TOBA-467 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- The Related References domain (RELREF) is a relationship dataset used to describe how information is related to the design of the study and to other sources of information within the study.
- To identify a source of information from a genetic toxicology assay within a study, a unique identifier (REFID) TOBA-459 - Getting issue details... STATUS must be assigned TOBA-471 - Getting issue details... STATUS and populated in all datasets containing the REFID column. In other words, each GTREFID that exists in the GT dataset must exist in the RELREF dataset.
- Each REFID that exists in the RELREF dataset must exist in the GT dataset.
- For each value in PARENT there must exist one record with REFID value = PARENT value. The value of REFID must be unique in the RELREF dataset. TOBA-460 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- The value for LEVEL must be 1 for a record without a PARENT record. This record may or may not have a child record.
- If a record has a PARENT, LEVEL must be populated with a LEVEL that is sequentially one greater than the PARENT record (e.g., value for LEVEL = value for PARENT LEVEL + 1).
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