Supplement NamePriority?ProgressTherapeutic AreaComment
Adhesion Scale Yes - 2017Need more information - Unable to find a QRS called 'Adhesion Scale'.  Is this an FDA created scale?  (??? Is this the FDA Adhesion Scoring System from Assessing Adhesion with Transdermal Delivery Systems andTopical Patches for ANDAs Draft Guidance for Industry???)

Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale for AdultsYes - 2017Need more information - There are many C-SSRS instruments for adults. An instrument specifically for Adults was not found. Rows 4 thru 8 show the Adult instruments we have already done.  Are you interested in these? Or other versions?

Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Already Enrolled Subjects (C-SSRS ALREADY ENROLLED SUBJECTS)
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Baseline (C-SSRS BASELINE)
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Baseline Screening (C-SSRS BASELINE SCREENING VERSION)
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Baseline Screening Version Phase 1 Study (C-SSRS BASELINE SCREENING VERSION PHASE 1 STUDY)
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Since Last Visit (C-SSRS SINCE LAST VISIT)
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
Diabetes scale (Specific name to be provided later)Yes - 2017Need more information - need a specific name to search for.  
2019-04-08: T1D QRS are now in early development at CDISC.

Irritation ScaleYes - 2017Need more information - unable to find a QRS called 'Irritation Scale'. 

Nasal symptom scoreYes - 2017Need more information - clarification needed.  Is this the Total Nasal Symptom Score described at  ?

PROMIS Tools (Fatigue; Physical Functioning)Yes - 2017Permission to be requested
C. Conley CHF TA request 2019-01-17
Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS)Yes - 2017Done
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS)Yes - 2017Permission to be re-requested

Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC)Yes-2017Permission to be requested  Also, are you interested in all three versions?  Fyi, we have requested this before and not received permission.  

St. George's Respiratory QuestionnaireYes - 2016 and 2017Need more information - We are aware of three versions of the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (see rows 17-19) which we completed before 2016.  Is there a another version you're interested in?  

St. George's Questionnaire for COPD (SGRQ-C)
DoneCOPDFDA to Review Published Supplement?
St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire Past 3 Months Version (SGRQ PAST 3 MONTHS VERSION)
DoneCOPDFDA to Review Published Supplement?
St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire Past 4 Weeks Version (SGRQ PAST 4 WEEKS VERSION)
DoneCOPDFDA to Review Published Supplement?
36-Item Short Form (SF-36) Yes - 2016In copyright discussions
2019-04-08:  These are still in discussion with Optum.  Currently trying to reach copyright agreement terms.
Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life (ASQOL) ScaleYes - 2016Permission to be requested

Assessment in Ankylosing Spondylitis (ASAS) Response Criteria, 20% improvement (ASAS20)Yes - 2016Permission to be requested

British Isles Lupus Activity Group (BILAG)Yes - 2016Need more information.  Which version would you like? (

Complete Spontaneous Bowel Movement (CSBM)Yes - 2016Need more information - unable to find this questionnaire.  Lori McLeod also tried to find an official version for us and was told to ask the FDA.

EXACT-PROYes - 2016Done
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, 17-item (HAMD-17)Yes - 2016Done
FDA to Review Published Supplement?
International Prostate Symptom Scale (IPSS)Yes - 2016Permission to be requested

Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) Yes - 2016Permission to be requested  Fyi, we have requested this before and not received permission.  

Myelofibrosis Symptom Assessment Form (MFSAF). Especially the “splenomegaly and associated mechanical symptoms” sub-scale/domain Yes - 2016Need more information - Which version are you interested in? (
2019-05-24 update: fyi, C-Path is also extremely interested in the MFSAF instrument. T. Griffey has been working with CDISC to try and obtain permission from Mayo, but the last we heard (in Feb 2019) was that Mayo lawyers were reviewing the copyright agreement. There has been no response to inquiries since then.
Spontaneous Bowel Movement (SBM) Yes - 2016Need more information - unable to find this questionnaire.  Lori McLeod also tried to find an official version for us and was told to ask the FDA.

