
Topic 1: Change of new GCDISC DEUN group mailing list (self-administrated googlegroup),

Presenter: Markus Stoll

Googlegroups CDISC DEUN Mitgliederliste

Hilfe/Info Googlegroups:

The new google mailing list is now in production and was already used by Kurt. For testing purposes Kurt has send the meeting invite of today's meeting to both mailing lists...

a) The existing (old) mailing list from CDISC: deun[at] 

b) The new mailing list: cdisc-deun[at] 

More information about how to join the group is mentioned on the CDISC DEUN wiki welcome page.      

As some members reported that they did not receive the meeting invite of the new googlegroup mailling list Markus recommended to add the email address of the group to your contacts to avoid it is getting filtered as spam. If the problem persist users should contact Markus for further investigation of the problem.

Communication should be send - at least for the time being - to both mailing lists until  the new maling list has been tested accordingly.  

Topic 2:  Review of SDTM-IG 3.4 - call for volunteers,

Presenter: Markus Stoll

Markus presented the list of updates in SDTM; v3.4 he had extracted from the P21 presentation. The list is in the wiki under...

German Usergroup Wiki > DACH Group Discussions > SDTM-IG 3.3/-Model 1.7 to SDTM-IG 3.4/-Model 2.0 changes

Contrary to the previous decision to go forward with the review, the team decided to postpone further activities as there were no volunteers. 

Judith Köppert offered to present her change analysis, she is planning for an internal presentation in her company. She will contact the team once the presentation is available, (planned for Q2).    

Additionall important topics on the changes from SDTM-IG v3.3 to v3.4 could be considered of the team decides to move forward (e.g. changes on SV structure and controversity about new variables for LOINC Support in v3.4). 

Topic 3:  Any other Business

Discussion: All

  • Steffi reminded that the next regular meeting would be on a holiday: Black Friday, April 15th
    As there is no planned agenda topic for April, the next regular meeting will be on Friday, May 20th - Happy Easter Vacations to all!   

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