Observation ClassVariableNCI C-codeSDTM v1.4/SDTMIG v3.2 Variable LabelSDTM v1.4/SDTMIG v3.2 Description/CDISC NotesFinal DefinitionOrderGroup

See Identifiers11

See Identifiers22

See Identifiers33
DemographicsSUBJIDC83083 SDSVAR-1 - Getting issue details... STATUS Subject Identifier for the StudySubject identifier, which must be unique within the study. Often the ID of the subject as recorded on a CRF. A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a subject within a study. SDSVAR-2 - Getting issue details... STATUS 44
DemographicsRFSTDTCC83395Subject Reference Start Date/TimeReference Start Date/time for the subject in ISO 8601 character format. Usually equivalent to date/time when subject was first exposed to study treatment. Required for all randomized subjects; will be null for all subjects who did not meet the milestone the date requires, such as screen failures or unassigned subjects.The start date or date and time of the sponsor-defined study reference period, represented in a standardized character forma SDSVAR-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS t.55
DemographicsRFENDTCC83394Subject Reference End Date/TimeReference End Date/time for the subject in ISO 8601 character format. Usually equivalent to the date/time when subject was determined to have ended the trial, and often equivalent to date/time of last exposure to study treatment. Required for all randomized subjects; null for screen failures or unassigned subjects.The end date or date and time of the sponsor-defined study reference period, represented in a standardized character format.66
DemographicsRFXSTDTCC117455Date/Time of First Study Treatment First date of exposure to any protocol-specified treatment or therapy, equal to the earliest value of EXSTDTC.The start date or date and time of the first date of exposure to any protocol-specified treatment or therapy, represented in a standardized character format.77
DemographicsRFXENDTCC117454Date/Time of Last Study Treatment Last date of exposure to any protocol-specified treatment or therapy, equal to the latest value of EXENDTC (or the latest value of EXSTDTC if EXENDTC was not collected or is missing).The end date or date and time of the last date of exposure to any protocol-specified treatment or therapy, represented in a standardized character format.81
DemographicsRFICDTCC117452Date/Time of Informed ConsentDate/time of informed consent in ISO 8601 character format. This will be the same as the date of informed consent in the Disposition domain, if that protocol milestone is documented. Would be null only in studies not collecting the date of informed consent.The date or date and time of informed consent, represented in a standardized character format.92
DemographicsRFPENDTCC117453Date/Time of End of ParticipationDate/time when subject ended participation or follow-up in a trial, as defined in the protocol, in ISO 8601 character format. Should correspond to the last known date of contact. Examples include completion date, withdrawal date, last follow-up, date recorded for lost to follow up, or death date. 

The date or date and time of last contact with or information about a subject in a trial, represented in a standardized character format.

DemographicsDTHDTCC117450Date/Time of DeathDate/time of death for any subject who died, in ISO 8601 format. Should represent the date/time that is captured in the clinical-trial database.

The date or date and time of death, represented in a standardized character format..

DemographicsDTHFLC117451Subject Death FlagIndicates the subject died. Should be Y or null. Should be populated even when the death date is unknown.

An indication that the subject died.

DemographicsSITEIDC83081Study Site IdentifierUnique identifier for a site within a study.

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the facility associated with study-specific activities.

DemographicsINVIDC83078Investigator IdentifierAn identifier to describe the Investigator for the study. May be used in addition to SITEID. Not needed if SITEID is equivalent to INVID.A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the study investigator.147
DemographicsINVNAMC83302Investigator NameName of the investigator for a site.

The name of the study investigator.

DemographicsBRTHDTCC83217Date/Time of BirthDate/time of birth of the subject.The date or date and time of birth, represented in a standardized character format.162
DemographicsAGEC25150Age Age expressed in AGEU. May be derived from RFSTDTC and BRTHDTC, but BRTHDTC may not be available in all cases (due to subject privacy concerns).A numeric representation of the elapsed time since birth.173
e.g. infant, elderly, in their 20sON HOLD SDSVAR-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS 184
DemographicsAGEUC50400Age UnitsUnits associated with AGE.

The unit of time used to express the age, using standardized values. 

DemographicsSEXC28421SexSex of the subject.ON HOLD -

Biological sex of the subject. (HHS Guidance)
CDASH - Sex of the subject as determined by the investigator.

There needs to be a discussion about what this variable should contain or if other variables need to be defined to capture sex.

