Document the subject's status at study completion. If the subject discontinued prematurely, record the primary reason for discontinuation. | What was the subject's status? DSDECOD | <NCOMPLT codelist> | |
If Adverse Event is selected from the Status list, provide the verbatim reason. | DSTERM | _________________ | |
Record the date that the subject completed the study using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). If the subject did not complete the study, record the date that the subject discontinued. | DSSTDAT DSSTDTC | _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ | |
Record the time (as complete as possible) that the subject completed the study. If the subject did not complete the study, record the time (as complete as possible) that the subject discontinued. | DSSTTIM DSSTDTC | _ _ : _ _ : _ _ |
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