Topic 1: News & Updates,
Presenter: Markus Stoll + All
News, Topics, Updates from the community:
- Question: Death Details
Actual Death Date versus collected Date. Recommendation: Stick to SDM-IG, but if required it is also possible to add DDSTDTC to DD domain and collect actual Death Date in addition to DDDTC (Date/Time of Collection). Findings in P21 should be explained.
- FDA Workshop with DUKE on Safety Analysis
News on - EMA CDISC Pilot launch - New Googlegroups Mailling list
According to feedback from community in the TC all participants have received now the new meeting invitation details at least by the new googlegroups mailing-list.
No more missings are reported.
- Question: Death Details
Topic 2: AoB
Planning for 1st f-2-f meeting after COVID-19 pandemic
- Question: Users should reach out to their organisations/managers and ask whether travel in 2023 woudl be possible
- Mainanalytics has volunteered to host the meeting in case of
- Markus to contact Kurt and ask for TMF contact on registration support
- Question: Users should reach out to their organisations/managers and ask whether travel in 2023 woudl be possible