DemographicsRACE SDSVAR-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS C17049RaceRace of the subject. Sponsors should refer to “Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data in Clinical Trials” (FDA, September 2005) for guidance regarding the collection of race (http://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm126340.htm) See Assumption below regarding RACE. ON HOLD217
DemographicsETHNICC16564EthnicityThe ethnicity of the subject. Sponsors should refer to “Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data in Clinical Trials” (FDA, September 2005) for guidance regarding the collection of ethnicity (http://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm126340.htm).ON HOLD221



DemographicsARMCDC83216Planned Arm CodeARMCD is limited to 20 characters and does not have special character restrictions. The maximum length of ARMCD is longer than for other “short” variables to accommodate the kind of values that are likely to be needed for crossover trials. For example, if ARMCD values for a seven-period crossover were constructed using two-character abbreviations for each treatment and separating hyphens, the length of ARMCD values would be 20.A short sequence of characters that represents the planned arm to which the subject was assigned.265
DemographicsARMC15538Description of Planned ArmName of the Arm to which the subject was assigned.The name of the planned arm to which the subject was assigned.276
DemographicsACTARMCDC117449Actual Arm CodeCode of actual Arm. When an Arm is not planned (not in Trial Arms), ACTARMCD will be UNPLAN. Randomized subjects who were not treated will be given a value of NOTTRT. Values should be “SCRNFAIL” for screen failures and “NOTASSGN” for subjects not assigned to treatment. Restricted to values in Trial Arms in all other cases. ACTARMCD is limited to 20 characters and does not have special character restrictions. The maximum length of ACTARMCD is longer than for other short variables to accommodate the kind of values that are likely to be needed for crossover trials. A short sequence of characters that represents the arm in which the subject actually participated. 287
DemographicsACTARMC117448Description of Actual ArmDescription of actual Arm. When an Arm is not planned (not in Trial Arms), ACTARM will be “Unplanned Treatment”. Randomized subjects who were not treated will be given a value of “Not Treated”. Values should be “Screen Failure” for screen failures and “Not Assigned” for subjects not assigned to treatment. Restricted to values in Trial Arms in all other cases.The name of the arm in which the subject actually participated. 291

DemographicsCOUNTRYC25464CountryCountry of the investigational site in which the subject participated in the trial.  

The country in which the investigational site is located.

DemographicsDMDTCC83243Date/Time of CollectionDate/time of demographic data collection.The date or date and time of demographic data collection, represented in a standardized character format.324
DemographicsDMDYC83244Study Day of CollectionStudy day of collection measured as integer days. 

The actual study day of demographic data collection derived relative to the sponsor-defined reference start date.



CDASH Draft definition (CDASH v2.0): An arbitrary classification based on physical characteristics; a group of persons related by common descent or heredity (U.S. Center for Disease Control).ON HOLD357
Events--TERMC82571Reported TermTopic variable for an event observation, which is the verbatim or pre-specified name of the event. The reported name of the event.11
Events --MODIFY

See Findings22
Events--LLTC71886Lowest Level TermMedDRA Lowest Level Term.The lowest-level term assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.33
Events--LLTCDC117048Lowest Level Term CodeMedDRA Lowest Level Term code.The lowest-level term code assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.44
Events--DECODC82977Dictionary-Derived TermDictionary or sponsor-defined derived text description of the topic variable, --TERM, or the modified topic variable (--MODIFY), if applicable. Equivalent to the Preferred Term (PT in MedDRA). Standardized or dictionary derived text for the description of an event or intervention.55
Events--PTCDC117056Preferred Term CodeMedDRA Preferred Term code.The preferred term code assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.66
Events--HLTC71880High Level TermMedDRA High Level Term from the primary path.The high-level term from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.77
Events--HLTCDC117047High Level Term CodeMedDRA High Level Term code from the primary path.The high-level term code from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.81
Events--HLGTC71889High Level Group TermMedDRA High Level Group Term from the primary path.The high-level group term from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.92
Events--HLGTCDC117046High Level Group Term CodeMedDRA High Level Group Term code from the primary path.The high-level group term code from the primary hierarchy assigned to the event from the MedDRA dictionary.103
Events --CAT

See Findings114
Events --SCAT

See Findings125
Events --PRESP

See Interventions136
Events --OCCUR

See Interventions147
Events --STAT


Definition: An indication as to whether a pre-specified event or intervention occurred. SDSVAR-7 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(Note: The definition for Findings is different.)

Events --REASND

See Findings162
Events--BODSYSC12919Body System or Organ Class Body system or system organ class assigned for analysis from a standard hierarchy (e.g. MedDRA) associated with an event.  Example: GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS.A standardized or dictionary derived name for the body system or organ class173
Events--BDSYCDC117040Body System or Organ Class CodeMedDRA System Organ Class code corresponding to --BODSYS assigned for analysis.A standardized or dictionary derived short sequence of characters used to represent the body system or organ class.184
Events--SOCC71888Primary System Organ ClassMedDRA primary System Organ Class associated with the event.The system organ class from the primary hierarchy assigned in the MedDRA dictionary.195
Events--SOCCDC117059Primary System Organ Class CodeMedDRA primary System Organ Class code.The system organ class code from the primary hierarchy assigned in the MedDRA dictionary.206
Events --LOC

See Findings217
Events --LAT

See Findings221
Events --DIR

See Findings232
Events --PORTOT

See Findings243
Events --PARTYC117052Accountable PartyParty accountable for the transferable object (e.g. device, specimen) as a result of the activity performed in the associated --TERM variable.  The party could be an individual (e.g., subject), an organization (e.g., sponsor), or a location that is a proxy for an individual or organization (e.g., site).  It is usually a somewhat general term that is further identified in the --PRTYID variable.The role of the individual or entity responsible for the receipt of the transferred object (e.g. device, specimen).254
Events --PRTYIDC117054Identification of Accountable PartyIdentification of the specific party accountable for the transferable object (e.g. device, specimen) after the action in --TERM is taken.   Used in conjunction with --PARTY.

