The first PT dataset shows 7 constituents/parameters, each as a single replicate (PTREPNUM=1), at 1 time point (PTTPT=Week 0 / PTTPTNUM=1) and from 1 set of storage conditions (STOCONID= Condition 1) in order to illustrate the variables and terminology required to construct an SDTM-conformant PT dataset for a stability study of a smokeless product. Some constituent names (Values of PTTESTCD/PTTEST) appear twice because their results are reported two separate ways: once for the result as tested and once where the result is expressed as dry weight basis (the latter is indicated by PTTSTDTL = DRY WEIGHT BASIS). Note that the constituent/parameter names shown do not represent an exhaustive list of the controlled terminology that will be developed to support representation of stability studies in SDTM.

  • STOCONID is used to identify the storage conditions of the e-liquid product for the testing performed. Details of these conditions are represented in the ES dataset example that follows the 2 PT dataset examples. 
  • PTXFN (External File Path) is used to document the location or file name within the submission that contains the lab methodology protocol used to assay the associated constituent/parameter when such methodology is too complex for the single PTMETHOD variable.

Row 1:

Shows the PTTEST of Moisture Content, which reflects the percentage of moisture in the substance for the condition noted in STOCONID (i.e., Condition 1). Moisture Content is used in chemistry stability studies. For microbial stability studies, Water Activity should be used, not Moisture Content (see row 3).

Rows 4, 6:Show the NNK and NNN tests with the results from the tobacco product as tested.
Rows 5, 7:Show the NNK and NNN test results as dry weight basis (DWB). Note the use of PTTSTDTL = "DRY WEIGHT BASIS"
Rows 2-3, 8-9:

Show the other analytes measured in testing.



1TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 11MOISTCTTMoisture Content


TPT LABCOTOBACCO0.12102-01-2023Week 01
2TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 12PHpH

102-01-2023Week 01
3TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 13H2OACTWater Activity
TLPH01_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCO0.05102-01-2023Week 01
4TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 14NNKNicotine-Derived Nitrosamine Ketone
STABILITY TESTING1.0225ug/g0.011.02251.0225ug/gTL026_V12.2TPT LABCOTOBACCO0.05102-01-2023Week 01
5TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 15NNKNicotine-Derived Nitrosamine KetoneDRY WEIGHT BASISSTABILITY TESTING0.4908ug/g0.010.49080.4908ug/gTL026_V12.2TPT LABCOTOBACCO0.05102-01-2023Week 01
6TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 16NNNN-Nitrosonornicotine
STABILITY TESTING4.4633ug/g0.014.46334.4633ug/gTL026_V12.2TPT LABCOTOBACCO0.05102-01-2023Week 01
7TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 17NNNN-NitrosonornicotineDRY WEIGHT BASISSTABILITY TESTING2.1424ug/g0.012.14242.1424ug/gTL026_V12.2TPT LABCOTOBACCO0.05102-01-2023Week 01
8TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 18AEBCTAerobic Colony Count
STABILITY TESTING154000CFU/g1154000154000CFU/gTLMB_V1.1TPT LABCOTOBACCO1102-01-2023Week 01
9TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 19YSTMLDCTYeast and/or Mold Colony Count
CFU/gTLMB_V1.1TPT LABCOTOBACCO1102-01-2023Week 01

Dataset Wrapper Debug Message

Please add a row column to your dataset.

The second PT dataset shows testing for just 1 parameter (Moisture Content), performed in 3 replicates (note the values of PTREPNUM), at the first 3 time points of the study (as shown in PTTPT/PTTPTNUM), from 2 sets of storage conditions (STOCONID), in samples of both dried and as-is tobacco (PTSPEC, PTSPCCND) in order to illustrate how those variables are used to represent their associated concepts in a stability study. 

  • Details of the storage conditions are represented in the ES dataset example that follows.

Rows 1-9:

Show the results of testing Moisture Content in 3 replicates (PTREPNUM) at 3 timepoints (weeks 0, 8, and 24) under the storage "Condition 1" (STOCONID).

Rows 10-18:Show the results of testing Moisture Content in 3 replicates (PTREPNUM) at 3 timepoints (weeks 0, 8, and 24) under the storage "Condition 2" (STOCONID).



1TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1111MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.93%0.151.9351.93%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12102-01-2023Week 01
2TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1112MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.96%0.151.9651.96%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12202-01-2023Week 01
3TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1113MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.98%0.151.9851.98%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12302-01-2023Week 01
4TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1114MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.75%0.151.7551.75%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12103-29-2023Week 82
5TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1115MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.75%0.151.7551.75%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12203-29-2023Week 82
6TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1116MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.67%0.151.6751.67%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12303-29-2023Week 82
7TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1117MOISTCTTMoisture Content52.05%0.152.0552.05%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12107-19-2023Week 243
8TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1118MOISTCTTMoisture Content52.68%0.152.6852.68%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12207-19-2023Week 243
9TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 1119MOISTCTTMoisture Content52.21%0.152.2152.21%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12307-19-2023Week 243
10TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2120MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.93%0.151.9351.93%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12102-01-2023Week 01
11TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2121MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.96%0.151.9651.96%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12202-01-2023Week 01
12TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2122MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.98%0.151.9851.98%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12302-01-2023Week 01
13TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2123MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.80%0.151.8051.80%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12103-29-2023Week 82
14TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2124MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.77%0.151.7751.77%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12203-29-2023Week 82
15TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2125MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.84%0.151.8451.84%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12303-29-2023Week 82
16TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2126MOISTCTTMoisture Content52.18%0.152.1852.18%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12107-19-2023Week 243
17TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2127MOISTCTTMoisture Content52.21%0.152.2152.21%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12207-19-2023Week 243
18TOB07PTSmokeless01Condition 2128MOISTCTTMoisture Content51.87%0.151.8751.87%TLT07_V1TPT LABCOTOBACCOAS-IS0.12307-19-2023Week 243

Dataset Wrapper Debug Message

Please add a row column to your dataset.

Details of the storage conditions are represented in the Environmental Storage Conditions (ES) dataset. The variable STOCONID/Storage Condition ID represents the storage condition and links to the PT datasets by matching values of STOCONID there. Each of the parameters defining that storage condition are represented in ESPARMCD/ESPARM, with values and units shown in ESVAL/ESVALU. The ES dataset shows both sets of storage conditions used across both of the PT dataset examples.





ESCondition 11HUMIDHumidity37%


ESCondition 12TEMPTemperature24C


ESCondition 21HUMIDHumidity85%


ESCondition 22TEMPTemperature27C