This example shows clinical signs captured in the collection system using no categorization by CLCAT or CLTEST and having result categorization applied after collection for reporting purposes. CLTESTCD and CLTEST are recorded as simply "Clinical Sign", and CLRESCAT is used to categorize each result.
This example shows clinical signs captured in the collection system using categorization by CLTEST and having result categorization applied after collection for reporting purposes. CLTESTCD and CLTEST are used to capture the collection system's breakdown of observations and CLRESCAT is used to categorize each result.
Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.
This example shows clinical signs captured in the collection system using categorization by CLSCAT or CLTEST. CLTESTCD and CLTEST are used to capture the collection system's breakdown of observations. CLSCAT further categorizes tests in the collection system.
CLTESTCD and CLTEST are used to describe different tests whose results were recorded during the examination. CLSCAT is used to break tests into multiple categories as recorded during examination.
This example shows clinical signs captured in the collection system using categorization with CLCAT. CLTESTCD and CLTEST are simply "Clinical Signs" for all entries in this example. Examples show results for 2 animals caged together, so POOLID and not USUBJID is populated. The POOLDEF table (see Section, SEND Pool Definition (POOLDEF)) TOBA-277 - Getting issue details... STATUS is shown below.
This example shows clinical signs captured in the collection system using categorization. CLTESTCD and CLTEST are simply "Clinical Signs" for all entries in this example. Time points are included to indicate the signs that were taken for post-dose periods.
Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.
This example shows clinical signs categorized by CLTEST, with CLEVAL used to specify the role of the person who performed the examination. Physical examinations were captured in the collection system using categorization by CLTEST but not by CLCAT. CLTESTCD and CLTEST are used to capture the collection system's breakdown of observations.
Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.
This example shows ophthalmoscopic examinations captured in the collection system using no result categorization applied after collection for reporting purposes.
Clinical sign related to a finding in anther domain. This example shows 2 unrelated clinical signs: thinning fur on the left hindpaw and swelling seen on the animal that then was determined to be a mass. A RELREC example is used to tie the record for the mass to an Macroscopic Findings (MA) record.
Dataset Wrapper Debug Message
Please add a row column to your dataset.