25 April 2014



Discussion Items

 Process Flow 

In agreement that PM attendance at the Terminology Team's meeting when the TA Team's request is being discussed is optional

Goal is to get the Terminology Specialist involved from the beginning

Need to update Task Map, Process document starts at box #4

 Excel Sheet 

Current Status column: Already Exists, In Progress, Approved, Denied

Notes column: What stage of progress? needs further discussion for harmonization? check with another team? if something is on hold, not yet submitted, Denial reason, ccode if one already exists, approved for what package release

Status date column- i.e. how long has it been in progress? May not be worth updating if this is only for public review/publication, spreadsheet constantly updated for the TA team, should always be up to date

2 documents with the same information to keep in sync? goal is 1 document that the TATS person maintains, this document should go out with the public review user guide and final user guide, remove notes column when publishing with the user guide

Everyone is ok with the process, will give everyone another week to process it, then have one more meeting 

Decided to pilot the process with Hep-C and Schizophrenia, maybe TBI later

Pam will be the Terminology Specialist for Hep-C and Schizophrenia

Will have a lessons learned meeting afterwards

Action Items

  • Alana St. Clair to send a doodle poll for the 3rd meeting, 3rd meeting: May 5, 3-4pm CST