This example shows the definition and results for a single analysis, "Comparison of Age by Treatment", including the definitions of the grouping factor and method referenced by the analysis. This example illustrates the use of just the groupingId attribute of the ResultGroup class to associate a result with a grouping factor that does not generate a result for each group in the grouping factor.

Lines 1-19:

Show the definition of the single grouping factor referenced by the analysis: the "Treatment" grouping factor, which has 3 groups: "Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose", and "Xanomeline High Dose". This grouping factor is not data-driven (dataDriven = false on line 6).

Lines 21-29:

Show the definition of the method referenced by the analysis, "Analysis of variance group comparison for a continuous variable", which has a single operation ("P-value").

Lines 31-40:

Show the definition of the analysis:

  • Lines 34-35: Show that this is an analysis of the AGE variable in the ADSL dataset.
  • Line 36: Shows the reference to the "Analysis of variance group comparison for a continuous variable" method.
  • Lines 37-40: Show the reference to the single grouping factor, which is marked as not producing a result for each group in the grouping factor (resultsByGroup = false, shown on line 39).
Lines 41-46

Show the single result for the analysis, represented as an instance of the OperationResult class containing:

  • The identifier value of the statistical operation performed, which is in the operationId attribute.
  • In the resultGroups attribute, a reference to the only grouping factor group associated with the result (indicated by the value of the groupingId attribute). The association to the "Treatment" grouping factor can be used as an indication that this is a treatment-related result.
  • The raw result value in the rawValue attribute, and
  • In the formattedValue attribute, the result value formatted according to the pattern specified in the resultPattern attribute of the operation referenced by the operationId value. The specified pattern is shown on row 28.

YAML Example
- id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
  name: Treatment
  groupingDataset: ADSL
  groupingVariable: TRT01A
  dataDriven: false
  - id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_1
    name: Placebo
    order: 1
  - id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_2
    name: Xanomeline Low Dose
    order: 2 
  - id: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt_3
    name: Xanomeline High Dose
    order: 3 
- id: Mth04_ContVar_Comp_Anova
  name: Analysis of variance group comparison for a continuous variable
  - id: Mth04_ContVar_Comp_Anova_1_pval
    name: P-value
    label: p-value
    order: 1
    resultPattern: X.XXXX
- id: An03_01_Age_Comp_ByTrt
  name: Comparison of Age by Treatment
  version: 1
  dataset: ADSL
  variable: AGE
  methodId: Mth04_ContVar_Comp_Anova
  - order: 1
    resultsByGroup: false
    groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
  - operationId: Mth04_ContVar_Comp_Anova_1_pval
    - groupingId: AnlsGrouping_01_Trt
    rawValue: '0.5934357753'
    formattedValue: '0.5934'

The result for this analysis could be represented in tabular format as shown in the following table where the value of the id attribute of the analysis is shown in the "analysisId" column:

Alternatively, to aid readability, each of the identifier values could be used to retrieve and include the name or label (or any other descriptive information) from the definitions of the operation and grouping factor:

  • No labels