Existing Codelist Test Name_Code

Codelist NameCDISC Submission Value Test CodeCDISC Submission Value Test NameCDISC Synonym(s)CDISC DefinitionExamples of how this new request will be usedCurrent StatusTeam Notes and DiscussionBatch #Date Submitted to CDISC CTPackage NumberFinal Status Final Implementation Date
MBTEST-CDSAR2IGGSARS-CoV-2 IgG AntibodySARS-CoV-2 IgG AntibodyA measurement of the SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody in a biological specimen.Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG 

 MB team agrees to add new MBTEST-CD: SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody/SAR2IGG


MBTEST-CDMERSRNAMERS-CoV RNAMERS-CoV RNAA measurement of the MERS-CoV RNA in a biological specimen.Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus RNA

 MB team agrees to add new MBTEST-CD: MERS-CoV RNA/MERSRNA


MBTEST-CDSAR2IGGMSARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM AntibodySARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM AntibodyA measurement of the SARS-CoV-2 IgG and/or IgM antibody in a biological specimen.Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgG+IgM

 MB team agrees to add new MBTEST-CD: SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM Antibody / SAR2IGGM


MBTEST-CDSAR2IGMSARS-CoV-2 IgM AntibodySARS-CoV-2 IgM AntibodyA measurement of the SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibody in a biological specimen.Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus 2 Ab.IgM

 MB team agrees to add new MBTEST-CD: SARS-CoV-2 IgM Antibody/SAR2IGM

They also agreed to add SARS-CoV-2 IgA Antibody/SAR2IGA as an additional term (not in multiple term request file)


MBTEST-CDSAR2IGASARS-CoV-2 IgA AntibodySARS-CoV-2 IgA AntibodyA measurement of the SARS-CoV-2 IgA antibody in a biological specimen.Added by MB team based on Jozef request


MB team agrees to add new MBTEST-CD: SARS-CoV-2 IgM Antibody/SAR2IGM

They also agreed to add SARS-CoV-2 IgA Antibody/SAR2IGA as an additional term (not in multiple term request file)


MB DomainDo not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus 2 E gene

 Sent to PGx team for discussion

covers LOINC tests 94509-7 and 94315-9

 Do not add. If you choose to model this in MB, the TEST would be SARS-CoV-2 RNA/SAR2RNA with appropriate TSTDTL, if you are assessing RNA. The name of the gene or region goes into the NSV --SYM.


MB Domain
Do not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243):

SARS coronavirus 2 N gene

(submitted twice)

 Sent to PGx team for discussion

covers LOINC tests 94533-7, 94510-5, 94307-6, 94308-4, 94311-8, 94312-6, and 94316-7

covers LOINC codes 94310-0 and 94313-4

 Do not add. If you choose to model this in MB, the TEST would be SARS-CoV-2 RNA/SAR2RNA with appropriate TSTDTL, if you are assessing RNA. The name of the gene or region goes into the NSV --SYM.


MB Domain
Do not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus 2 ORF1ab region 

 Sent to PGx team for discussion

covers LOINC code 94511-3

 Do not add. If you choose to model this in MB, the TEST would be SARS-CoV-2 RNA/SAR2RNA with appropriate TSTDTL, if you are assessing RNA. The name of the gene or region goes into the NSV --SYM.


MB Domain
Do not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus 2 RdRp gene

 Sent to PGx team for discussion

covers LOINC codes 94534-5 and 94314-2

 Do not add. If you choose to model this in MB, the TEST would be SARS-CoV-2 RNA/SAR2RNA with appropriate TSTDTL, if you are assessing RNA. The name of the gene or region goes into the NSV --SYM.


MB Domain
Do not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS-like Coronavirus N gene

  Sent to PGx team for discussion

 Do not add. If you choose to model this in MB, the TEST would be SARS-CoV-2 RNA/SAR2RNA with appropriate TSTDTL, if you are assessing RNA. The name of the gene or region goes into the NSV --SYM.


MB DomainDo not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by Jozef via new term request system   (CDISC-4297): SARS coronavirus 2 S gene

 Sent to PGx team for discussion

covers LOINC test codes 94643-4, 94642-6, 94641-8, 94640-0

 Do not add. If you choose to model this in MB, the TEST would be SARS-CoV-2 RNA/SAR2RNA with appropriate TSTDTL, if you are assessing RNA. The name of the gene or region goes into the NSV --SYM.


