The use of nested ItemGroupDef for representation of a Biomedical Concept
<MetaDataVersion xmlns="" OID="MDV.BC.BLOOD_PRESSURE" Name="Example Biomedical Concept in ODMv2: Blood Pressure">
	<!-- This example demonstrates the use of ODMv2 nested ItemGroupDef for representation of a Biomedical Concept, 
	in this case for blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) -->
	<!-- The example also demonstrates the use of Internationalization (i14n) -->
	<!-- The "Type" attribute is set to "Concept" to indicate the ItemGroupDef is used to define a concept -->
    <ItemGroupDef OID="IG.BC.BLOOD_PRESSURE" Name="Biomedical Concept Blood Pressure" Repeating="No" Type="Concept">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Example Biomedical Concept: Blood Pressure</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Beispiel Biomedizinisches Konzept: Blutdruck</TranslatedText>
        <!-- Demonstrates the use of "nested" ItemGroups - we have one for each concept part, 
		in this case "systolic blood pressure" and "diastolic blood pressure" -->
        <ItemGroupRef ItemGroupOID="IG.SYSTOLIC_BP" Mandatory="Yes"/>
        <ItemGroupRef ItemGroupOID="IG.DIASTOLIC_BP" Mandatory="Yes"/>
    <!-- Separate ItemGroups for diastolic and systolic blood pressure -->
	<!-- Systolic blood pressure -->
    <ItemGroupDef OID="IG.SYSTOLIC_BP" Name="Systolic Blood Pressure Measurement" Repeating="No" Type="Concept" >
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Systolic Blood Pressure</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Systolischer Blutdruck</TranslatedText>
		<!-- The systolic blood pressure concept has value, the position of the subject, 
		the body location of the measurement, and the laterality (left, right) of the measurement location -->
		<!-- Also remark that these are shared between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, 
		i.e. both use the same attribute definitions -->
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_VALUE" Mandatory="Yes" UnitsItemOID="IT.BP_UNITS"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_POSITION" Mandatory="Yes"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION" Mandatory="No"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION_LATERALITY" Mandatory="No"/>
 	<!-- The diastolic blood pressure concept has value, the position of the subject, 
		the body location of the measurement, and the laterality (left, right) of the measurement location -->
    <ItemGroupDef OID="IG.DIASTOLIC_BP" Name="Diastolic Blood Pressure Measurement" Repeating="No" Type="Concept" >
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Diastolic Blood Pressure</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Diastolischer Blutdruck</TranslatedText>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_VALUE" Mandatory="Yes" UnitsItemOID="IT.BP_UNITS"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_POSITION" Mandatory="Yes"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION" Mandatory="No"/>
        <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BP_LOCATION_LATERALITY" Mandatory="No"/>
    <!-- Remark: the alternative would probably have been to have a repeating ItemGroup that repeats over "Systolic" and "Diastolic -->
    <!-- Item definitions -->
	<!-- The blood pressure value (a number) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_VALUE" Name="Blood Pressure Value" DataType="decimal">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Blood Pressure Value</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Blutdruckwert</TranslatedText>
        <!-- In the case of a Biomedical Question, would one also add the child element "Question" -->
	<!-- The unit for the blood pressure measurement (e.g. mmHg, cmHg, kPa, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_UNITS" Name="Units for blood pressure" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Blood Pressure Unit</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Blutdruck Einheit</TranslatedText>
		<!-- For the unit, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C71620 (UNIT codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C71620.UNIT.SUBSET"/>
	<!-- The body position of the measurement (e.g. sitting, standing, supine, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_POSITION" Name="Body Position" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Body Position</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Körperposition</TranslatedText>
	 	<!-- For the body position, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C71148 (Position codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C71148.POSITION.SUBSET"/>
	<!-- The body location of the measurement (e.g. arm, ankle, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_LOCATION" Name="Body Location" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Body Location</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Körperteil</TranslatedText>
	 	<!-- For the body location, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C74456 (Anatomical location codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C74456.LOC.SUBSET"/>
	<!-- The laterality of the measurement location (e.g. left, right, ...) -->
    <ItemDef OID="IT.BP_LOCATION_LATERALITY" Name="Laterality" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Laterality</TranslatedText>
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Lateralität</TranslatedText>
	 	<!-- For the laterality, we use a subset of the CDISC codelist C99073 (Laterality codelist) -->
        <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C99073.LAT.SUBSET"/>
    <!-- CodeLists -->
    <CodeList OID="CL.C71148.POSITION.SUBSET" Name="Position" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C71148 for blood pressure, limited to "SITTING", "STANDING", "SUPINE"</TranslatedText>
		<!-- For each of the allowed terms, we provide the CDISC/NCI code in the "Coding" element. 
		It also indicates that we are using the 2022-03-25 version of the CDISC controlled terminology. -->
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="SITTING">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Sitting</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Sitzend</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C62122" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="STANDING">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Standing</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Stehend</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C62166" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="SUPINE">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Supine</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">In Rückenlage</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C62167" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
		<!-- Also the codelist itself, as a subset of the "Position" codelist, has an CDISC/NCI code -->
        <Coding Code="C71148" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
    <CodeList OID="CL.C74456.LOC.SUBSET" Name="Anatomical Location" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C74456 for blood pressure, limited to "ARM", and "ANKLE JOINT"</TranslatedText>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="ARM">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Arm</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Oberarm</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C32141" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="ANKLE JOINT">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Ankle joint</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Knöchel</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C32078" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <Coding Code="C74456" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
    <CodeList OID="CL.C99073.LAT.SUBSET" Name="Laterality" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C99073 for blood pressure, limited to "LEFT" and "RIGHT"</TranslatedText>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="LEFT">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Left</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Links</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C25229" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="RIGHT">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Right</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">Rechts</TranslatedText>
        <Coding Code="C99073" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
    <CodeList OID="CL.C71620.UNIT" Name="Blood Pressure Unit" DataType="text">
            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">Codelist subset from CDISC codelist C99073 for blood pressure, limited to "mmHg", "cmHg" and "Pa"</TranslatedText>
		<!-- For each of the items in the list of allowed values, we also add the UCUM notation of the unit, using the "Coding" element.
		This is especially important for use with Electronic Health Records (EHRs) where UCUM is almost always used for units of measure. -->
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="mmHg">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">mmHg</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">mmHg</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C49670" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
            <!-- UCUM equivalent, especially useful for EHR retrieval/mapping -->
            <Coding Code="mm[Hg]" System="" SystemName="UCUM"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="cmHg">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">cmHg</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">cmHg</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C147129" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
            <!-- UCUM equivalent, especially useful for EHR retrieval/mapping -->
            <Coding Code="cm[Hg]" System="" SystemName="UCUM"/>
        <CodeListItem CodedValue="kPa">
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="en" Type="text/plain">kPa</TranslatedText>
                <TranslatedText xml:lang="de" Type="text/plain">kPa</TranslatedText>
            <Coding Code="C42547" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
            <!-- UCUM equivalent, especially useful for EHR retrieval/mapping -->
            <Coding Code="kPa" System="" SystemName="UCUM"/>
        <Coding Code="C71620" System="" SystemName="CDISC/NCI CT" SystemVersion="2022-03-25"/>
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