Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.
Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.
This is an example of urine glucose test records, 1 with a result and 1 with no result because the test was not performed due to sample being insufficient.
Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.
This is an example of albumin tests done for pooled subjects. Samples from subjects ABC-009, ABC-010, and ABC-011 were pooled, and their results were reported as pooled results. The associated POOLDEF rows follow, to illustrate the pool definition.
The following example shows cases of categorical data that cannot be considered as numeric, even though in some cases it appears that the data includes a number. The allowed values in these ranges should be defined in the data definition file. Samples were collected at one point and not over a given interval.
Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.