MBTEST-CDSAR2RNASARS-CoV-2 RNASARS-CoV-2 RNAA measurement of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a biological specimen.Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus 2 RNA

 MB team agrees to add new MBTEST-CD: SARS-CoV-2 RNA/SAR2RNA


MBTEST-CDDo not add. More information needed before publication.

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus+SARS-like coronavirus+SARS coronavirus 2 RNA

 MB team reviewed request and has emailed requester for additional information. LOINC code doesn't match what was requested.

 Emails sent to Regenstrief and the company that makes this panel. No information returned so the team cannot develop this further. Team will wait for information and try to publish this with the June publication.


MBTEST-CDDo not add. More information needed before publication.

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): SARS coronavirus+SARS-like coronavirus+SARS coronavirus 2+MERS coronavirus RNA

 MB team reviewed request and has emailed requester for additional information. LOINC code doesn't match what was requested.

 Emails sent to Regenstrief and the company that makes this panel. No information returned so the team cannot develop this further. Team will wait for information and try to publish this with the June publication.


MBTEST-CDDo not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by SmithaK via email: 2019-nCoV PCR

SK: These are for VIRAL DETECTION (Results are more like POSITIVE or NEGATIVE with some quantitative results ).

On CRF, I see specimen source as ‘ (e.g. nasopharynx, oropharynx, BAL, sputum, stool, blood, etc.). These are collected as Lab-panel so we mapped to LB. These tests have ‘SEROLOGY’ as LBCAT on CRF form.

 Sent to microbiology team for review.

 Do not add. Use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (this is a newly approved MBTEST-CD term in package 43, not published yet), PCR should be mapped to MBMETHOD. TSTDTL could be either 'CYCLE THRESHOLD' or 'VIRAL LOAD' depending upon how the test is being assessed.


Do not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by SmithaK via email: SARS-CoV-2 PCR - qualitative

SK: These are for VIRAL DETECTION (Results are more like POSITIVE or NEGATIVE with some quantitative results ).

On CRF, I see specimen source as ‘ (e.g. nasopharynx, oropharynx, BAL, sputum, stool, blood, etc.). These are collected as Lab-panel so we mapped to LB. These tests have ‘SEROLOGY’ as LBCAT on CRF form.

 Sent to microbiology team for review.

 Do not add. Use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (this is a newly approved MBTEST-CD term in package 43, not published yet), PCR should be mapped to MBMETHOD. TSTDTL could be either 'CYCLE THRESHOLD' or 'VIRAL LOAD' depending upon how the test is being assessed.


Do not add; use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (will be published)

Requested by SmithaK via email: SARS-CoV-2 PCR – quantitative

SK: These are for VIRAL DETECTION (Results are more like POSITIVE or NEGATIVE with some quantitative results ).

On CRF, I see specimen source as ‘ (e.g. nasopharynx, oropharynx, BAL, sputum, stool, blood, etc.). These are collected as Lab-panel so we mapped to LB. These tests have ‘SEROLOGY’ as LBCAT on CRF form.

 Sent to microbiology team for review.

 Do not add. Use MBTEST = SARS-CoV-2 RNA; MBTESTCD = SAR2RNA (this is a newly approved MBTEST-CD term in package 43, not published yet), PCR should be mapped to MBMETHOD. TSTDTL could be either 'CYCLE THRESHOLD' or 'VIRAL LOAD' depending upon how the test is being assessed.


MBTEST-CDSARSCOV2Severe Acute Resp Syndrome Coronavirus 2Severe Acute Resp Syndrome Coronavirus 2; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2A measurement of the severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 in a biological specimen.Example: Virus Identification

 This is in P42 public review but we can expedite its publication with this batch.


MBTEST-CDDo not add. This is too non-specific as a test. Should use the more specific test related to the microorganism infecting the mother.

From WHO ISARIC Annotated CRF: Demographics tab: Acute Respiratory Infection/ARI





A measurement of the coronaviridae in a biological specimen.

A measurement of the coronaviridae in a biological specimen.

From WHO ISARIC Annotated CRF: Pathogen Testing Tab
New term request; existing term CORONAVIRIDAE exists for non-specified CoV in the microorganism codelist, but NOT in the MBTEST/CD codelists1

MBTEST-CDRSVRespiratory Syncytial VirusRespiratory Syncytial VirusA measurement of the respiratory syncitial virus in a biological specimen.From WHO ISARIC Annotated CRF: Pathogen Testing Tab




Adenoviridae; Adenovirus

A measurement of the adenoviridae in a biological specimen.From WHO ISARIC Annotated CRF: Pathogen Testing Tab


LBTEST-CDDo not add. Map to C60832 - Already published

Requested by SmithaK via email: Oxygen Saturation: (PaO2)

 Sent to lab team for discussion

 Do not add. This is a synonym to Partial Pressure Oxygen/PO2/C71251. LOINC code = 11556-8 if measured in blood. LOINC code  = 2703-7 if measured in arterial blood.