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the individual or entity responsible for the receipt of the transferred object (e.g. device, specimen).

Events --SEV

See Findings276
Events --SERC82578Serious EventIs this is a serious event? Valid values are “Y” and “N”. An indication as to whether an event meets regulatory criteria for seriousness.287
Events --ACNC49499Action Taken with Study TreatmentDescribes changes made to the study treatment as a result of the event. Examples: DOSE INCREASED, DOSE NOT CHANGED.

An action taken to study treatment as the result of the event.

Events --ACNOTHC82509Other Action TakenDescribes other actions taken as a result of the event that are unrelated to dose adjustments of study treatment.An action taken, unrelated to study treatment, as the result of the event. SDSVAR-36 - Getting issue details... STATUS 302
Events --ACNDEVC117037Action Taken with DeviceAction taken with respect to a device in a study, which may or may not be the device under study

An action taken to a device as the result of the event.

Events --RELC82552CausalityRecords the investigator's opinion as to the causality of the event to the treatment. ICH E2A and E2B examples include NOT RELATED, UNLIKELY RELATED, POSSIBLY RELATED, RELATED. The investigator's assessment of the likelihood that the study treatment was the cause of the event.324
Events --RELNSTC82564Relationship to Non-Study TreatmentAn opinion as to whether the event may have been due to a treatment other than study drug. Example: "MORE LIKELY RELATED TO ASPIRIN USE."The investigator's assessment of the causal relationship of the event to a non-study treatment.335
Events --PATTC82550Pattern of EventUsed to indicate the pattern of the event over time. Examples: INTERMITTENT, CONTINUOUS, SINGLE EVENT.A characterization of the temporal pattern of occurrences of the event.346
Events --OUTC20200Outcome of EventDescription of the outcome of an event. Examples: RECOVERED/RESOLVED, FATAL.The status associated with the result or conclusion of the event.357
Events --SCANC82561Involves CancerWas the event associated with the development of cancer? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event was serious was because the event was associated with cancer.361
Events --SCONGC2849Congenital Anomaly or Birth DefectWas the event associated with congenital anomaly or birth defect? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event is associated with congenital anomaly or birth defect in an offspring of the subject.372
Events --SDISABC68606Persist or Signif Disability/IncapacityDid the event result in persistent or significant disability/incapacity? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in a significant, persistent or permanent change, impairment, damage or disruption in the subject's body function/structure, physical activities and/or quality of life.383
Events --SDTHC82549Results in DeathDid the event result in death? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in death.394
Events --SHOSPC68605Requires or Prolongs HospitalizationDid the event require or prolong hospitalization? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in or prolonged hospitalization.405
Events --SLIFEC82508Is Life ThreateningWas the event life threatening? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event resulted in a substantial risk of dying.416
Events --SODC82548Occurred with OverdoseDid the event occur with an overdose? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event is associated with overdose.427
Events --SMIEC82521Other Medically Important Serious EventDo additional categories for seriousness apply? Valid values are “Y” and “N”.An indication as to whether the reason an event is serious is because the event may jeopardize the subject and may require intervention to prevent one of the other outcomes associated with serious adverse events.431
Events --CONTRTC53630Concomitant or Additional Trtmnt GivenWas another treatment given because of the occurrence of the event? Valid values are “Y” and “N”. SDSVAR-31 - Getting issue details... STATUS An indication as to whether a non-study treatment was given because of the occurrence of the event.442
Events --TOX

See Findings453
Events --TOXGR

See Findings464
Findings --TESTCDC82503Short Name of Measurement, Test or ExaminationShort character value for --TEST used as a column name when converting a dataset from a vertical format to a horizontal format. The short value can be up to 8 characters. Examples: PLAT, SYSBP, RRMIN, EYEEXAM.The standardized or dictionary derived short sequence of characters used to represent the assessment. 15
Findings --TESTC82541Name of Measurement, Test or ExaminationLong name For --TESTCD. Examples: Platelet, Systolic Blood Pressure, Summary (Min) RR Duration, Eye Examination. The standardized or dictionary derived name of the assessment. 26
Findings --MODIFYC25446Modified TermIf the value of --ORRES is modified for coding purposes, then the modified text is placed here. A value which represents an alteration to a collected value for coding purposes.37
Findings--TSTDTLC117062Measurement, Test or Examination DetailFurther description of --TESTCD and --TEST. Example: “The percentage of cells with +1 intensity of staining” when MITESTCD = TTF1.ON HOLD41
Findings--CATC25372CategoryUsed to define a category of topic-variable values. Examples: HEMATOLOGY, URINALYSIS, CHEMISTRY, HAMILTON DEPRESSION SCALE, SF36, MICRO ARRAY, EGFR MUTATION ANALYSISA grouping or classification of the topic of the finding, event, or intervention.52
Findings--SCATC25692SubcategoryUsed to define a further categorization of --CAT values. Example: DIFFERENTIAL.

A further grouping or classification of the category for the topic of the finding, event, or intervention.