The SELENA-SLEDAI: The Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI), as modified in the Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment (SELENA) trialYes - 2016Terminology in progresssponsor - Eanna Kiely2019-04-08: Need to follow-up w/E. Kiely on development status.
4-Stair AscendYesPublic reviewNeurology

FDA Internal Review completed 2018-11-16

FDA Quick Review TBD

4-Stair DescendYesPublic reviewNeurology

FDA Internal Review completed 2018-11-16

FDA Quick Review TBD

9-Hole Peg TestYesDoneNeurologyFDA to Review Published Supplement?
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study - Activities of Daily Living Inventory (Severe Impairment) (DCS-ADL-SEVERE)YesTerminology doneNeurology
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study - Activities of Daily Living Inventory (Standard)(ADCS-ADL)YesTerminology doneNeurology
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study - Clinical Global Impression of ChangeYesTerminology previously done, but should it be removed?  Does the generic CGI cover this?Neurology
Bayley III Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III)YesPermission requested.  Neurology2019-04-08: CDISC copyright agreement began revisions after this had been requested.  Will re-request.
Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI)YesPermission to be requestedOncology
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS)YesSupplement in progressPsychiatryTBD
Bristol Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue Numerical Rating Scale (BRAF-NRS)YesPermission to be requestedRheumatology
Bristol Stool Scale (BSS)Yes2019-04-08: No response received after numerous requests.Gastroenterology
Children's Depression Rating Scale - Revised (CDRS-R)YesInternal reviewPsychiatryTBD
Clinical Global Impressions - generic version (CGI generic)YesIn preparation for publicationPsychiatry

C. Conley request 2019-01-30

FDA Quick Review Completed 2019-03-14

Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS)YesTerminology donePharmacology/Toxicology
Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) for DSM-5 with DSM-IVYesTerminology in progressPsychiatry
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Children's Since Last Visit (C-SSRS CHILDREN'S SINCE LAST VISIT)Yeschecking into this - I believe we may already have permission for this one.Psychiatry
Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS-28)Yesprogress unknown - checking into this
2019-04-08:  There are questions on if and how to develop this score.  Information has been received for review.
EORTC QLQ-C30YesTerminology doneOncologyTBD
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast Cancer, Version 4 (FACT-B v4)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Colorectal Cancer (FACT-C)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - General (FACT-G)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Hepatobiliary Cancer (FACT-HEP)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Leukemia Version 4 (FACT-LEU V4)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Lymphoma Version 4 (FACT-LYM V4)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Ovarian Symptom Index (FOSI)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Prostate Cancer (FACT-P)YesTerminology doneOncology
Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Fatigue Scale (FACIT-F)YesTerminology doneRheumatology
Global Dystonia Rating Scale (GDRS)YesPermission to be requestedNeurology
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)YesTerminology doneReproductive/urological
Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ)YesPermission to be requestedHeart FailureC. Conley HF TA request 2019-01-30
Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS)YesDoneNeurologyFDA to Review Published Supplement?
MINI Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE)YesSupplement undergoing PAR reviewNeurologyPAR copyright agreement expires in June 2020 - TBD
MINI Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE-II)YesSupplement undergoing PAR reviewNeurologyPAR copyright agreement expires in June 2020 - TBD
NCCN/FACT-Bladder Symptom Index (18-item) Version 2 (NCCN FACT-FBLSI-18 V2)YesTerminology doneOncology
NCCN/FACT-Kidney Symptom Index (19-item) Version 2 (NCCN FACT-FKSI-19 V2)YesTerminology doneOncology
NCCN/FACT-Ovarian Symptom Index (18-item) Version 2 (NCCN FACT-FOSI-18 V2)YesTerminology doneOncology
NCCN/FACT-Prostate Symptom Index (17-item) Version 2 (NCCN FACT-FPSI-17 V2)YesTerminology doneOncology
Neurological Outcome Scale for Traumatic Brain Injury (NOS-TBI)YesTerminology in progress - may need to re-request copyright permissionNeurology
North Star Ambulatory Assessment (NSAA)YesDoneNeurologyFDA to Review Published Supplement?
Patient Global Impressions - generic version (PGI generic)YesIn preparation for publicationUrologyFDA Quick Review Completed 2019-03-14
Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI)YesTerminology doneDermatology/DentalC. Conley PSORIASIS TA request 2019-01-17
Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders (Neuro-QoL)YesPermission to be requestedNeurology
Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology - Self-Report (QIDS-SR)YesDonePsychiatryFDA to Review Published Supplement?
Sheehan Disability Inventory (SDI)Yes
Need more information - Is this the same as the Sheehan Disability Scale?  CDISC completed a supplement for the Sheehan Disability Scale back in 2013.  If this is the scale of interest, we may need to update it.
Simpson Angus Scale (SAS)YesNeed more information - would you like the original version or the modified version?Psychiatry
Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS)YesTerminology doneNeurology / Addiciton?
Symbol Digit Substitution Test (SDST)YesPermission to be requestedPsychiatry
Rising From FloorYesPublic reviewNeurology

FDA Internal Review completed 2018-11-16

FDA Quick Review TBD

UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment (UPSA)YesPermission to be requestedPsychiatry
Visual Analog Scales (VAS)Yes

The QRS Subteam does not plan on developing VAS scales.  See Notes column for further details.  If this request is for Pain Intensity, the SDS QRS supplement needs updating (to remove Amazon reference) and ADQRS supplement is in progress.