LBTEST-CDDo not add. Map to C71251 - Already published

Requested by SmithaK via email: Oxygen Saturation: (PaO2)

 Sent to lab team for discussion

 Do not add. This is a synonym to Partial Pressure Oxygen/PO2/C71251. LOINC code = 11556-8 if measured in blood. LOINC code  = 2703-7 if measured in arterial blood.


LBTEST-CDFLUIDOUTFluid OutputFluid OutputA measurement of the total volume of fluid discharged over a set period of time.


Request by RebeccaB from the WHO CRF in the vital signs section: "urine flow rate (per hour)"

 Lab leadership team agrees that this belongs in LB (considered VS but ultimately chose LB) with a LBTEST of Fluid Output, LBTESTCD of FLUIDOUT, SPEC of URINE, and unit of measure of mL/day. This could map to LOINC 9192-6 if we choose to put LOINC into the example.

 Lab team agrees to add as an LBTEST and finalizes the definition


SCTEST-CDINL1YINDInfant Less Than One Year IndicatorInfant Less Than One Year IndicatorAn indication as to whether the subject is less than one year of age.From WHO ISARIC Annotated CRF: Demographics tab




Appropriate Developmental Age IndicatorAppropriate Developmental Age Indicator; Appropriate Development For Age IndicatorAn indication as to whether the subject's chronological age matches their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive functioning.From WHO ISARIC Annotated CRF: Demographics tab


RETEST-CDINTPInterpretationInterpretationAn act or process of elucidation; explication, or explanation of the meaning of the event or thing via the assignment of objects from the domain to the constants of a formal language, truth-values to the proposition symbols, truth-functions to the connectives, other functions to the function symbols, and extensions to the predicates, if any. The assignments are result of human logic application and are not native to the symbols of the formal language.


Imaging – CT Scans, Chest X-Rays (under review through 8 Apr)

 general team agrees to add


RETEST-CDPNEUMINDPneumonia IndicatorPneumonia IndicatorAn indication as to whether pneumonia has occurred.


Imaging – CT Scans, Chest X-Rays (under review through 8 Apr)

 General team agrees to ad


RETEST-CDINFLTINDInfiltrates IndicatorInfiltrates IndicatorAn indication as to whether infiltrates have occurred.


Imaging – CT Scans, Chest X-Rays (under review through 8 Apr)

 General team agrees to ad




Capillary Refill TimeCapillary Refill TimeThe amount of time it takes for a capillary bed to refill with blood after pressure blanching.


Example: Vital Signs and Urine Output

 Team agrees to add to VS. Team changes TESTCD to CPLRFLT.


TSPARM-CDEPDISINDEpi/Pandemic Related Disruption IndEpi/Pandemic Related Disruption Ind; Epidemic Related Disruption IndicationAn indication as to whether the study disruption was caused by the epidemic or pandemic.Trial Summary to Provide Pandemic Relationship

 Agree to add and update PARM value to be more inclusive of both epidemics and pandemics.


TSPARM-CDEPIDEMICName of Epi/PandemicName of Epi/Pandemic; Name of Epidemic and/or Pandemic
The literal identifier of the epidemic or pandemic.Trial Summary to Provide Pandemic Relationship

 Agree to add and update PARM value to be more inclusive of both epidemics and pandemics.


 Existing Codelist New Term

Codelist NameCDISC Submission ValueCDISC Synonym(s)CDISC DefinitionExamples of how this new request will be usedCurrent StatusTeam Notes and DiscussionBatch #Date Submitted to CDISC CTPackage NumberFinal Status Final Implementation Date

Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION TEST – PRIMER-PROBE SET N1

31 Mar 2020 Sent to PGx team for discussion. Primer Probe Sets go into Device domain yes?


Requested by Jozef via new term request system (CDISC-4243): NUCLEIC ACID AMPLIFICATION TEST – PRIMER-PROBE SET N2

 Sent to PGx team for discussion. Primer Probe Sets go into Device domain yes?

METHODVISUAL ANALOG SCALE (100 MM)VAS (100 mm)A questionnaire, rating and scale (QRS) data type using a visual analog scale (VAS) 100 mm scale.