Findings--POSC62164Position of Subject During ObservationPosition of the subject during a measurement or examination. Examples: SUPINE, STANDING, SITTING.The particular way that a subject's body is placed or situated during an assessment.74
Findings--ORRESC117221Result or Finding in Original UnitsResult of the measurement or finding as originally received or collected. Examples: 120, <1, POS.The outcome of the assessment as originally received or collected.95
Findings--ORRESUC82586Original UnitsUnit for --ORRES. Examples: IN, LB, kg/L.The unit of measure for the original outcome of the assessment, using standardized values.106
Findings--ORNRLOC82580Normal Range Lower Limit-Original UnitsLower end of normal range or reference range for results stored in --ORRES.

The lowest value in a normal or reference result range, as originally received or collected.

Findings--ORNRHIC70933Normal Range Upper Limit-Original UnitsUpper end of normal range or reference range for results stored in --ORRES.The highest value in a normal or reference result range, as originally received or collected.121
Findings--STRESCC117222Result or Finding in Standard Format Contains the result value for all findings, copied or derived from --ORRES in a standard format or in standard units. --STRESC should store all results or findings in character format; if results are numeric, they should also be stored in numeric format in --STRESN. For example, if various tests have results “NONE”, “NEG”, and “NEGATIVE” in --ORRES and these results effectively have the same meaning, they could be represented in standard format in --STRESC as "NEGATIVE". The standardized outcome of the assessment as reported in character format.132
Findings--STRESNC70952Numeric Result/Finding in Standard UnitsUsed for continuous or numeric results or findings in standard format; copied in numeric format from --STRESC. --STRESN should store all numeric test results or findings. The standardized outcome of the assessment as reported in numeric format.143
Findings--STRESUC82587Standard UnitsStandardized units used for --STRESC and --STRESN. Example: mol/L. The unit of measure for the standardized outcome of the assessment, using standardized values.154
Findings--STNRLOC25555Normal Range Lower Limit-Standard UnitsLower end of normal range or reference range for standardized results (e.g., --STRESC, --STRESN) represented in standardized units (--STRESU).The standardized lowest value in a normal or reference result range.165
Findings--STNRHIC25706Normal Range Upper Limit-Standard UnitsUpper end of normal range or reference range for standardized results (e.g., --STRESC, --STRESN) represented in standardized units (--STRESU).

The standardized highest value in a normal or reference result range.

Findings--STNRCC78727Normal Range for Character ResultsNormal range or reference range for results stored in --STRESC that are character in ordinal or categorical scale. Example: Negative to Trace.A reference set of values identifying the normal range for character results in an ordinal scale or categorical grouping.187
Findings--NRINDC82532Normal/Reference Range IndicatorUsed to indicate the value is outside the normal range or reference range. May be defined by --ORNRLO and --ORNRHI or other objective criteria. Examples: Y, N; HIGH, LOW; NORMAL; ABNORMAL.A classification of the result as it relates to  a normal or reference result range.191
Findings--RESCATC82498Result CategoryUsed to categorize the result of a finding. Example: MALIGNANT or BENIGN for tumor findings. RESISTANCE VARIANT for genetic variation.A grouping or classification of the results of an assessment.202
Findings--STATC41202Completion StatusUsed to indicate that a question was not asked or a test was not done, or a test was attempted but did not generate a result. Should be null or have a value of NOT DONE.


Definition: An indication as to whether a requested result was obtained.

The definition for Events and Interventions is different.

Findings--REASNDC82556Reason Not DoneReason not done. Used in conjunction with --STAT when value is NOT DONE.The explanation for why requested information was not available.224
Findings--XFNC82536External File PathFilename for an external file, such as one for an ECG waveform or a medical image.The filename and/or path to external data not stored in the same format and possibly not the same location as the other data for a study.235
Findings--NAMC117200Laboratory/Vendor NameName or identifier of the vendor (e.g., laboratory) that provided the test results.

The name of the vendor that performs an assessment.