2022-05-17. db:  Pain Intensity was specifically removed from the FDA priority list

PainThe SDS QRS Subteam views each of the different VAS questions as separate QS type instruments based on a specific topic, unless questions can be grouped together under a specific concept/name of an instrument.
SDS extended leadership team has also reviewed this topic and was in agreement with SDS QRS Subteam. 
Ten Meter Walk/RunMaybepublic reviewNeurology

FDA Internal Review completed 2018-11-16

FDA Quick review TBD

AJCC TNM Cancer Staging batteryMaybeInternal reviewOncology
Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS)Maybeprogress unknown - checking into thisPsychiatry
Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSSI)Maybeprogress unknown - checking into thisPsychiatry
Clinical Global Impression (CGI-Anxiety)MaybePublic domainPsychiatry, BP? Will use of generic CGI
Clinical Global Impression Scale-Bipolar (CGI-BP)MaybePublic domainPsychiatry, BP 
Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 - Child/Adolescent Version (CAPS-CA-5)MaybePermission to be requestedPTSD
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Children's Baseline (C-SSRS CHILDREN'S BASELINE)Maybechecking into this - I believe we may already have permission for this one.Psychiatry
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Children's Baseline Screening (C-SSRS CHILDREN'S BASELINE SCREENING)Maybechecking into this - I believe we may already have permission for this one.Psychiatry
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Lifetime/Recent (C-SSRS LIFETIME/RECENT)Maybechecking into this - I believe we may already have permission for this one.Psychiatry
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Screening (C-SSRS SCREENING)Maybechecking into this - I believe we may already have permission for this one.Psychiatry
Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI)Maybeprogress unknown - checking into thisGastroenterology/Inborn Errors
Health Assessment Questionnaire - Disability Index, WITH VAS (HAQ-DI WITH VAS)MaybeSupplement in progressNeurology
Health Assessment Questionnaire - Disability Index, WITHOUT VAS (HAQ-DI WITHOUT VAS)MaybeSupplement in progressNeurology
Pediatric Outcome Data Collection Instrument (PODCI)(parent-reported for adolescents ages 11-18)MaybeTerminology doneNeurology
Pediatric Outcome Data Collection Instrument (PODCI)(parent-reported for children ages 2-10)MaybeTerminology doneNeurology
Pediatric Outcome Data Collection Instrument (PODCI)(self-reported for adolescents ages 11-18)MaybeTerminology doneNeurology
PedsQL 3.0 Neuromuscular ModuleMaybeReady for public reviewNeurology
Performance of Upper Limb Scale Version 1.2 (PULv1.2)MaybeTerminology doneNeurology
Performance of Upper Limb Scale Version 2.0 (PULv2.0)MaybeTerminology doneNeurology
Physician Global Assessment of Disease Activity (PhysGA)Maybeprogress unknown - checking into this (GCI Genric supplement states PGA type instruments should use the CGI Generic approach??)MultipleC. Conley PSORIASIS TA request 2019-01-17 (place at bottom of list)
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale Excited Component (PANSSEC)MaybeNeed more information - Is this the same as PANSS?  If so, we've already done this.Psychiatry
Suicidal Ideation Qustionnaire (SIQ)MaybeSupplement undergoing PAR reviewPsychiatryPAR copyright agreement expires in June 2020
Tanner Staging Form - Boy (TANNER SCALE BOY VERSION)MaybeDone - moved to reproductive domainAdolescent DevelopmentNo RP based supplement yet
Tanner Staging Form - Girl (TANNER SCALE GIRL VERSION)MaybeDone - moved to reproductive domainAdolescent DevelopmentNo RP based supplement yet
Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication (14-item) Version 1.4 (TSQM V1.4)Maybeprogress unknown - checking into thisMultiple
Verbal Learning and Recall Test (VLRT)Maybechecking into this - we have the Rey's AVLT already.  This may have been a duplicate in our list.Psychiatry and GAD

Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI)No longer, per FDATerminology done; supplement in progressDermatology/DentalC. Conley PSORIASIS TA request  not priority 2019-01-30

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