIGHT"

4What was the unit of the height measurement?Height UnitRecord or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF.TextHEIGHTUVSORRESUVSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "HEIGHT"(VSRESU)centimeter;  iinch
5What was the result of the weight measurement?WeightRecord the weight result.FloatWEIGHTVSORRESS

6What was the unit of the weight measurement?Weight UnitRecord or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF.TextWEIGHTUVSORRESUVSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "WEIGHT"(VSRESU)kilogram; Pound
7What was the result of the temperature measurement?TemperatureRecord the temperature result.FloatTEMPVSORRES  VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "TEMP"

8What was the unit of the temperature measurement?Temperature UnitRecord or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF.TextTEMPUVSORRESUVSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "TEMP"(VSRESU)Celsius; Fahrenheit
9What was the result of the respiratory rate measurement?Respiratory RateRecord the respiratory rate result.FloatRESPVSORRES  VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "RESP"

10What was the unit of the respiratory rate measurement?Respiratory Rate UnitRecord or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF.TextRESPUVSORRESUVSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "RESP"(VSRESU)
11What was the result of the systolic blood pressure measurement?Systolic Blood PressureRecord the systolic blood pressure result.IntegerSYSBPVSORRES  VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "SYSBP"

12What was the unit of the systolic blood pressure measurement?Systolic Blood Pressure UnitRecord or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF.TextSYSBPUVSORRESUVSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "SYSBP"(VSRESU)
13What was the result of the diastolic blood pressure measurement?Diastolic Blood PressureRecord the diastolic blood pressure result.IntegerDIABPVSORRES  VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "DIABP"

14What was the unit of the diastolic blood pressure measurement?Diastolic Blood Pressure UnitRecord or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF.TextDIABPUVSORRESUVSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "DIABP"(VSRESU)
15What was the result of the pulse measurement?Pulse RateRecord the pulse rate result.IntegerPULSEVSORRES  VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "PULSE"

16What was the unit of the pulse rate measurement?Pulse Rate UnitRecord or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF.TextPULSEUVSORRESUVSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "PULSE"(VSRESU)