• Blue text has been updated
  • Questionnaire/Functional Test/Clinical Classification-specific text has been updated and is in blue.
  • Dates in headers/footers have been updated
  • Annotated CRF has been created, flattened, and attached in Section 2 when allowed
  • Approval from the SDS QRS Sub-team has been obtained
  • Project Manager/Team Lead provided Wiki Administrator with a list of team members that can edit the space during the internal review
  • Project Manager/Team Lead notified Wiki Administrator and Program Management at least 3 days before planned internal review posting


  • Wiki Administrator closed the Internal Review
  • Project Manager/Team Lead assigned comments from the Wiki to team members (all comments submitted via spreadsheet or other means should be entered as JIRA issues)
  • Project Team resolved internal review comments, and updated the draft document in the Wiki
    If applicable:
  • Project Manager/Team Lead notified the Education Team of the target date for the public review posting and webinar presenters
  • The Education Team scheduled the draft standard as a topic for the monthly public webinar that is closest to the public review release date

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  • No labels