SDTM v2.1 Metadata Check for Class and Dataset Specification Table Beta 1

Metadata check macro is applied and detected no issues. This notice is provided as a visual reminder. It will be removed during final publication. Release Notes

#Variable NameVariable LabelTypeFormatRoleVariable(s) QualifiedUsage RestrictionsVariable C-codeDefinitionNotesExamples
1STUDYIDStudy IdentifierChar

C83082A sequence of characters used by the sponsor to uniquely identify the study.

2DOMAINDomain AbbreviationChar

C49558An abbreviation for a collection of observations, with a topic-specific commonality.2-character abbreviation, which must be "DM".
3USUBJIDUnique Subject IdentifierChar

C69256A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify a subject across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product.

4SUBJIDSubject Identifier for the StudyChar

Subject identifier, which must be unique within the study. Often the ID of the subject as recorded on a CRF.
5RFSTDTCSubject Reference Start Date/TimeCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier

C83395The start date or date and time of the sponsor-defined study reference period, represented in a standardized character format.Usually equivalent to date/time when subject was first exposed to study treatment or product. Required for all randomized subjects; will be null for all subjects who did not meet the milestone the date requires, such as screen failures or unassigned subjects.
6RFENDTCSubject Reference End Date/TimeCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier


The end date or date and time of the sponsor-defined study reference period, represented in a standardized character format.

Usually equivalent to the date/time when a subject was determined to have ended the trial. Often equivalent to either date/time of last exposure to study treatment or product or date/time of last contact with the subject. Required for all randomized subjects; null for screen failures or unassigned subjects.
7RFXSTDTCDate/Time of First Study ExposureCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier

C170502The start date or date and time of the first exposure to any protocol-specified treatment, therapy, or product represented in a standardized character format.

8RFXENDTCDate/Time of Last Study ExposureCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier

C170501The end date or date and time of the last exposure to any protocol-specified treatment, therapy, or product represented in a standardized character format.



Date/Time of First Challenge Agent AdminCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier

The start date or date and time of the first exposure to any protocol-specified challenge agent that induces the disease or condition that the investigational treatment is intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent, represented in a standardized character format.

Equal to the earliest value of AGSTDTC for the challenge agent.



Date/Time of Last Challenge Agent AdminCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier

The end date or date and time of the last exposure to any protocol-specified challenge agent that induces the disease or condition that the investigational treatment is intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent, represented in a standardized character format.

Equal to the latest value of AGENDTC for the challenge agent.

11RFICDTCDate/Time of Informed ConsentCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC117452The date or date and time of informed consent, represented in a standardized character format.

12RFPENDTCDate/Time of End of ParticipationCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC117453The date or date and time of last contact with or information about a subject in a trial, represented in a standardized character format.Should correspond to the last known date of contact.
13DTHDTCDate/Time of DeathCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC117450The date or date and time of death, represented in a standardized character format.Should represent the date/time that is captured in the clinical-trial database.
14DTHFLSubject Death FlagChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC117451An indication that the subject died.A value of "Y" indicates the subject died. Should be "Y" or null. Should be populated even when the death date is unknown.
15SITEIDStudy Site IdentifierChar
Record Qualifier

C83081A sequence of characters used to uniquely identify the facility associated with study-specific activities.

16INVIDInvestigator IdentifierChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trials

An identifier to describe the Investigator for the study. May be used in addition to the SITEID. Not needed if SITEID is equivalent to INVID.
17INVNAMInvestigator NameChar
Synonym QualifierINVIDNot in nonclinical trials

Name of the investigator for a site.
18BRTHDTCDate/Time of BirthCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalRecord Qualifier

C83217The date or date and time of birth, represented in a standardized character format.

Record Qualifier

C170981A numeric representation of the elapsed time since birth at a specific point in time defined for the trial, used for study data tabulation.

May be derived as (RFSTDTC-BRTHDTC), but BRTHDTC may not be available in all cases (due to subject privacy concerns).

