StudyEventGroupDef is a study building block that groups a number of smaller building blocks, which can themselves be StudyEventGroups or StudyEvents. It thus allows nesting of building blocks.
Element Name | StudyEventGroupDef |
Parent Elements | MetaDataVersion |
Element XPath(s) | /ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventGroupDef |
Element Textual Value | None |
Attributes | OID, Name, ArmOID, EpochOID, CommentOID |
Child Elements | (Description?, (StudyEventGroupRef?, StudyEventRef?)+, WorkflowRef?, Coding*) |
Usage/Business Rules |
Attribute | Schema Datatype or Enumeration | Usage | Definition | Business Rule(s) |
OID | oid | Required | Unique identifier for the StudyEventGroupDef element. |
Name | name | Required | Human readable identifier for the StudyEventGroupDef element. |
ArmOID | oidref | Optional | Reference to an Arm element defined in the study. |
EpochOID | oidref | Optional | Reference to an Epoch element defined in the study. |
CommentOID | oidref | Optional | Reference to a CommentDef element defined in the study. |
Example: Study Diagram
A partial example of a study diagram, and how study cells and study elements are described using StudyEventGroupDef, is provided below.
The WorkflowRef references a workflow definition, a WorkFlowDef.
Worflows that describe the workflow of the complete study will be referenced from the Protocol element. A workflow referenced by a StudyEventGroupDef will then typically represent a workflow within a study cell (when ArmOID and EpochOID are populated), or represent a workflow within a study element or study subelement.

Example: StudyEventGroupDef
<!-- StudyEventGroup representing the study cell A1: ArmOID and EpochOID are populated --> <StudyEventGroupDef OID="SEG.A1" Name="Study cell A1" ArmOID="ARM.A EpochOID="EPOCH.1> <StudyEventGroupRef StudyEventGroupOID="SEG.X"/> <StudyEventGroupRef StudyEventGroupOID="SEG.Y"/> </StudyEventGroupDef> <!-- StudyEventGroup representing the study element X --> <StudyEventGroupDef OID="SEG.X" Name="Study element X"> ... </StudyEventGroupDef> <!-- StudyEventGroup representing the study element Y --> <StudyEventGroupDef OID="SEG.Y" Name="Study element Y"> <StudyEventGroupRef StudyEventGroupOID="SEG.P"/> <StudyEventGroupRef StudyEventGroupOID="SEG.Q"/> </StudyEventGroupDef> <!-- StudyEventGroup representing the study sub-element P --> <StudyEventGroupDef OID="SEG.P" Name="Subelement P">...</StudyEventGroupDef> <!-- StudyEventGroup representing the study sub-element Q --> <StudyEventGroupDef OID="SEG.Q" Name="Subelement Q">...</StudyEventGroupDef>