Findings--LOINCC82502LOINC CodeLogical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) code for the topic variable such as a lab test. A short sequence of characters used to represent laboratory and clinical tests within the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) database.257
Findings--SPECC70713Specimen Material Type Defines the type of specimen used for a measurement. Examples: SERUM, PLASMA, URINE, DNA, RNA.The type of sample material taken from a biological entity for testing, diagnostic, propagation, treatment or research purposes. 261
Findings--ANTREGC12680Anatomical RegionDefines the specific anatomical or biological region of a tissue, organ specimen or the region from which the specimen is obtained, as defined in the protocol, such as a section or part of what is described in the --SPEC variable. Examples: CORTEX, MEDULLA, MUCOSAON HOLD272
Findings--SPCCNDC70714Specimen ConditionDefines the condition of the specimen. Example: CLOUDY.The physical state or quality of a sample for assessment.283
Findings--SPCUFLC105758Specimen Usability for the TestDescribes the usability of the specimen for the test. The value will be N if the specimen is not usable, and null if the specimen is usable. An indication as to whether a sample is suitable for testing.294
Findings--LOCC25341Location Used for the MeasurementAnatomical location of the subject relevant to the collection of the measurement. Examples: RECTAL for temperature, ARM for blood pressure. ON HOLD305
Findings--LATC25185LateralityQualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing laterality. Examples: RIGHT, LEFT, BILATERALON HOLD316
Findings--DIRC54215DirectionalityQualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing directionality. Examples: ANTERIOR, LOWER, PROXIMALON HOLD327
Findings--PORTOTC103166Portion or Totality Qualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing the distribution, which means arrangement of, apportioning of. . Examples: ENTIRE, SINGLE, SEGMENT, MANY.ON HOLD331
Findings--METHODC82535Method of Test or ExaminationMethod of the test or examination. Examples: EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay), ELECTROPHORESIS, DIPSTICKON HOLD342
Findings--RUNIDC117058Run ID A unique identifier for a particular run of a test on a particular batch of samples.A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a particular run of a test on a particular batch of samples.353
Findings--ANMETHC117039Analysis MethodAnalysis method applied to obtain a summarized result. Analysis method describes the method of secondary processing applied to a complex observation result (e.g. an image or a genetic sequence).ON HOLD364
Findings--LEADC50282Lead Identified to Collect MeasurementsLead or leads identified to capture the measurement for a test from an instrument. Examples: LEAD I, LEAD V2, LEAD CM5.An electrical recording from some region of the body that represents the voltage difference between two electrodes.375
Findings--CSTATEC88429Consciousness StateThe consciousness state of the subject at the time of measurement. Examples: CONSCIOUS, SEMI-CONSCIOUS, UNCONSCIOUSThe subject's level of consciousness.386
Findings--BLFLC82526Baseline FlagIndicator used to identify a baseline value. Should be Y or null.

An indication that the record is the baseline assessment.

Findings--FASTC93566Fasting StatusIndicator used to identify fasting status. Valid values include Y, N, U or null if not relevant.An indication as to whether a subject has abstained from food and liquid for a prescribed amount of time.401
Findings--DRVFLC81197Derived FlagUsed to indicate a derived record (e.g., a record that represents the average of other records such as a computed baseline). Should be Y or null. 

An indication that the measurement or finding is not a collected value but is processed or computed by the sponsor from collected data.

Findings--EVALC51824EvaluatorRole of the person who provided the evaluation. Used only for results that are subjective (e.g., assigned by a person or a group). Examples: ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE, INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR, RADIOLOGIST.The role of the person(s) providing an evaluation, appraisal, or interpretation.423
Findings--EVALIDC117043Evaluator IdentifierUsed to distinguish multiple evaluators with the same role recorded in --EVAL. Examples: RADIOLOGIST1 or RADIOLOGIST2

 A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the evaluator(s).

Findings--ACPTFLC117038Accepted Record FlagIn cases where more than one assessor provides an evaluation of a result or response, this flag identifies the record that is considered, by an independent assessor, to be the accepted evaluation. Expected to be Y or null.An indication that one record out of multiple records is the final, endorsed assessment.445
Findings--TOXC27990Toxicity Description of toxicity quantified by --TOXGR such as NCI CTCAE Short Name. Examples: HYPERCALCEMIA, HYPOCALCEMIA. Sponsor should specify which scale and version is used in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define-XML document.

A standardized or dictionary derived name for an untoward event or finding.

Findings--TOXGRC82528Toxicity GradeRecords toxicity grade using a standard toxicity scale (such as the NCI CTCAE). Sponsor should specify which scale and version is used in the Sponsor Comments column of the Define data definition document. Example: 2. 

A standardized categorical classification of the severity of an event or finding.

Findings--SEVC25676SeverityDescribes the severity or intensity of a particular finding. Examples: MILD, MODERATE, SEVERE.The quality or degree of harm associated with a finding or event.471
Findings--DTHRELC82563Relationship to DeathDescribes the relationship of a particular finding to the death of a subject. Examples: Y, N or U. ON HOLD482
Findings--LLOQC82589Lower Limit of QuantitationIndicates the lower limit of quantitation for an assay. Units will be those used for --STRESU.

 The lowest threshold for reliably detecting the result of a specific test in standardized units.

Findings--ULOQC85533Upper Limit of QuantitationIndicates the upper limit of quantitation for an assay. Units will be those used for --STRESU.

The highest threshold for reliably detecting the result of a specific test in standardized units.

Findings--EXCLFLC117045Exclude from StatisticsIndicates whether the values in the result variables for this record should be excluded from summary statistical calculations such as Mean, Standard Deviation, and Count (and others). Expected to be Y or null.  --EXCLFL should not be used when --STAT is NOT DONE.  Not to be used with human clinical trials.

An indication that the result is to be excluded from a result set used for a statistical calculation.

Findings--REASEXC117057Reason for Exclusion from StatisticsReason excluded from statistics. Used in conjunction with --EXCLFL when its value is Y. Not to be used with human clinical trialsThe explanation for why a result is excluded from a result set used for a statistical calculation.526
IdentifiersSTUDYIDC83082Study IdentifierUnique identifier for a study.A sequence of characters used by the sponsor to uniquely identify the study.17
IdentifiersDOMAINC49556Domain AbbreviationTwo-character abbreviation for the domain most relevant to the observation. The Domain abbreviation is also used as a prefix for variables to ensure uniqueness when datasets are merged. 

