



  • Progress planning for March 27 meeting at GSK
    • Format – more interactive than some have been.
    • Mini-talks then open discussion

Discussion items


 Meeting Topics

Standard eCRF Design Challenges in Oncology (GSK Priya Gopal)

Technial Conformance Guide challenges (Alexion user-21e89)

Fill out program detail at next TC.

CDISC support for meeting promotion

Newsletter mentions.

Flyer Dana Soloff & Melissa Cook

Sign-ups on Wiki? Meeting reminders?

Anything we want to post on the group wiki home page and/or LinkedIn

Dana Soloff and Melissa Cook will put togther a flyer

BACUG volunteer recruitement

Next meeting


1 Comment

  1. Amy: I was able to hold a room at Biogen on June 17 for the next BACUN Meeting.