This is an example of a CRF used to collect vital signs.
Record date of measurements using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). | VSDAT VSDTC | _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ | |
Record time of measurement. | VSTIM VSDTC | _ _ : _ _ : _ _ | |
Record the height result. | HEIGHT VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "HEIGHT" | _______ | |
Record or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF. | Height Unit HEIGHTU VSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "HEIGHT" | <VSRESU codelist> | |
Record the weight result. | WEIGHT VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "WEIGHT" | _______ | |
Record or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF. | Weight Unit WEIGHTU VSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "WEIGHT" | <VSRESU codelist> | |
Record the temperature result. | TEMP VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "TEMP" | _______ | |
Record or select the original unit in which these data were collected, if not pre-printed on CRF. | Temperature Unit TEMPU VSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "TEMP" | <VSRESU codelist> | |
Record the respiratory rate result. | RESP VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "RESP" | _______ | |
RESPU VSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "RESP" Pre-populated | breaths/min <VSRESU codelist> | ||
Record the systolic blood pressure result. | SYSBP VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "SYSBP" | _______ | |
SYSBPU VSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "SYSBP" Pre-populated | mmHg <VSRESU codelist> | ||
Record the diastolic blood pressure result. | DIABP VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "DIABP" | _______ | |
DIABPU VSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "DIABP" Pre-populated | mmHg <VSRESU codelist> | ||
Record the pulse rate result. | PULSE VSORRES where VSTESTCD = "PULSE" | _______ | |
PULSEU VSORRESU where VSTESTCD = "PULSE" Pre-populated | beats/min <VSRESU codelist> |
This is an example of the SDTM VS domain.
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