An abbreviation for a collection of observations, with a topic-specific commonality.

IdentifiersUSUBJIDC70731Unique Subject IdentifierIdentifier used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product. A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product.32
IdentifiersPOOLIDC117053Pool IdentifierAn identifier used to identify a result from a group of subjects that is not assignable to a specific subject. 

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a group of subjects that have been pooled together.

IdentifiersSPDEVIDC117060Sponsor Device IdentifierSponsor-defined identifier for a device

A sequence of characters used by the sponsor to uniquely identify a specific device. SDSVAR-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Identifiers --SEQC70710Sequence Number Sequence number to ensure uniqueness of records within a dataset for a subject (or within a parameter, in the case of the Trial Summary domain). May be any valid number (including decimals) and does not have to start at 1. 

A number used to identify records within a dataset.

Identifiers --GRPIDC82529Group IDOptional group identifier, used to link together a block of related records within a subject in a domain. Also used to link together a block of related records in the Trial Summary dataset (Section 3.4).

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify related records for a subject within a domain, or related parameters in the Trial Summary dataset.

Identifiers --REFIDC82531Reference ID Optional internal or external identifier such as lab specimen ID, or UUID for an ECG waveform or a medical image.

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a source of information.

Identifiers --SPIDC82530Sponsor-Defined IdentifierSponsor-defined identifier. Example: pre-printed line identifier on a Concomitant Medications page.

A sponsor-defined sequence of characters used to identify an instance of an observation.

Identifiers --LNKIDC117050Link IDIdentifier used to link related records across domains. This may be a one-to-one or a one-to-many relationship. For Example: A single tumor may have multiple measurements/assessments performed at each study visit.   

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a record in one domain and link it to one or more records in another domain.

Identifiers --LNKGRPC117049Link Group IDIdentifier used to link related records across domains. This will usually be a many-to-one relationship. For example: Multiple tumor measurements/assessments will contribute to a single response to therapy determination record. 

A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a group of records in one domain and link it to one or more records in another domain. .

Interventions --TRTC82542Name of TreatmentThe topic for the intervention observation, usually the verbatim name of the treatment, drug, medicine, or therapy given during the dosing interval for the observation.The reported name of the drug, procedure, or therapy.14
Interventions --MODIFY

See Findings25
Interventions --DECOD

See Events36
Interventions --MOODC117051MoodMode or condition of the record (e.g., SCHEDULED, PERFORMED). The state that may be applied to a record to indicate its phase in a life cycle or business process, e.g., scheduled, performed.47
Interventions --CAT

See Findings51
Interventions --SCAT

See Findings62
Interventions --PRESPC82510Pre-specifiedUsed when a specific intervention is pre-specified on a CRF. Values should be “Y” or null. 

An indication that the event or intervention was prospectively stated or detailed on the CRF.

Interventions --OCCURC25275OccurrenceUsed to record whether a pre-specified intervention occurred when information about the occurrence of a specific intervention is solicited.An indication as to whether a pre-specified event or intervention has occurred.84
Interventions --STAT

See Findings95
Interventions --REASND

See Findings106
Interventions --INDCC41184IndicationDenotes the indication for the intervention (e.g., why the therapy was taken or administered). The sign, symptom or condition that is the basis for initiation of a treatment.117
Interventions --CLASC25346ClassClass for a medication or treatment, often obtained from a coding dictionary.

A standardized or dictionary derived grouping of drugs, procedures, or therapies.

Interventions --CLASCDC82501Class CodeUsed to represent code for --CLAS.

A standardized or dictionary derived short sequence of characters used to represent a grouping of drugs, procedures, or therapies..

Interventions --DOSEC25488DoseAmount of --TRT given. Not populated when --DOSTXT is populated.The quantity of an agent (such as a drug, substance or radiation) taken or absorbed at a single administration.143
Interventions --DOSTXTC70961Dose DescriptionDosing information collected in text form. Examples: <1 per day, 200-400. Not populated when --DOSE is populated.A textual description of the quantity of an agent (such as a drug, substance or radiation) taken or absorbed at a single administration.154
Interventions --DOSUC73558Dose UnitsUnits for --DOSE, --DOSTOT, or --DOSTXT (Examples: ng, mg, mg/kg).

The unit of measure for the agent (such as a drug, substance or radiation), using standardized values.

Interventions --DOSFRMC42636Dose FormDose form for the treatment. Examples: TABLET, CAPSULE.

The shape or configuration in which an agent (such as a drug, substance or radiation)  is physically presented.