Signs and Symptoms

Currently published in QRSMETHOD codelist. Add into Method


METHODVISUAL ANALOG SCALE (50 MM)VAS (50 mm)A questionnaire, rating and scale (QRS) data type using a visual analog scale (VAS) 50 mm scale.


Signs and Symptoms

Currently published in QRSMETHOD codelist. Add into Method


PROCEDURX-RAYStatic X-RayA radiographic procedure using the emission of x-rays, a type of penetrating energy wave.


Imaging – CT Scans, Chest X-Rays (under review through 8 Apr)

Currently in METHOD codelist; add to PROCEDUR codelist1

PROCEDURRENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPYRRTAny of the methods used to supplement or substitute for the blood-filtering function of the kidneys.


Renal Treatment

 Agree to add

NCI Definition: Treatments that substitute for the blood-filtering function of the kidneys. It includes dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis), hemofiltration, and hemodiafiltration. Kidney transplant may also be considered a renal replacement therapy.


PROCEDURHIGH-FLOW NASAL CANNULA OXYGEN THERAPYHFNC Oxygen TherapyThe delivery of heated, humidified, oxygen enriched gas via nasal cannula at flow rates greater than those typically delivered by standard-flow oxygen devices.


Assisted Ventilation and Oxygen Treatments

 Agree to add



A type of mechanical ventilation procedure that uses a non-invasive means, such as a face mask or nasal mask, to deliver oxygenated air into the lungs.


Assisted Ventilation and Oxygen Treatments

 Agree to add


A procedure that mechanically assists or replaces spontaneous breathing in patients by use of a powered device that forces oxygenated air into the lungs.


Assisted Ventilation and Oxygen Treatments

 Agree to add


PROCEDURCONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE VENTILATIONCPAP VentilationA type of non-invasive mechanical ventilation procedure that uses continuous positive airway pressure to support spontaneous breathing activity.


Assisted Ventilation and Oxygen Treatments

 Agree to add


PROCEDURBILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE VENTILATIONBPAP VentilationA type of non-invasive mechanical ventilation procedure that that uses bilevel positive airway pressure to support spontaneous breathing activity.


Assisted Ventilation and Oxygen Treatments

A form of non-invasive mechanical pressure support ventilation that uses a bilevel positive airway pressure level to support spontaneous breathing activity.

 Agree to add


PROCEDURTRACHEOSTOMYTracheotomyCreation of a surgical opening into the trachea.


Assisted Ventilation and Oxygen Treatments

 Agree to add




ECMOA technique that utilizes a device to pump a patient's blood outside of the body, oxygenate it, and return it to the body.


Assisted Ventilation and Oxygen Treatments

 Agree to add


MICROORGSARS-COV-2Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2; 2019-nCoV; COVID-19 Virus; SARS2Any viral organism that can be assigned to the species severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2.

 This is in P42 public review but we can expedite its publication with this batch.



An epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries, and usually affecting a large number of people. [A dictionary of epidemiology, edited for the International Epidemiological Association by John M. Last, Oxford University Press 2001]

 Glossary team final



The occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness, specific health-related behavior, or other health-related events clearly in excess of normal expectancy. NOTE  The community or region and the period in which the cases occur are specified precisely. The number of cases indicating the presence of an epidemic varies according to the agent, size, and type of population exposed; previous experience or lack of exposure to the disease; and time and place of occurrence. [After A dictionary of epidemiology, edited for the International Epidemiological Association by John M. Last, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2001]

 Glossary team final


CDISC-Glossaryendemic disease

The constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area or population group; may also refer to the usual prevalence of a given disease within such area or group. [A dictionary of epidemiology, edited for the International Epidemiological Association by John M. Last, Oxford University Press 2001]

 Glossary team final


CDISC-Glossaryimmediately life-threatening disease or condition
A stage of disease in which there is reasonable likelihood that death will occur within a matter of months, or in which premature death is likely without early treatment. [21 CFR 312.300]

 Glossary team final


CDISC-Glossarymedical countermeasure
Pharmaceutical products, such as vaccines, antimicrobials, and antitoxins, and nonpharmaceutical products, such as ventilators, diagnostic tests, personal protective equipment (PPE), and patient (also general) decontamination materials, that may be used to prevent, mitigate, or treat the adverse health effects from a public health emergency. [After National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022]

 Glossary team final


CDISC-Glossarymorbidity rate
A measure of the frequency of occurrence of a specific illness in a defined population during a specified interval. [After Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, Third Edition. An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics]

