Instructions to Developers
  • Replace the first fill-in-the-blank with the name of the document (TAUG-__) and the second with the name of the JIRA project associated with it.
  • Remove the spaces from the URL.

Reviewers are requested to make any necessary text revisions directly in the Wiki and provide comments via JIRA (Wiki and JIRA use the same credentials, so if you can see this page, then you can use JIRA).

  • Typographical and grammatical errors should be corrected by editing the page. 
  • Comments regarding the content (or lack of content) on a page should be captured in JIRA.
The project associated with the ______________ is ___________, located at: http:// jira. cdisc. org/browse/<KEY>

If you have no edits or comments to a page

  1. Click 'Like' at the bottom of the page. This will help us determine who has read each page.

To add comments using the Wiki:

  1. Select the text (ideally, a short, unique phrase) to which you wish to attach the comment. After a moment, a small contextual menu should appear.
  2. Within the contextual menu, click on the JIRA icon. This will trigger an abbreviated Create Issue form. 
  3. Choose the project associated with this document from the Project drop-down menu.
  4. Choose "Review Comments" from the Issue Type drop-down menu.
  5. Fill out the form. 
    1. The Summary field will be pre-populated with the text that you selected. You can change this or leave it as it is.
    2. Enter your comment, and any additional details, in the Description field. Please be thorough, so your comment can be addressed properly.
    3. In case of technical difficulties, please make sure to include a brief description of the context of your comment.
  6. Click the "Create" button in the bottom left corner of the form to submit your comment as an issue.

Additional instructions for creating an issue from within Confluence (the Wiki) can be found here:

To add comments using JIRA:

  1. Go to the JIRA project associated with this document 

    Keeping JIRA open in a separate window to capture comments is easier than navigating back and forth between the Wiki and JIRA.

  2. Click on the "Create" button in the top menu to bring up the Create Issue form.
  3. Choose the project associated with this document from the Project drop-down menu, if it has not already been selected for you. (If a project has already been selected, make sure it's the right one!)
  4. From the Issue Type drop-down menu, set the issue type to "Review Comments", if it is not already.
  5. Fill out the form.
    1. In the Summary field, describe the content to which the comment applies. 
    2. Enter your comment, and any additional details, in the Description field. Please be thorough, so your comment can be addressed properly.
  6. Click the "Create" button in the bottom right corner of the form to submit.

Additional instructions for creating an issue from within the JIRA can be found here:

To link an existing JIRA issue to a page

  1. Find the issue in JIRA. 
    Make sure you are viewing the issue itself (as opposed to viewing its details from within a search or filter) by right-clicking on the issue key and opening it in a new tab or window.
  2. Copy the URL for the issue.
  3. Go to the page you want to add the issue to.

    If the content to which you wish to add the issue is in mirrored from another page via an Include Page macro, you can find the source page by clicking on the macro in edit mode and choosing "Go to Included Page". 

    This will open the page in a new tab/window, so be sure to close out of edit mode on the original tab.

  4. Enter edit mode. 

  5. Find where on the page you want to add the issue.
  6. Paste the URL.
  7. The Wiki should recognize the URL as a link to a JIRA issue and transform it into a JIRA macro.
  8. Save the page. 

How to edit a page

  1. Select 'Edit' in the top right corner of the page to enter edit mode.

    The wiki allows simultaneous editing, but may have difficulty resolving changes made to the same section made by more than one person at the same time. A notice is displayed across the top of the page (in edit mode) if it is currently undergoing revision by someone else. If such a notice appears, you may wish to wait on making your edits until the other person has finished.

    To minimize the potential inconvenience to others, please keep the time spent in edit mode of a page to a minimum.

  2. Make any necessary text revisions.
  3. Select 'Save' in the bottom right corner of the page to save the revisions.

Instructions for editing an page can be found here:

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