Users may report issues with logins to CDISC library. Here is a breakdown of potential issues and how to resolve them:

Sign In Problems


Error Message: 

"An account could not be found for the provided user ID"

Follow the "Sign up now" link to generate a new account and/or reset the password for an existing account.

Error Message: 

"We can't seem to find your account"

Follow the "Sign up now" link to generate a new account and/or reset the password for an existing account.

Access Denied


Error Message:

"There appears to be a problem with your credentials to access the CDISC Data Standards Browser (DSB)."

Confirm the company is a member and that the user's email domain is associated with the company.  If this is the case, have the user log out and then back in.

Note:  This applies for the first user login since CORE launch on 4/28/22.  Drupal and B2C have to communicate with each other to update the user's membership level in B2C.  If the user was signed in prior to 4/28/22, this handoff has not yet occurred.

Where is my API Key?



A user has just signed up and created their account.  No API Key email has been received yet.

API Keys are delivered every 1 hour. The user will receive a "Welcome to API" message in email once it is generated. This email is sent from

Connection Refused Error Message (API Call)



Receiving a "ConnectionRefusedError: WinError 10061 No Connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"

Firewall / Port Listeners may be the issue.

Further details on resolving coming soon.

API Headers (key-value pair)



User inquires about key-value pair to insert into header of API call.

The user should follow the steps here:

They will need to create a CDISC Library account, obtain their API key, and then insert it into the API request header as follows:

Key:  api-key

Value:  (API token value from

  • No labels


  1. "API Keys are delivered every 24 hours"....isn't it, email informing the requester of the API key is delivered within 24 hours, but the API key is actually provisioned within 2 hours?  i.e. if the requester checks back to the API portal in 2 hours, they could obtain their API key sooner?

  2. A function app creates a user record in APIM and subscription to CLIB API, i.e., API keys. This function app checks for new AD records every hour. An improvement is being worked on to generate API keys in tandem with AD account provisioning. Typical email notification delays apply.