Interventions --DOSFRQC15682Dosing Frequency per IntervalUsually expressed as the number of doses given per a specific interval. Examples: Q2H, QD, PRN.The number of times that an agent (such as a drug, substance or radiation) is administered per unit of time.187
Interventions --DOSTOTC70888Total Daily DoseTotal daily dose of --TRT using the units in --DOSU. Used when dosing is collected as Total Daily Dose.The quantity of an agent (such as a drug, substance or radiation) taken or absorbed on a single day.191
Interventions --DOSRGMC71137Intended Dose RegimenText description of the (intended) schedule or regimen for the Intervention. Example: TWO WEEKS ON, TWO WEEKS OFF. The planned schedule for the administration of an agent (such as a drug, substance or radiation).202
Interventions --ROUTEC38114Route of AdministrationRoute of administration for the intervention. Examples: ORAL, INTRAVENOUS.Designation of the part of the body through which or into which, or the way in which, a substance is introduced.213
Interventions --LOTC70848Lot NumberLot number for the intervention described in --TRT.

An identifier assigned by the manufacturer or distributor to a specific quantity of manufactured material or product within a batch.

Interventions --LOC

See Findings235
Interventions --LAT

See Findings246
Interventions --DIR

See Findings257
Interventions --PORTOT

See Findings261
Interventions --FAST

See Findings272
Interventions --PSTRGC53294Pharmaceutical StrengthAmount of an active ingredient expressed quantitatively per dosage unit, per unit of volume, or per unit of weight, according to the pharmaceutical dose form. Example: 50 mg/TABLET, 300 mg/LThe amount of active ingredient per unit of pharmaceutical dosage form.283
Interventions --PSTRGUC117055Pharmaceutical Strength UnitsUnit for --PSTRG. Example: mg/TABLET, mg/mLThe unit of measure for the amount of active ingredient per unit of pharmaceutical dosage form, using standardized values.294
Interventions --TRTVC927Treatment VehicleVehicle for administration of treatment, such as a liquid in which the treatment drug is dissolved. Example: SALINE.A carrier or inert medium in which a medicinally active agent is administered.305
Interventions --VAMTC82553Treatment Vehicle AmountAmount of the prepared product (treatment + vehicle) administered or given.  Note: should not be diluent amount alone.Amount of the prepared product (treatment plus vehicle) administered.316
Interventions --VAMTUC82583Treatment Vehicle Amount UnitsUnits for the prepared product (treatment + vehicle). Examples: mL, mg. The unit of measure for the prepared product (treatment plus vehicle) using standardized values.327
Interventions --ADJC82555Reason for Dose AdjustmentDescribes reason or explanation of why a dose is adjusted. Examples ADVERSE EVENT, INSUFFICIENT RESPONSE, NON-MEDICAL REASON.The explanation given for why a dose was changed as compared to a previous dose.331
TimingVISITC83093Visit NameProtocol-defined description of a clinical encounter.The protocol-defined label for a clinical encounter.22
TimingVISITDYC83450Planned Study Day of VisitPlanned study day of VISIT. Should be an integer.

The planned study day of a clinical encounter relative to the sponsor-defined reference start date.

TimingVISITNUMC83101Visit NumberClinical encounter number. Numeric version of VISIT, used for sorting. An assigned numeric identifier that aligns to the chronological order of a clinical encounter.34
TimingTAETORDC83438Planned Order of Element within ArmNumber that gives the planned order of the Element within the Arm (see Trial Arms, Section 3.2.2 ).An assigned numeric identifier that gives the planned order of the element within the trial arm of the study.45
TimingEPOCHC71738EpochEpoch associated with the start date/time of the observation, or the date/time of collection if start date/time is not collected. (See Section 3.2.2).A time period in a study with a specific purpose.56
Timing --DTCC82515Date/Time of CollectionCollection date and time of an observation represented in IS0 8601 character format. The date or date and time of specimen or data collection from the subject, represented in a standardized character format.67
Timing  --STDTCC82517Start Date/Time of ObservationStart date/time of an observation represented in IS0 8601 character format. The start date or date and time of an intervention or event, represented in a standardized character format.71
Timing  --ENDTCC82516End Date/Time of ObservationEnd date/time of the observation represented in IS0 8601 character format.  The end date or date and time of an intervention, event, or finding represented in a standardized character format.82
Timing  --DYC82437Study Day of Visit/Collection/ExamActual study day of visit/collection/exam expressed in integer days relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC in Demographics. 

The actual study day of an intervention, event, or finding, derived relative to the sponsor-defined reference start date.

Timing  --STDYC82570Study Day of Start of ObservationActual study day of start of observation expressed in integer days relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC in Demographics.The actual study day of the start of an intervention or event, derived relative to the sponsor-defined reference start date.104
Timing  --ENDYC82569Study Day of End of ObservationActual study day of end of observation expressed in integer days relative to the sponsor-defined RFSTDTC in Demographics. The actual study day of the end of an intervention or event, derived relative to the sponsor-defined reference start date.115
Timing --DURC25330Duration Collected duration of an event, intervention, or finding represented in ISO 8601 character format. Used only if collected on the CRF and not derived. The collected length of time during which an observation continues, represented in a standardized character format.126
Timing  --TPTC82539Planned Time Point NameText description of time when a measurement or observation should be taken as defined in the protocol. This may be represented as an elapsed time relative to a fixed reference point, such as time of last dose. See --TPTNUM and --TPTREF.The description of when an observation is planned to occur.137
Timing  --TPTNUMC82545Planned Time Point NumberNumeric version of planned time point used in sorting.The numeric identifier of when an observation is planned to occur.141
Timing  --ELTMC82572Planned Elapsed Time from Time Point RefPlanned Elapsed time in ISO 8601 character format relative to a planned fixed reference (--TPTREF) such as “Previous Dose” or “Previous Meal”. This variable is useful where there are repetitive measures. Not a clock time or a date/time variable, but an interval, represented as ISO duration.

