The DocumentRef element references a leaf element which in turn provides information about the document file.

Element NameDocumentRef

AnnotatedCRF, SupplementalDoc, Origin, MethodDef, CommentDef
Element XPath(s)
  • /ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/AnnotatedCRF/DocumentRef
  • /ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/SupplementalDoc/DocumentRef
  • /ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupDef/ItemRef/Origin/DocumentRef
  • /ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/MethodDef/DocumentRef
  • /ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/CommentDef/DocumentRef
Element Textual ValueNone
Child Elements(PDFPageRef*)
Usage/Business Rules
  • Business Rule(s):
    • If multiple documents are provided, there will be multiple DocumentRef child elements within the parent element.

AttributeSchema Datatype or EnumerationUsageDefinitionBusiness Rule(s)
LeafIDtextRequiredReference to the unique ID of the Leaf element that contains the location of a file containing a document.

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