 Glossary team final


CDISC-Glossarymortality rate
A measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a well defined population during a specified interval. [After Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, Third Edition. An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics]

 Glossary team final


CDISC-Glossarypre-approval accessExpanded Access; Compassionate UseA potential pathway for a patient with an immediately life-threatening condition or serious disease or condition to gain access to an investigational medical product (drug, biologic, or medical device) for treatment outside of clinical trials when no comparable or satisfactory alternative therapy options are available. NOTE: The intent is treatment, as opposed to research. Individual, Intermediate-size, and Widespread Use Expanded Access, also Emergency IND, are all programs administered under FDA guidelines. Additionally, the US Right-to-Try Act, which is independent of FDA, expands access. [FDA Expanded Access: Information for Physicians]

 Glossary team final



A technique in which suction is used to remove bodily fluid or tissue.


Virus Identification

Removed from TAUG example but will keep in CT package as this is a valid specimen collection method.

 lab team agrees to add. EM to do some work on NCI defs in Protege.




ETA Fluid; Endotracheal Aspirate Fluid

The fluid collected from the lumen of the trachea.


Virus Identification

 Team discusses whether to use Sputum, Mucus, or Endotracheal Aspirate. CDC and HL7 do use ETA as a distinct specimen type. We think Mucus is not right because it is a component of what is being collected but not the entirety. EVS SME suggests endotracheal aspirate fluid is most correct though sputum could be used. Team ultimately agree to add Endotracheal Fluid as the submission value. We will add the HL7/CDC terms as synonyms to help with mapping.


A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Western Asia.


A person of Latin American descent.


From WHO ISARIC annotated CRF: Demographics

 This term is currently in the Ethnicity as collected codelist. Could this be in both places?




This is an overloaded concept. 'First Nation' appears to be used nearly exclusively for Canadian Aboriginals while 'Aboriginals' may also be used for Australian Aboriginals. What is this concept supposed to be capturing? What did WHO mean by this? Any and all aboriginal peoples from anywhere?


New Codelist Test Name_Code

Codelist NameCodelist DescriptionCDISC Submission Value Test CodeCDISC Submission Value Test NameCDISC Synonym(s)CDISC DefinitionExamples of how this new request will be usedCurrent StatusTeam Notes and DiscussionBatch #Date Submitted to CDISC CTPackage NumberFinal Status Final Implementation Date

C19FAT-CD/COVID-19 Findings About Test Name/Code

Terminology relevant to the test codes/names that describe findings about COVID-19 related events or interventions.OCCUROccurrence IndicatorOccurrence IndicatorAn indication as to whether something has happened, such as an event or incident.


Ex. Symptoms Repeated

Missed Assessments 2 (in progress)

Signs and Symptoms

 agree to add


C19FAT-CD/COVID-19 Findings About Test Name/Code

EPSDNUMNumber of EpisodesNumber of EpisodesThe total number of episodes that have occurred for the condition.


Copy of Hospitalizations 2 (asthma)

 agree to add


C19FAT-CD/COVID-19 Findings About Test Name/Code

SEVSeverity/IntensitySeverity/IntensityThe degree of something undesirable.


Missed Assessments 2 (in progress)

Signs and Symptoms


 agree to add


New Codelist New Term

Codelist NameCodelist DescriptionCDISC Submission ValueCDISC Synonym(s)CDISC DefinitionExamples of how this new request will be usedCurrent StatusTeam Notes and DiscussionBatch #Date Submitted to CDISC CTPackage NumberFinal Status Final Implementation Date
HODECOD/Health Care Encounters Dictionary Derived TermA terminology codelist based on the standardized or preprinted name of the healthcare encounter that occurs.HOSPITAL STAYInpatient Hospitalization; Inpatient Hospital StayThe subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a hospital.



  Team agrees to create a codelist to support HODECOD.

 General team agrees on the semantics.


INTENSIVE CARE UNIT STAYICU StayThe subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a intensive care unit.Hospitalization
 Team agrees to create a codelist to support HODECOD.

 General team agrees on the semantics.


CARDIAC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT STAYCICU Stay; Coronary Intensive Care Unit StayThe subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a cardiac intensive care unit.From SDTMIG

 General team agrees on the semantics.


SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT STAYSICU StayThe subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a surgical intensive care unit.From SDTMIG

 General team agrees on the semantics.


NEURO INTENSIVE CARE UNIT STAYNeuro-ICU Stay; Neuro-Trauma ICU StayThe subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a neuro-intensive care unit.From SDTMIG

 General team agrees on the semantics.


The subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a nursing home.From SDTMIG

 General team agrees on the semantics.


GENERAL WARD STAYGeneral Medical Unit StayThe subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a general medical unit of a hospital.From SDTMIG

 General team agrees on the semantics.


The subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a rehabilitation facility.From SDTMIG

 General team agrees on the semantics.


The subject or patient has been admitted as an outpatient to a cardiac catheterization laboratory.From SDTMIG

 General team agrees on the semantics.


The subject or patient has been admitted as an outpatient to a physical therapy facility.From TAUG-Schizophrenia

 General team agrees on the semantics.


The subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a skilled nursing facility.

 General team agrees on the semantics.


The subject or patient has been admitted as an inpatient to a psychiatric ward.

 General team agrees on the semantics.


The subject or patient has interacted with a healthcare professional remotely, via telecommunication.

 General team agrees on the semantics.


CNTMODE/Mode of Subject ContactTerminology relevant to the means by which interaction occurs between the subject and person or entity.


A form of remote communication by audio technology.

Ex. Modified Subject Visits

Copy of Ex. Modified Subject Visits

Ex. Visit Events

 General team agrees. Erin update submission value in examples.




A form of remote communication by audio video technology.

Ex. Modified Subject Visits

Copy of Ex. Modified Subject Visits

Ex. Visit Events

 Audio is not always assumed to be part of video. We think the submission value in red is a better option.

 General team agrees. Erin update submission value in examples.




Communication by way of telephone.


Ex. Drug Accountability Disruption

 Team agrees to add. This is a type of REMOTE AUDIO. Otherwise the example could re-use REMOTE AUDIO as above. Telephone Call is a type of Remote Audio.




Receipt of shipped material was confirmed by signature.


Ex. Drug Accountability Disruption

Signature attained that confirms material was shipped to and received by the subject.

 General team does not agree that this term belongs in this codelist. The methodology by which you contacted a person seems different than the methodology used to send the tablets to the subject.

General team agrees to the updated term and definition.


Changes to Existing Terms

CodeCodelist NameCDISC Submission ValueCDISC Synonym(s)CDISC DefinitionReason for ChangeCurrent StatusTeam Notes and DiscussionBatch #Date Submitted to CDISC CTPackage NumberFinal Status Final Implementation Date
C38082Laboratory Test CodeFIO2Fraction of Inspired OxygenA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of the amount of oxygen in the arterial blood to the total oxygen in the inspired air.
A measurement of the volumetric fraction of oxygen in the inhaled gas.
Existing definition sounded like FIO2/PAO2 which we have defined elsewhere.

 Lab team agrees to update.


C38082Laboratory Test NameFraction of Inspired OxygenFraction of Inspired OxygenA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of the amount of oxygen in the arterial blood to the total oxygen in the inspired air.
A measurement of the volumetric fraction of oxygen in the inhaled gas.
Existing definition sounded like FIO2/PAO2 which we have defined elsewhere.

 Lab team agrees to update.


C71251Laboratory Test CodePO2Partial Pressure Oxygen; PaO2; pO2A measurement of the pressure of oxygen in a biological specimen.Update to synonyms for easier mapping

 Lab team agrees to update.


C71251Laboratory Test NamePartial Pressure OxygenPartial Pressure Oxygen; PaO2; pO2A measurement of the pressure of oxygen in a biological specimen.Update to synonyms for easier mapping

 Lab team agrees to update.


C67410PK Units of MeasuremL/day mL/24hA unit of flow rate equal to one milliliter per day.Update to synonyms for easier mapping

 agree to update to conform with WHO CRF.


C67410UnitmL/day mL/24hA unit of flow rate equal to one milliliter per day.Update to synonyms for easier mapping

 agree to update to conform with WHO CRF.


QRS Content

Codelist NameCodelist DescriptionCDISC Submission Value Test CodeCDISC Submission Value Test NameCDISC Synonym(s)CDISC DefinitionExamples of how this new request will be usedCurrent StatusTeam Notes and DiscussionBatch #Date Submitted to CDISC CTPackage NumberFinal Status Final Implementation Date

 Terminology finalized and ready for processing. See Excel file below.

 Dana B reports that the QRS team will be discussing new terminology in their meeting today.



 Discussion today about adding this to QRS CT. This is a new scale, not the existing AVPU scale.

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet NEWS2 approved CT .xlsx Feb 03, 2021 by Amy Palmer

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