The interval of time  between a planned time point and a fixed reference point, represented in a standardized character format.

Timing  --TPTREFC82576Time Point ReferenceDescription of the fixed reference point referred to by --ELTM, --TPTNUM, and --TPT. Examples: PREVIOUS DOSE, PREVIOUS MEAL.The description of a time point that acts as a fixed reference for a series of planned time points.163
Timing  --RFTDTCC82518Date/Time of Reference Time PointDate/time for a fixed reference time point defined by --TPTREF in ISO 8601 character format.

The actual date or date and time of a time point that acts as a fixed reference for a series of planned time points, represented in a standardized character format..

Timing --STRFC82559Start Relative to Reference PeriodIdentifies the start of the observation as being before, during, or after the sponsor-defined reference period. The sponsor-defined reference period is a continuous period of time defined by a discrete starting point and a discrete ending point represented by RFSTDTC and RFENDTC in Demographics. Note: This variable will be deprecated (phased out) in a future (post SDTM v1.4) release. The functionality of this variable can be replaced by the use of --STRTPT with --STTPT = RFSTDTC. The characterization of the start of an observation relative to the study reference period.185
Timing  --ENRFC82557End Relative to Reference PeriodIdentifies the end of the observation as being before, during or after the sponsor-defined reference period. The sponsor-defined reference period is a continuous period of time defined by a discrete starting point and a discrete ending point represented by RFSTDTC and RFENDTC in Demographics. Note: This variable will be deprecated (phased out) in a future (post SDTM v1.4) release. The functionality of this variable can be replaced by the use of --ENRTPT with --ENTPT = RFENDTC.The characterization of the end of an observation relative to the study reference period.196
Timing --EVLINTC82534Evaluation IntervalDuration of interval associated with an observation such as a finding --TESTCD, represented in ISO 8601 character format. Example: -P2M to represent a period of the past 2 months as the evaluation interval for a question from a questionnaire such as SF-36.

The planned time interval for which an observation is assessed, represented in a standardized character format.

Timing --EVINTXC117044Evaluation Interval TextEvaluation interval associated with an observation, where the interval is not able to be represented in ISO 8601 format. Examples: LIFETIME, LAST NIGHT, RECENTLY, OVER THE LAST FEW WEEKS.A textual description of the planned time interval for which an observation is assessed, where the interval is not able to be represented in a standardized character format.211
Timing --STRTPTC82560Start Relative to Reference Time PointIdentifies the start of the observation as being before or after the sponsor-defined reference time point defined by variable --STTPT. The characterization of the start of an observation relative to a reference time point.222
Timing --STTPTC82575Start Reference Time PointDescription or date/time in ISO 8601 or other character format of the sponsor-defined reference point referred to by --STRTPT. Examples: "2003-12-15" or "VISIT 1".The description or date and/or time of a time point that acts as a fixed reference for characterizing the start of an observation.233
Timing --ENRTPTC82558End Relative to Reference Time PointIdentifies the end of the observation as being before or after the sponsor-defined reference time point defined by variable --ENTPT. The characterization of the end of an observation relative to a reference time point.244
Timing --ENTPTC82574End Reference Time PointDescription or date/time in ISO 8601 or other character format of the sponsor-defined reference point referred to by --ENRTPT. Examples: "2003-12-25" or "VISIT 2". The description or date and/or time of a time point that acts as a fixed reference for characterizing the end of an observation.255
Timing --STINTC117061Planned Start of Assessment IntervalThe start of a planned evaluation or assessment interval in ISO 8601 character format relative to the Time Point Reference (--TPTREF).

The start of a planned assessment interval relative to a reference time point, represented in a standardized character format.

Timing  --ENINTC117042Planned End of Assessment IntervalThe end of a planned evaluation or assessment interval in ISO 8601 character format relative to the Time Point Reference (--TPTREF).

The end of a planned assessment interval relative to a reference time point, represented in a standardized character format..

Timing --DETECTC117041Time in Days to DetectionThe number of days from the start of dosing to the earliest detection of a condition or pathogen.ON HOLD281
Timing  --CDUR

Timing  --CDURU

  • No labels


  1. Some of the final definitions are "ON HOLD". What is the intention behind this hold?



  2. For SPDEVID, recommend removing the word "specific" in the final definition for SPDEVID.  This would particularly apply to devices not under study.  For example, MRIs may be required for Alzheimer studies.  Would the sponsor need to specifically identify all of the MRIs used by sites in a particular study?  If not, then devices not under study could be more generically identified, not specifically identified.

    1. Hi Carey,

      I created a JIRA issue for your comment. If you have any additional comments, please create a JIRA issue in the SDTM Variable Definitions project.
