CDISC controlled terminology is developed by teams composed of volunteers, using defined principles and best practices. If you are interested in volunteering on any of these terminology teams, please contact Loreen Ortega ( Here is a list of active terminology teams and their meeting schedule:

TeamDayTimeFrequencyLink to CT Team Page Team Lead

Meeting Type

CDISC Glossary Thursday 10-11am EDT Weekly Standing 
CV (Cardiovascular)Thursday1-2pm EDTWeekly Standing 
CT RelationshipsThursday11-12pm EDTWeeklyCT Relationships Sub TeamStanding
Medical DevicesThursday 1-2pm EDTAs needed 

Erin Muhlbradt

MDs Subteam Liaison: Kit Howard 

Task Oriented 
ECGTuesday11-12pm EDTWeekly Standing 
Cell PhenotypingWednesday12-1pm EDTWeekly Standing 
GeneralFriday1-2:30pm EDTWeekly Standing 


Wednesday 8:30-10:30am EDT Weekly Standing 
OncologyFriday 10-11an EDT Weekly 

Erin Muhlbradt

SDS Subteam Liaison: Melanie Paules 

Task Oriented  
GenomicsTuesday10-11am EDTWeekly 

Erin Muhlbradt

Genomics Subteam Liaisons: Christine Connolly

Task Oriented  
PK (Pharmacokinetics)Wednesday11-12pm EDTWeekly Standing 
Protocol Entities Thursday 9-10am EDT Weekly Standing  
QRS (Questionnaires, Ratings, Scales)Thursday 2:30-4pm EDT Weekly Standing 
SEND Monday 11-12:30pm EDT Biweekly Standing 
Microbology/ImmunologyWednesday 2-3pm EDT Weekly Standing 
Controlled Terminology User Guide


8:30-9:30am EDTWeeklyCDISC Controlled Terminology User GuideStanding
Variable DefinitionsTuesday9:00-10:00am EDTWeeklyVariable Definitions Team HomeStanding

IMPORTANT All new volunteers need to go through an on-boarding process. Please contact to get started.

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