20AGETXTAge TextCharnumber-numberRecord Qualifier

C170982The age at a specific point in time defined for the trial, expressed as a range.The age of the subject at study start, as planned, expressed as a range. If an age integer value is available, then populate the age variable instead. Either the AGE or AGETXT variable should be populated, but not both.
21AGEUAge UnitsChar
Variable QualifierAGE; AGETXT
C50400The unit of time used to express the age, using standardized values.

Record Qualifier

Sex of the subject.
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trials

Race of the subject. Sponsors should refer to FDA guidance regarding the collection of race data.
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trials

The ethnicity of the subject. Sponsors should refer to FDA guidance regarding the collection of ethnicity data.
Record Qualifier
Not in human clinical trialsC96433The common (non-taxonomic) name for an animal used as the test system in a study.
Record Qualifier
Not in human clinical trialsC14419The vendor-supplied species/strain/substrain designation for the test system under study. It may combine the species, background strain, substrain, and associated genetic modifications as supplied by the vendor (e.g. FISCHER 344, SPRAGUE-DAWLEY IGS, WISTAR Kyoto, BEAGLE, CYNOMOLGUS, RHESUS, CHIMPANZEE).
"C57BL/6", "A/J", "B6.129-Pparg<tm2Rev>/J", "FISCHER 344", "SPRAGUE DAWLEY IGS", "WISTAR Kyoto", "BEAGLE", "CYNOMOLGUS", "CHIMPANZEE"
27SBSTRAINStrain/Substrain DetailsChar
Variable QualifierSTRAINNot in human clinical trialsC90460Additional clarifying details regarding the test system under study, such as a description of a phenotypic alteration associated with the specific genetic modification captured or collected in the Strain/Substrain variable.

28ARMCDPlanned Arm CodeChar
Record Qualifier

C83216A short sequence of characters that represents the planned arm to which the subject was assigned.Limited to 20 characters.
29ARMDescription of Planned ArmChar
Synonym QualifierARMCD
C170984The name of the planned arm to which the subject was assigned.

30ACTARMCDActual Arm CodeChar
Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC117449A short sequence of characters that represents the arm in which the subject actually participated.Limited to 20 characters.
31ACTARMDescription of Actual ArmChar
Synonym QualifierACTARMCDNot in nonclinical trialsC117448The name of the arm in which the subject actually participated.

32ARMNRSReason Arm and/or Actual Arm is NullChar
Record Qualifier

The reason why the actual arm variables are null or why both the planned and actual arm variables are null. It is assumed that if the arm and actual arm variables are null, the same reason applies to both."SCREEN FAILURE", "NOT ASSIGNED", "NOT TREATED", "UNPLANNED TREATMENT"
33ACTARMUDDescription of Unplanned Actual ArmChar
Record Qualifier

A description of actual treatment or product for a subject who did not receive treatment or the product described in one of the planned trial arms.
34SETCDSet CodeChar
Record Qualifier

C117457The standardized or dictionary-derived short sequence of characters used to represent the trial set.Defined by the sponsor (see Section 5.1.2, Trial Sets). Maximum of 8 characters. This represents the code for the trial set for which parameters are being submitted.
35RPATHCDPlanned Repro Path CodeChar
Record Qualifier
Not in human clinical trialsC170503A short sequence of characters that represents the planned reproductive path to which the subject was assigned.Limited to 20 characters.
36COUNTRYCountryCharISO 3166-1 Alpha-3Record Qualifier
Not in nonclinical trialsC170990The country in which the investigational site is located.

37DMDTCDate/Time of CollectionCharISO 8601 datetime or intervalTiming

C83243The date or date and time of demographic data collection, represented in a standardized character format.

38DMDYStudy Day of CollectionNum

C83244The actual study day of demographic data collection derived relative to the sponsor-defined reference start date.The sponsor-defined reference start date is RFSTDTC.
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