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ODM-59 - Getting issue details... STATUS

<MetaDataVersion xmlns="" OID="MDV.BC.BLOOD_PRESSURE" Name="Example Biomedical Concept in ODMv2: Blood Pressure">
	<!-- This example demonstrates the use of ODMv2 nested ItemGroupDef for representation of a Biomedical Concept, 
	in this case for blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) -->
	<!-- The example also demonstrates the use of Internationalization (i14n) -->
	<!-- The "Type" attribute is set to "Concept" to indicate the ItemGroupDef is used to define a concept -->
    <ItemGroupDef OID="IG.BC.BLOOD_PRESSURE" Name="Biomedical Concept Blood Pressure" Type="Concept" Repeating="No" Type="Concept">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Example Biomedical Concept: Blood Pressure</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Beispiel Biomedizinisches Konzept: Blutdruck</TranslatedText>
        <!-- Demonstrates the use of "nested" ItemGroups - we have one for each concept part, 
		in this case "systolic blood pressure" and "diastolic blood pressure" -->
        <ItemGroupRef ItemGroupOID="IG.SYSTOLIC_BP" Mandatory="Yes"/>
        <ItemGroupRef ItemGroupOID="IG.DIASTOLIC_BP" Mandatory="Yes"/>
    <!-- Separate ItemGroups for diastolic and systolic blood pressure -->
	<!-- Systolic blood pressure -->
    <ItemGroupDef OID="IG.SYSTOLIC_BP" Name="Systolic Blood Pressure Measurement" Repeating="No" Type="Concept" >
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Systolic Blood Pressure</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Systolischer Blutdruck</TranslatedText>
		<!-- The systolic blood pressure concept has value, the position of the subject, 
		the body location of the measurement, and the laterality (left, right) of the measurement location -->
		<!-- Also remark that these are shared between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, 
		i.e. both use the same attribute definitions -->
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_VALUE" Mandatory="Yes" UnitsItemOID="IT.BP_UNITS"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_POSITION" Mandatory="Yes"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION" Mandatory="No"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION_LATERALITY" Mandatory="No"/>
 	<!-- The disatolic blood pressure concept has value, the position of the subject, 
		the body location of the measurement, and the laterality (left, right) of the measurement location -->
    <ItemGroupDef OID="IG.DIASTOLIC_BP" Name="Systolic Blood Pressure Measurement" Repeating="No" Type="Concept" >
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Diastolic Blood Pressure</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Diastolischer Blutdruck</TranslatedText>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_VALUE" Mandatory="Yes" UnitsItemOID="IT.BP_UNITS"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_POSITION" Mandatory="Yes"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION" Mandatory="No"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION_LATERALITY" Mandatory="No"/>
    <!-- Remark: the alternative would probably have been to have a repeating ItemGroup that repeats over "Systolic" and "Diastolic -->
    <!-- Item definitions -->
	<!-- The blood pressure value (a number) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_VALUE" Name="Blood Pressure Value" DataType="decimal">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Blood Pressure Value</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Blutdruckwert</TranslatedText>
        <!-- In the case of a Biomedical Question, would one also add the child element "Question" -->
	<!-- The unit for the blood pressure measurement (e.g. mmHg, cmHg, kPa, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_UNITS" Name="Units for blood pressure" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Blood Pressure Unit</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Blutdruck Einheit</TranslatedText>
		<!-- For the unit, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C71620 (UNIT codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C71620.UNIT.SUBSET"/>
	<!-- The body position of the measurement (e.g. sitting, standing, supine, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_POSITION" Name="Body Position" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Body Position</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Körperposition</TranslatedText>
	 	<!-- For the body position, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C71148 (Position codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C71148.POSITION.SUBSET"/>
	<!-- The body location of the measurement (e.g. arm, ankle, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_LOCATION" Name="Body Location" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Body Location</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Körperteil</TranslatedText>
	 	<!-- For the body location, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C74456 (Anatomical location codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C74456.LOC.SUBSET"/>
	<!-- The laterality of the measurement location (e.g. left, right, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_LOCATION_LATERALITY" Name="Laterality" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Laterality</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Lateralität</TranslatedText>
	 	<!-- For the laterality, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C99073 (Laterality codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C99073.LAT.SUBSET"/>
    <!-- CodeLists -->
    <CodeList OID="CL.C71148.POSITION.SUBSET" Name="Position" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C71148 for blood pressure, limited to "SITTING", "STANDING", "SUPINE"</TranslatedText>
		<!-- For each of the allowed terms, we provide the CDISC/NCI code in the "Coding" element -->
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="SITTING">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Sitting</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Sitzend</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C62122" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="STANDING">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Standing</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Stehend</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C62166" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="SUPINE">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Supine</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">In Rückenlage</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C62167" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <Coding Code="C71148" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
    <CodeList OID="CL.C74456.LOC.SUBSET" Name="Anatomical Location" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C74456 for blood pressure, limited to "ARM", and "ANKLE JOINT"</TranslatedText>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="ARM">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Arm</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Oberarm</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C32141" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="ANKLE JOINT">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Ankle joint</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Knöchel</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C32078" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <Coding Code="C74456" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
    <CodeList OID="CL.C99073.LAT.SUBSET" Name="Laterality" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C99073 for blood pressure, limited to "LEFT" and "RIGHT"</TranslatedText>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="LEFT">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Left</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Links</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C25229" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="RIGHT">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Right</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Rechts</TranslatedText>
        <Coding Code="C99073" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
    <CodeList OID="CL.C71620.UNIT" Name="Blood Pressure Unit" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C99073 for blood pressure, limited to "mmHg", "cmHg" and "Pa"</TranslatedText>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="mmHg">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">mmHg</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">mmHg</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C49670" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
            <!-- UCUM equivalent, especially useful for EHR retrieval/mapping -->
            <Coding Code="mm[Hg]" System="" SystemName="UCUM"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="cmHg">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">cmHg</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">cmHg</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C147129" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
            <!-- UCUM equivalent, especially useful for EHR retrieval/mapping -->
            <Coding Code="cm[Hg]" System="" SystemName="UCUM"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="Pa">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Pa</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de">Pa</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C42547" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
            <!-- UCUM equivalent, especially useful for EHR retrieval/mapping -->
            <Coding Code="Pa" System="" SystemName="UCUM"/>
        <Coding Code="C71620" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
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